
Why are we ok with this Hearthstone winner saying ‘retard’?

In the recent DreamHack Hearthstone tournament, player Radu “RDU” Dima took home the $10,000 prize, but only after someone had sent him a message revealing the cards the opposing player held in their hand. In a word, it was scandalous.

RDU took to Reddit to defend himself, explaining that he didn’t ask anyone for the information, and there wasn’t much he could gain from the knowledge he was provided anyway. He also used the word ‘retard’ three times in his explanation.

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Chuk53753d ago

One of the developers of helldivers said retarded during the ign e3 live stream and that was really uncomfortable.

thorstein3752d ago

New Rule:

The word Retard should only be used for politicians.

People with below normal intelligence will heretofore be referred to as "people with below normal intelligence."

MRMagoo1233752d ago

We are OK with it because we arent tapas eating wine drinking politically correct police.

Chuk53752d ago

My sister is mentally disabled. I don't appreciate your callous comment. Really it's comments like this that explain why people think the stuff in the FGC are indicative of the entire gaming community.

DonDon3752d ago

So is my sister too, but I live in a country where free speech trumps my "feelings". The world doesn't revolve around our own offenses. Instead of being so offended, we could educate people, instead of demanding that they be punished for using mere words. I had to develop thick skin. I suggest you do the same.

NovusTerminus3752d ago (Edited 3752d ago )

My sister is as well, and he did not mean it as a direct attack to general mentally ill people. People talk different, I cuss allot, I mean no offense by it, but grew up in the military.

I call things retarded, my sister calls things retarded, it's an expression, and a very common one at that.

It's no different then saying someone is insane, that can be seen as derogatory to clinically insane people, but no one bats an eye at it.

People talk like this. It ain't gonna change, free speech is just that, and if it offends you, don't listen to him. But he does have the right to say it.

AntsPai3752d ago

This is almost as retarded as the whole 'make Link a black woman' thing. So over sensitive.


Activision Blizzard Faces $23.4M Fine for Patent Infringement

Activision Blizzard ordered to pay $23.4M for patent infringement involving popular games.

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Skuletor138d ago

Another L for Xbox, when are they going to have good news?

MrDead138d ago

I would read the article but the giant pop-ups from the top and bottom of the screen made me close it.

Without reading $23.4 million isn't a deterrent for a company that size.

peppeaccardo138d ago

Boss: Let's fire a few people to recoup on that loss.
Slave: Cortana has decided to get rid of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.
Boss: Let's get those Firing Letters "Copilot Approved" and send them through the power of the cloud.
Slave: Long Live Phil !!!
ALL in the room: LONG LIVE PHIL !!!!

rlow1137d ago

Well another troll company with a patent trying to extort money out of companies. Seems like they’re going to try and sue everyone.


Not enough drain them for more, fuck Blizzard POS company.


Microsoft Fires Back at FTC's Accusation on Layoffs in Activision Blizzard Legal Battle

Microsoft's legal counsel has responded to the accusations leveled yesterday by the FTC within the legal battle for the acquisition of Activision Blizzard.

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229d ago Replies(1)
XiNatsuDragnel229d ago

Microsoft thinks they did right thing did they? Imo you could've merge Activision into other sectors.

Jin_Sakai229d ago

When a mega corporation is more powerful than the federal agency. Who do we have left to fight against these practices?

Eonjay229d ago

Microsoft isn't more powerful than the government and that's why you see them giving so much money to politicians. It cliche, but it's up to us to select representation that won't cave to corporate donors.

But yeah Microsoft doesn't have any defense against layoffs. No one made them do it and the went ahead with the merger knowing quite clearly that it would impact employees.

jznrpg229d ago

@Eonjsy if they weren’t more powerful the money wouldn’t work.

Inverno229d ago

Apparently the layoffs were going to happen either way, and I'm inclined to believe it because Activision is beyond scummy. I'm instead wondering why Acti hired so many people in the first place.

theindiearmy229d ago (Edited 229d ago )

Same reason a lot of tech hired a lot during covid. People were staying home, consuming a lot of personal media (buying more games, watching more shows, etc.) Companies thought investing the increased revenue in more talent would reap benefits long term. Turns out, that wasn't the case. It just led to the companies being bloated. But in a lot of cases, they were bloated even before the covid hiring sprees. Activision had 13,000 employees this time last year. Nintendo has 7,000. Keep in mind this doesn't include contract or outsourced work, which I guarantee you Activision does a lot more of than Nintendo. Makes you wonder what the hell Activision needs so many people for. They don't even make a console like Nintendo does. It sucks that people are losing their jobs, but in my opinion, a lot of these companies are still bloated even after the layoffs.

Killa78229d ago

Of course it was always going to happen... This deal was such a joke.

gold_drake229d ago (Edited 229d ago )

i dont believe that for a second.
activision had their hands full with upcoming cod titles and current ones before the merger.

and mobile games ha

Abriael229d ago

Yeah totally. In a year in which everyone's firing developers left and right, Activision *of all companies* was gonna avoid that.

My god.

gold_drake229d ago

what are u talking about ?
the merger proceedings went on for more than a year before it was actually over.

before that, there were no major layoffs. and activision was busy making games. not just one mind you.

maybe try and think for second before u comment something.

Abriael229d ago

Imagine thinking that a company like Activision would not partake in this layoff fest. Do you miss Bobby Kotick perchance? 🙄

The only one who's not thinking is you. All the big companies doing layoffs are "busy making games." That doesn't mean they're not laying off people. Take-two announced today that they're gonna have a big cost reduction plan coming (IE: many more layoffs) and they have 52 games in development.

You really can't see past your console wars, can you? 🤨

gold_drake229d ago

its ok, you dont quite seem to understand.

bless ya.

Hofstaderman228d ago

@Abriael come next week there will be no more console wars.

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That day when Activision fired Jason and Vince

“Jason and Vince just got fired!” A lead artist shouted, as he rode in on one of the many small kick-push scooters that would typically lay around the studio. He quickly scooted away to some other part of the office space to spread that shocking message.

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DaniMacYo230d ago

Activision would say that to all their victims. Here’s money now get over it.

RhinoGamer88230d ago

A friend worked there in production and was miserable due to working with IW and with ATVI. When he complained to his VP about it, he was told...be glad you have a job and are making games.

mastershredder230d ago

Sounds about right, but is also sounds like something Infinity Ward would say. They made their own bed and cashed in hard to do it. F em.

franwex230d ago

That sucks, but that’s corporate America. I mean, they could’ve turned down the money and leave to Respawn too. At least they got something, my corporation would’ve probably expected everyone to go back to normal.

gold_drake230d ago (Edited 230d ago )


"oh we're running ur life? pff get over it, like honestly"


theindiearmy230d ago

I mean, if my company wants to give me a bonus and raise my salary by 50%, I'd get over whatever the hell they wanted me to. 🤷‍♂️

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