
Top 10 Best Controllers of All Time

Through all the calluses, stiff fingers and bouts of tendinitis, GameDaily chose their favorite video game controllers.

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JVIDICAN5957d ago

there seriously running out of things to do the "top ten" for

GutZ315957d ago (Edited 5957d ago )

First pic. Lol.

second Pic, my choice of number 1 controller.

wAtdaFck5957d ago

They're eventually gonna have to a "Top Ten most Unreliable Consoles of all time," and given the sites history, I can speculate what console won't make 1st place.

5957d ago
boodybandit5957d ago

A top ten for controllers and a lame top ten at that.

I would think the DS controller would be higher. It was one of the best controllers I have ever used for fighting games.

I am surprised the Wii controller (although I don't own a Wii) didn't make the list.

I really like the 360 controller but I find it hard to believe it made the number one spot with the D pad it has.

I am also a little surprised the saturn pad didn't make the list. That controller was excellent for fighting games on a system that was one of the best system for 2d fighters.

About the only one I agree with is the Logitech G25 wheel. That wheel is incredible.

GVON5957d ago (Edited 5957d ago )

I'm surprised the classic controller for the wii isn't there, best one I've held for years. feels like the snes but has all the buttons of a ds3

LaChance5957d ago (Edited 5957d ago )

talking about the Dpad ( something almost NEVER used this gen)

Take away the 2 or 3 fighting games that come out each year , and you end up with 0 games REALLY using the D pad.

The Dualshock the best controller because of the D pad ? LMAO.

You guys dont even use it !

To me the 360 controller is more comfortable than the PS3 controller BUT the game feels almost 100% the same whether youre using the 360 pad or the PS3 pad.It has 0 im^pact on the quality of a game.

Real Gambler5957d ago

Wicked! Didn't even made the list????

For all the other consoles, you hear: I'm buying it for the games.
For the Wii? It's the controller

Dang, even that Wiiboard thing should have made the list.

Presentist5956d ago

The dual shock doesn't suck but it's not as good or reliable as the 360 controller.

Regardless, my top 5:

5. Steel Battalion (oh m'gosh)
4. Dual Shock
3. Xbox360 Wireless
1. Dreamcast

godofthunder105956d ago

i just don't understand fanboys,they just can't be unbias.i'll agree with some people comment that the ps3 is the most dependable console every made.

the problem i have is people saying that the 360 controller sux,and cheap made and that's just bias remarks because they have a ps3 and just can't or want admit the truth.

the 360 controller not onlt have the best lay out it is one of the most comforable controller every made and it is one of the most dependable one ever made and i'm not talking about the 360 system,i know it's not the most reliable console every made.

like i said before i'll agree that the ps3 is the most reliable console every made but the controllers need work,it is one of the most uncomforable and cheapest controller that every was made.

i don't know why people are claiming that the d pad on the 360 controller sux,i bought my 360 system and 2 controller since launch and i never had a problem with my controller or my system yet(i guess i'm lucky).

the ds3 controller layout can't compare to the 360.the people that claim this are bias.the 360 controller is made better and you could just tell by holding them because the ps3 controller is real light and the 360 controller has a little weight to it,and it is a lot more comforable then the ps3 controller.

ECKOo95956d ago

The xbox three sixty d-pad sucks A. Thats my only complaint other than the PS2 guncon WTF? the list wasn't that bad just a stupid idea to start with.

dan-boy5956d ago

before i read the article, i browsed through some of the posts. just by reading the first ten replys i realised that they had obviously voted the 360 pad somewhere high up, and had overlooked the ps3 pad..lol

the 360 d-pad doesn't work very good at-all, but considering it's hardly used, it's something i can live with. imo the 360 pad is the best pad ever! i just hope microsoft do a sony, and use it for every coming gen of console. it fit's the hand lovely, and the staggered thumbsticks are unbeatable for plenty of games!

i loved the playstation pads until the controller "s" was released for the original xbox. the only thing now imo that the playstation pad is better for using is in pro evo soccer! other than that, the 360 pad is the best for everything else.

jadenkorri5956d ago

first all, the xbox controller is based on the dual shock and was a complete copy...whats so great...ohhh...they moved d-pad to left analog and left analog to d-pad, thats it, thats all they did, its not great, i still find it clumsy when i tryied the 360 controller....but its prob cause im so used to the dual shock, its been out since the ps1, and has lasted almost 10 years...I've mastered the dual shock and tyring another controller will like any new controller take time... but the dual shock if anything should of taken 2nd, and wouldn't of minded... but this is gamesdaily, and sony gets the short end of the stick from them all the time....

RevN8r5956d ago (Edited 5956d ago )

I'm kind of wondering if this list wasn't compiled some time ago, and only recently uploaded. I say this because it seems foolish that the Wiimote isn't mentioned at all, and that the Dual Shock 2 is ahead of the Dual Shock 3. Add to that, the Dreamcast controller (remember the vmu? Awesome concept) didn't even make the list - just seems a little fishy to me.

As for my personal preference, I've got to go with the Sony controller over Microsoft. For me the 360's d-pad is awful, the battery bump is in a slightly awkward place, the placement of the headset connection is bad (how the bottom of the controller made sense is beyond me), even the start and back buttons aren't as good as Sony's (I know, it's a minor complaint, but I've missed hitting them before). It just seems to me that those are some fairly glaring problems that are not there with the Dual Shock 3. I do slightly prefer the 360 triggers to the DS3, but that is honestly something I could just about go either way with.

My top five would probably look something like this:

5. Steel Battalion Controller - My father-in-law had it, all I can say is wow!
4. PS3 Rock Band Strat - I prefer it, I know a lot of people don't (yes I do have the Gibson)
3. Dual Shock 3 - My present controller of choice
2. Wiimote and Nunchuck - How did this miss the list?
1. Dreamcast - I thought that vmu was genius

Just my opinion

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Gun_Senshi5957d ago

Top 10 Controllers are subject to one's personal opinion.

socomnick5957d ago

yea but when many people share the same positive feelings toward a controller it becomes great. Everyone I know believes the Xbox 360 is the best controller they have ever played with the dpad sucks though :(.

Darkwolf5957d ago

The Gamecube controller is better than that 360 piece of shiit...

AngryTypingGuy5956d ago

"Research, and lots of it". The 360 controller ABSOLUTELY deserves to be #1. Whether or not it is the best is of course an opinion, but whether or not it's the most ergonomically correct controller ever made is not. It is a fact that it fits the hands better than any other controller out there.

Many people will deny it because of their hate for MS, but they know deep down that it is the best controller. Others will like the PS controller better because they got used to the design two gens ago, but most people who never used either will get used to the feel of the 360 controller sooner.

qwert5956d ago

Hey, that's no bullcrap! i love my X360 controller, is so heavy that I use it for hammer... And is so big and heavy that 1 hour later I'm really tired, who needs wiifit! And playing DOA4 whith this controller is an unique experience...

liquidsnake5956d ago

"How does a company go from creating one of the most nightmarish peripherals ever made (the fatty Xbox pad) to releasing the greatest controller ever conceived?"

By copying Sony.

Kleptic5956d ago

the 360 does have a great controller...much better than either version the original xbox had...but like typing guy mentioned, I still prefer the 10 year plus and running PS controller...symmetrical sticks feel more natural to me...always have...I know that after prolonged use of a 360 controller I would probably get more used to it...but I also prefer the PS3's internal battery, and USB recharging over anything to do with AA batteries (whether rechargable or not, or that pack thing you mount on the wall)...

on another note though, this is a typical crap list from gamedaily...Don't forget this is the site that listed the Xbox 360 as the best CONSOLE ever made...with the PS2 way back, the Wii ahead of the SNES, and the PS3 no where to be found...they like the 360 for whatever reason...don't be surprised if things like this continue from that site...

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Bigbangbing5957d ago

[How does a company go from creating one of the most nightmarish peripherals ever made (the fatty Xbox pad) to releasing the greatest controller ever conceived?]


tell this to who think killzone2 will be the same as killzone1

time change people.

Presentist5956d ago

Man your comments suck...

Seriously...just stop talking.

PS360WII5957d ago

as cool as the 360 pad is no way with that d-pad could it be that far up the list

etownone5957d ago (Edited 5957d ago )

you two obviously dont own a 360.

even i'll admit the d-pad sucks compared to others. but,
even with the gimped d-pad, what controller do you think is better?
this controller is by far the most comfortable in your hands, and the analog sticks are perfectly placed.

this isn't the first time i've seen the 360 controller praised as the all time best. but you gotta wonder, why in the hell wont they fix the d-pad and make it perfect.

oks. my bad then, so tell me then, since your obviously as hardcore a gamer as they come. what do you think should be considered the best?
i choose the 360 for the comfort, pressure sensitive trigger buttons, and perfectly placed analog sticks.

PS360WII5957d ago

etownone... my avatar is a pick I took at my house... yes I own a 360 along with a few other consoles. It's comfortable yes but come on just cuz I don't think it belongs on the top spot doesn't mean I don't own a 360

GutZ315957d ago

Sega saturn analog controller my number one pick.

Xakep5957d ago

Dude, that Dpad sucks. Play 3rd Strike or Kof2k2/2k3 on it and then come back and say it doesn't.

poopsack5957d ago

the sixaxis' R2 and L2 are pressure sensitive as well so you obviously dont own a PS3.

Cd3112905957d ago

The 360 controller is not as good as people make it out to be.
First off its only good for shooters, because the triggers make it a pain in the ass to hit the shoulder buttons and the triggers aren't that sensitive.
Secondly its too heavy, i kinda find it bulky and that my hands aren't very responsive on it cause i find they don't move as quickly on it.
Thirdly the Dpad on it is dirt making fighting games impossible on it.

And has no one noticed that microsoft just completely ripped off sega's saturn and dreamcast controllers?

PS360WII5957d ago

no worries etown ^^ I consider myself more oldschool then anything because my greatest is the SNES pad (shooters are okay but come on the best genre is the rpg and no need for analog with them ^.-)

BeNice5957d ago

and technically according to some claims that the d-pad is the only flaw i guess i can also say that the gamecube controller deserves to be up there as well. its only flaw is the c-stick really and its got a top notch d-pad.

ScentlessApprentice75957d ago

Oh Yeah, something else related to the xbox 360 is going to top another one of these "top ten" lists. I would have never guessed it *rolls eyes*

How can they prefer the Dualshock 2 over the Dualshock 3. The Dualshock 3 is everything the Dualshock 2 is, except its got better rumble tech and Sixaxis motion sensing.

shine13965956d ago

@ScentlessApprentice7: good point...six axis in war hawk is mind blowingly....okay maybe not mind blowing but really really cool. and the ds3 has that on top of everything the dualshock 2 had. and its wireless. and it's rechargable. no batteries to worry about... can't figure how ds2 beat out ds3, cause they are essentially the same, except the ds3 has all the things above as well.

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SamStrife5957d ago

"A decent D-pad." No fricking way, it's awful and everyone knows it. The 360 controller should in no way be number one, and the Dualshock 2/3 should be way higher.

etownone5957d ago

no kid.

thats just wishful thinking from another sonyfan.

so just accept it.

flambeau5957d ago (Edited 5957d ago )

They are xbox fanboys so thats why the controller is first,they even admitted in a article. But the analog sticks work great on xbox controller.

solidjun55957d ago (Edited 5957d ago )

someone disagree with the assertion that the 360 is the best controller, you come out and say wishful thinking. man, you're so full of it.

my bad, i was responding to the post you made 10 minutes ago. I got them mixed up. The one regarding "you two don't obviously...". Long day man, long day.

5957d ago
Black_Jack5956d ago

if anything, a most POPULAR controller of all time list where people vote would be more credible, not some lame ass list created by just one man.

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It was fun back in the day. When they made it always online I skipped it


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I have to disagree. Personally, I feel like DD2 still needs a lot of optimization. I really dislike games that try to sell a bunch of DLC when their game is still a mess.

Redgrave2d ago

This, RDR2, Bloodborne.... and of course, Life of Black Tiger.