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50 seconds of off screen gameplay for BloodBorne

The footage was recorded behond closed doors, and youtube user EmilWb leaked it for us all to check out, it’s worth your time.

-Multiple Sources for the video in the article-

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Community3760d ago
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pedrof933760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Yep, its what we want !

The main character is so cool !

KingKelloggTheWH3760d ago

Visually it looks so nice, reminds me of Demons Souls atmosphere.Which is great.

Lightning Mr Bubbles3759d ago

Weird cause I think the setting is nothing like Demon Souls or Dark Souls, those games were all about knights, during medieval era, this is more like 19th century vampires and warewolves sort of stuff. Totally different concept but looks amazing in it's own way.

HarryMasonHerpderp3759d ago

It reminds me of Nightmare Creatures which was a badass franchise.

Gasian3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

Durning the q & a someone in the press asked if this game had an 'easy mode', Miyazaki easily replied "NO this game will be hard". They also explained that they turned off health so they would not die so much,lol. This is definitely my style of game. Plays and feels like souls, Challenging all the way through, and more on the offensive type of combat. I am so excited for Bloodborne :D

showtimefolks3759d ago

this is the IT new IP(or spiritual successor of demon souls)

2015 will be epic

The order 1886

tuglu_pati3759d ago

You forfot Zelda and UC4 ;)

KingKelloggTheWH3760d ago

Yeah, these videos are dropping like crazy

Alex_Boro3760d ago

choppy framerate but that's to be expected.

DEEBO3760d ago

Looks good even in YouTube quality video.

SuperBlunt3760d ago


KingKelloggTheWH3759d ago

I always loved pushing bodies off cliffs

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PS4 games such as Red Dead Redemption and Bloodborne are now sort of playable on PC

The shadPS4 emulator has been updated to support more PS4 games, meaning more fan favorite titles are playable on PC.

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Community37m ago

Bloodborne's Level Design May Be the Antithesis of Elden Ring's

Though nearly a decade old, Bloodborne's spectacular level design seems the flip side of the same coin as Elden Ring's own stunning visuals.

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Community12d ago

Bloodborne Is Now Playable On PC, If You're Patient Enough

New improvements have been made to Bloodborne PC using the shadPS4 emulator, allowing the title to run at 20 FPS already.

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✔ Fixed
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Still not fixed add image, and embed the code for the video in youtube
PrinceOfAnger36d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
✔ Fixed
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fix pic and embed video
Emilio_Estevez37d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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exputers35d ago
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exputers35d ago
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exputers35d ago
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exputers36d ago
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exputers36d ago
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PrinceOfAnger37d ago

I am more interested in infamous second son and perhaps driveclub.

PrinceOfAnger35d ago

Yeah it need more time for fixing the graphics.

Zombieburger63835d ago

Give it 6 months. It’s not like Sony will do anything with the ip so what’s waiting a little longer. Btw screw sony.