
Japanese sales: Wii U continues its upswing

Wii U Daily;"Here’s a look at the sales numbers in Japan this week, marking the third consecutive week of Mario Kart 8 being available on the market. The game itself has dropped in sales numbers significantly, showing most Japanese gamers picked it up when it first became available. Nevertheless it was able to retain its top position on the software chart with 42k sales, down from nearly 440k the week previous. As we move into the Mario Kart 8 long-tail of availability, the interesting question will be if Wii U sales continue to remain steady."

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slivery3648d ago (Edited 3648d ago )

Not in Japan..

Edit: Absolutely amazing anyone disagrees with me, do you think I just hate the Wii U or something? I can understand some phantom disagrees but jeez, sorry for actually seeing the numbers for what they are. I am capable of doing math and lower numbers each week are by no means a upswing in sales..

Do I need to post a picture of my Wii U with my name ffs, will that make you agree with actual real world logic?

Concertoine3648d ago (Edited 3648d ago )

Hey, calm down.

Yeah its a sad sight to see that these numbers are considered "good" in japan these days, but honestly in the forseeable future the Wii U is the only next gen console with any success there. Nintendo's bringing out very japanese-centric releases there:

Hyrule Warriors
Fatal Frame
Bayonetta 2
Xenoblade X

Thats on top of the inevitable animal crossing, party games, etc. which are also huge there.

Ps4 has a good chance to catch up but the thing is nothing big in japan is releasing there until next year. Xbone is doomed to niche status like last gen, probably.

thehobbyist3647d ago

The reason your comment was received with such negativity is because you made a claim and didn't support it with evidence. It's not some fanboy crap, it's science.
Make a claim, back it up with supporting evidence, or no one will believe you.

TekoIie3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

"Do I need to post a picture of my Wii U with my name ffs, will that make you agree with actual real world logic?"

So making a claim without evidence and expecting people to agree with you is logical?

"I am capable of doing math and lower numbers each week are by no means a upswing in sales.."

You replied to a comment saying "Wii U is making a comeback". Don't use the reply button if your comment if not meant to be a reply.

Mikito113647d ago

I disagreed after reading your edit... Stop whining lol

meganick3647d ago

Dude, this is an article about positive Wii U sales in Japan, so why would you reply "not in Japan"? Yes in Japan! And everywhere else for that matter. Mario Kart 8 has boosted Wii U sales worldwide significantly.

Samus HD3646d ago

it's not about if u have a wii U or not. Your comment just dosen't fit, it's BAD, live with it

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3646d ago
slivery3648d ago

Correct me if I am wrong but how on earth is this a comeback when the numbers are lower every time? I think someone needs to recheck the definition of upswing...

Not trying to be negative but when I read the title I expected higher sales than previous weeks, not lower.

danny8183648d ago

the vita is making a comeback

LOL_WUT3648d ago

Yup not to mention it outsold the WiiU even after the release of MK8. This is why I was telling folks not to jinx it ;)

danny8183648d ago

why am I getting downvoted?! lol I guess but all the sales numbers seem low to me

randomass1713648d ago (Edited 3648d ago )

Handhelds are outselling consoles in general. Having Wii U up there at all makes the situation less dire. Saying Vita is doing better than Wii U in Japan is like saying PS4 is doing better than Vita in the west. The markets are behaving differently, so comparing handheld sales to console sales seems to be a bit of a moot point.

meganick3647d ago

Not really. Vita sales have been high in Japan for a while. The japanese love portables so they consistently outsell consoles in that country.

lilbroRx3647d ago

lol_fail. lol

According ot what I'm seeing, the Wii U outsold the Vita in Japan and everywhere. http://www.vgchartz.com/

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3647d ago
paleselan3648d ago (Edited 3648d ago )

This. 12k in a week is nothing to boast about.

danny8183648d ago

Japanese numbers are always low. but 12k is really low. saying that mk8 had just released.

meganick3647d ago

It's still higher than every other console on the Japanese charts, even PS4.

randomass1713648d ago

It's WiiUDaily. They're not a great site for information and tend to greatly exaggerate high points for Wii U. This is not an upswing, but considering general console performance in Japan, this could be worse I suppose.

Mikito113647d ago

It's still outselling ps4 so your point is? Consoles don't sell well in japan, the Japanese gamers love gaming on the go

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3647d ago
HollywoodLA3648d ago

This article is so delusional...

MarioKart -- now back to last place.

slivery3648d ago

Mario Kart is doing fine, it isn't in last place.

The problem is the article creates the illusion Wii U sales have been increasing but the sales have been lower every week since the release of Mario Kart 8.

If you people even read the article they stated its a drop in sales but then make a headline saying its a upswing? So can you see why I am even commenting on this? This article makes no sense.

You can't have a drop in sales and call that a upswing.

Everyone made up the excuse before that it was just because it was a couple days sales and now we are getting a continued decrease in sales in Japan every week and people still want to ignore it.

Whatever, going back to playing Mario Kart, sometimes I can't even stand how delusional the fans are, that I am even apart of.

I just get chewed out all the time for being realistic, having eyes and being able to count numbers..

HollywoodLA3648d ago

Not Mario kart in last place. Nintendo in last place.

3648d ago Replies(1)
Fel083648d ago

I love how people are laughing at the WiiU sales in Japan when all the other consoles aren't selling so well either. Where are the SONY fanboys who said the PS4 was going to dominate in japan?

worldwidegaming3648d ago

They are too busy waiting for greatness. One year or more of multi platform games or Revamped versions of last gen games. Not bad but still not new. Everyone is waking up.

randomass1713647d ago

People will focus on the success where they can. Notice how LOL_WUT said Vita was outselling Wii U (by a difference of 1k units mind you) but doesn't bring up how Wii U is outselling PS4. Really it doesn't matter because PS4 has less games with Japanese appeal than Wii U, so we may see changes later on, but it doesn't him from sensationalizing the news.

LOL_WUT3647d ago (Edited 3647d ago )

Notice how you didn't bring up MK8 despite the fact that its one of Nintendo's biggest franchises, yet the WiiU still got OUTSOLD. You can spin it however you want. ;)

Tei7773647d ago

People are laughing because 12k in the week following your biggest release of the year is not good by any standards regardless of whether you're talking handheld or home console. The PS3 was pushing 12k just a few weeks ago... The system is 7 years old and has reached saturation point.

If FFXV was released for the PS4 and the following week it only sold 12k that would worthy of laughter too.

The Wii U is NOT doing well in Japan. If 12k becomes its base then thats
passable, not good. The PS4 is failing at the moment, that goes without saying and until something of relevance is released over there, I see no reason why it should pick up.

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Looking Ahead: The Lingering Questions About the Next Mario Kart

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "10 years. It’s been almost 10 years since the last mainline release in the Mario Kart series. Mario Kart 8 came out for the Wii U in 2014 and became the best-selling game for the system by a sizeable margin, and later pulled the same magic trick on the Nintendo Switch under the stage name Deluxe. All in all, it's sold nearly 70 million copies over the last decade and is still selling like hot cakes to this day, so it’s no wonder Nintendo has been in no rush to replace it. However, with rumors of a new system being just around the corner, and reports a few years back that a new Mario Kart is indeed under way, it seems the era of 8 might very well be drawing to a close. It’s an exciting prospect to be sure, but after two Nintendo systems with Mario Kart 8 at their heart, a lot of questions remain about how Nintendo will choose to follow it up."

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Yi-Long62d ago

I hope they just keep building on Mario Kart 8; Add a track-creation tool, and probably open it up to more Nintendo IPs with new tracks and characters, so Metroid, Punch Out, Starfox, Animal Crossing, etc etc.

gold_drake62d ago

there wont be a new one until the switch 2 comes out.

nintendo needs their bangers early on


Wii U Versions of Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon's Online Play is Back

Nintendo has recently restored Wii U Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon online after five months of being offline.

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The Next Mario Kart Desperately Needs A Good Gimmick

Mario Kart 8 has been out for nine years now if you include the Wii U version. Despite the Switch port continuing to sell insane numbers since it came out in 2017, many people believed that a new installment was way past due. When the Booster Course Pass was announced instead, it was a bit controversial, with one side of people stating that it was time for a new game, and the other side believing that this was the best course of action and that there's nothing else Nintendo can do to innovate the franchise.

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Number1TailzFan360d ago

There's nothing wrong with the games, but after most of them being very samey, I got a bit bored. I liked MKDS because it added a mission mode, yeah it didn't have maybe as many as I'd like but it was decent for variety.

I really prefer the new Mario Party for the different types of games in it.

Mario Kart doesn't really feel fresh because you know what to expect for every new game pretty much. The single player mode of DKR was far more in depth a game vs Mario Kart IMO, MK is probably better for multiplayer though.

-Foxtrot360d ago

It needs a campaign mode like Crash Team Racing with open hubs, driving around the Mushroom Kingdom, selecting your races and the like. Have a system like the CTR tokens within the races that then unlock secret racing cups later on or the time relics to unlock other things.

There's nothing wrong with the games but when you've had the same set up for so many games it just gets a bit samey after a while.

They could even have something like a track creator like Modnation Racers or something.

Neonridr360d ago

I always enjoyed the single player aspect of Diddy Kong Racing myself.

Knushwood Butt360d ago

After starting with the first game on SNES, I think the last one I bought was on the DS.

Phlacky359d ago (Edited 359d ago )

I think the next gimmick should be interactive tracks with obstacles and traps such as maybe throwing a shell ahead to make something fall on another player Also have water and mud parts that effect handling more also fire parts that can cause you to over heat if you stay in it to long etc...

Yi-Long359d ago (Edited 359d ago )

I don’t think it needs ‘a gimmick’ so much, because gameplay is pretty much perfect right now, but I would like the next Mario Kart to do either a ‘track-builder’ thing, so you just get access to the tools and make your own tracks (think Modnation Racers or LBP Karting), and/or expand upon ‘Mario’ Kart and open it up to the rest of Nintendo IPs, and just do a ‘Nintendo Kart’, so we’d see more of Zelda, but also Starfox, Kirby, Metroid, Valkyria Chronicles*, etc.

* I know, technically not ‘Nintendo’.

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