
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition Review at CheatCC - A Planet Worth Discovering?

CheatCC writes: " Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition (that's one long-winded title) takes the original game, released over a year ago, and jams it full of new weapons, some single player additions, and a massive list of online modes. Now, all these features look good on the back of the box, and should draw the average consumer's eye, but do they really add to up to a better game?"


Lost Planet series plus Resident Evil: Code Veronica X get Xbox One backward compatibility today

The entire Lost Planet series plus Resident Evil: Code Veronica X get Xbox One backward compatibility today.

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timotim1938d ago

Time to add another classic to my collection!

lxeasy1937d ago

This is absolutely amazing! To this day Lost Planet is still my all time favorite online game. Love the Lost planet franchise!

ActualWhiteMan1937d ago

Glad I kept this one. Great game, very underrated.

Movefasta19931937d ago

lost planet 1 and 2 are gems imo

spicelicka1937d ago

2 is the one with 4 player co-op right? That was amazing! Being able to fight giant monsters in co-op was so awesome. It was like Monster hunter with guns.

Movefasta19931937d ago

it had an underrated pvp mode too

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Top Ten Games to Play When You're Snowed In

Gamervision: "With about a quarter of the United States population buried in snow, there is an inordinate number of gamers at home right now. In between shoveling sessions, these gamers just might be looking for the perfect game to play to get their minds off the bitter cold barrage of frozen hell that continues to close schools and offices across the northeast. Fortunately, we at Gamervision have assembled a list of the perfect games to keep you warm during this winter lockdown, and we are perfectly qualified to do so; we're all wearing hawaiian shirts."

8 - Dante's Inferno

Hell may not be the most inviting place. In fact, by design, it's kind of the least inviting. It is, however, quite warm, and Dante's Inferno promises 8-10 hours of Stygian action, complete with plenty of searing flames. Ahhh, searing flames. Besides, if some recent reviews are any indication, people might need an excuse to play this game, anyway, so this one's as good as any.

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dominicm5236d ago

looking out my window today i needed a list like this

Solidus187-SCMilk5236d ago

but this article just reminds me of how much I loved Wave Race 64

loltim5236d ago

Looks like my one snowday just turned into two. Hmmm, Wave Race 64 IS on virtual console.....

Tony P5252d ago

Well that's different.

What extra characters will the other versions feature, I wonder.

xabmol5252d ago

Some from KZ2 maybe? Resistance? Uncharted?!

I'd like some R&C chars personally. :D

But then again... Isn't there a deep customization feature for the chars in the game already? I'll probably go with my own creation rather than a pre-made skin. Unless I can play as the Lombax, of course! x]

deadpoole5252d ago

I never thought I'd see their ugly faces again ... damn Im excited now ... Defi buy.

baum5252d ago

Yeah, those characters would surely help Lost Planet retain its futuristic atmosphere


Bnet3435252d ago

I believe Lost Planet 1 had Frank West (Dead Rising) and Megaman and playable characters. This could be the same thing, just with Gears dudes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5252d ago
Syriel5252d ago

Not too odd. Remember the PS3 release of Lost Planet included Mega Man and Frank West among others.

Granted they were Capcom characters, but still, Marcus and Dom probably fit the style of the game a bit better.

For the PS3 version it'll likely be Sony owned characters. If Resistance or Killzone had better known characters I'd guess they would be likely. Kratos is always possible, but he doesn't seem like he'd fit the universe.

TheLog5252d ago

Resistance & Killzone is FPS, remember Lost Planet 2 is TPS.

Anyways regarding Marcus & Dom...IM SOLD!! Bring it on, i hope i can still chainsaw stuff or whatever in half. Khehehe

bacon135252d ago

I remember reading about a Albert Wesker skin from RE5 as well. He comes complete with oversized magnum and patented leather gimp garb from the game.

solidt125252d ago

I like Radec from Killzone 2. They should put him in the game. or a heavy

Lehman Brothers5252d ago

PS3 version will get Ratchet & clank

Karooo5252d ago

are you insecure need to justify your 360 purchase? sorry to break it to you, but ps3 owns 360 like a 99$ b1tch in walmart which is what 360 is.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5252d ago

PS3 version will be a flop like Heavy Rain and MAG

FinalomegaS5252d ago

Have my Wesker code reserved.

Dom and Phoenix.. hmmm interesting.

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