
NVIDIA shows off Tegra on video

Engadget: Yesterday we told you about NVIDIA's new mobile platform, Tegra, and today, we've got some videos from the company showing off the system, and giving you a good impression of just how much less juice this architecture uses compared to the competition. Check the videos demonstrating the systems lean energy needs, HDMI output capabilities, blazing fast gaming, and that fancy UI we keep telling you about.

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Intel Atom vs Nvidia Tegra, size/voltage comparison

Tegra playing HD video and outputting to HDTV

Intuitive 3D User Interface with Planet 9's RayGun Navigator

Quake 3 in WVGA resolution with AA/AF at 35FPS
shine13965896d ago

nvidia and via are now together...things are heating up...

Dashmoney1015896d ago

will it have enough support to really get off the ground

Kakkoii5896d ago

It's already off the ground... That's why it's at Computex.

Nvidia already has many buyers lined up.


What happened to Arena Shooters?

What ever happened to arena shooters? We delve into the rich history of this beloved gaming subgenre, how its survived over the years, and what arena shooters look like in 2022.

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Mr_Writer85928d ago

I'd look at COD before BR.

Locking weapons and perks behind a level system.

BenRC01928d ago

Cod killed them. Tbh when cod came along, especially mw2, its was a game changer. Adding rpg elements and scorestreaks rather than just a scoreboard was very cool at the time.

Mr_Writer85928d ago


I have and always will dislike COD, they made it about time spent rather than skill.

If you're better than me in at level 1 it's down to skill. But if you don't play and only get to level 3 and I get to (just say 300) chances are my guns and perks etc I will kill you more than you kill me.

Overwatch is a good example of a game that does require skill. I have 800+ hours on that game, but some players in that game are unreal.

And you know it's down to skill as you have pretty much the same characters etc.

isarai928d ago

Also any new ones will instantly get compared to Overwatch. Which sucks cause i miss old school arcade shooters with cool characters to choose from.

fr0sty928d ago (Edited 928d ago )

I miss Unreal Tournament 2004's ultra fast paced action... nothing since has really come close to capturing it. Going on sprees never felt more satisfying. A modern day version of that would be amazing.

DigitalDaniel928d ago

Halo says "Hi".
Arena shooters are not dead.

ChubbyBlade928d ago

Infinites player base is dropping like flies because of a lack of content.

Sonyslave3928d ago

Key word lack of content not because it a arena shooter .

And it doing just fine on Xbox

Mr_Writer85928d ago

"lack of content"

Maybe if gamers didn't have the attention span of a small child.

The game hasn't even been out long. And they need new maps and weapons already?

No wonder games as a service is a thing.

ChubbyBlade928d ago

Seems both people below me don’t know how to read.

Never said the lack of content was because it’s an arena shooter nor did I say new maps or weapons.

The game has less than 1/2 of the game modes from past titles the previous ones would launch with.

There’s very little vehicle centric options and the way they spawn in makes them appear less often.

The unlocks are abysmal compared to previous titles leaving nothing to earn or work towards for those who care about that sort of thing.

Been playing since CE in 2001. Not one of these “attention span” problem gamers you’re speaking of. The game literally lacks legacy game modes and vehicle play isn’t very good.

spicelicka928d ago

lmao it's barely been out for a month, it has more than enough content for release. Far more than most games these days.

MadLad928d ago

I'll let you know when I have a hard time finding a match.

The game is as far from dead as dead can be. Not sure why you're trying to make it out to be anything other than that.

LucasRuinedChildhood928d ago (Edited 928d ago )


"Maybe if gamers didn't have the attention span of a small child."
Mate, you're the one who needs to pay attention. It's missing loads of modes (although they did add a few back in), no Forge, and barely has a progression system,

"No wonder games as a service is a thing."
You're actually defending a big issue with games as a service (less content for more money) and thinking you're clever.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 928d ago
Mr_cheese928d ago

Wouldn't mind a new Unreal Tournament to go with UE5

RaidenBlack928d ago

^^ this + competing with it, a new Quake to go with future idTech 8

LordoftheCritics928d ago (Edited 928d ago )

Devs stopped innovating on them.

Overwatch is the last innovation that has some of that vibe.

PapaBop922d ago

Agreed, you can tell Kaplan and co loved playing shooters back in the arena golden days and Overwatch is a much better game because of it. Still my go to shooter and only other shooters I've put this much time in are Quake 3 and CS.

928d ago Replies(1)
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Editorial: I Am Sick of First-Person Shooters

The Outerhaven writes: First-person shooters (or FPS for you grandchildren of boomers) is one of my favorite genres in gaming. I grew up playing games such as Doom, Quake III Arena, Unreal Tournament 2004, and others. But then something happened.

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0rbital711043d ago

FPS games are only good when theyre good atm.

Inverno1043d ago

I just wish they'd do more with the actual perspective and movement. First person view in games are so unrealistic and the lack of movement is what keeps me away from most fps.

Atticus_finch1042d ago

Yea but that kind of movement would just make for a dizzying experience.

Inverno1042d ago

Getting dizzy was half the fun of playing Mirror's Edge. Was fun having vertigo for a week after

RaidenBlack1043d ago

Sony : FPS? Yea we forgot about that ...

Nitrowolf21043d ago

that's not Sony though, they just have a timed deal. Regardless, that game was going to probably happen. Plus Arkane makes FPS

1043d ago Replies(7)
1043d ago
LordoftheCritics1043d ago (Edited 1043d ago )

I love FPS games, I'll take more.

If you actually count, there's wayyyy more 3rd person games. Possibly 3x or more

Also this should be in a new section called 'Rant'

TheDoomedGuy1043d ago

Yeah. the majority of games now are 3rd person. Very few good fps out there

Profchaos1043d ago (Edited 1043d ago )

Yeah unfortunately soany people like to post their opinions as news and the best way to get as many eyes over it is using a site like n4g to attract clicks you wouldn't normally get.

It's been years since I found any of these pay attention to me I'm so important whinging articles relevant more often they are written by outliers that just don't like the current gaming trend such as I hate open world's, battle royales, new game in popular franchise is bad because it's more accessible and popular or I liked it before it was cool

13sentinel1042d ago (Edited 1042d ago )

"Yeah unfortunately soany people like to post their opinions as news and the best way to get as many eyes over it is using a site like n4g to attract clicks you wouldn't normally get."

Yea unfortunately your comment is a useless strawman fallacy. Worthless comment.

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Hunter's Moon brings Quake 3's characters & weapons to the classic Doom Engine

Modder ‘Zanieon’ has released a brand new version of his Quake III On Doom mod, Hunter’s Moon. Hunter’s Moon is a mod for Zandronum and GZDoom that consists in bringing the single-player/cooperative campaign that Quake III Arena never had.

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