
Nintendo Has Revolutionized E3

MVGN writes "Say what you want but Nintendo has revolutionized E3 this year. With its whimsical Digital Event unveiling a number of outstanding titles to its Live Treehouse show, Nintendo is killing it at this year’s E3… And this is just the beginning."

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Blastoise3759d ago

They didn't revolutionize anything, talk about overreacting.

They had a good show though, possibly my favourite of the big three.

eyeofcore3759d ago

I think they did as we never seen anything remotely like this and Nintendo is going to release more information as time pases and you have Nintendo Treehouse, I think you are failing to ignore new things apparently. I haven't seen anything like that on E3 at all in my life...

If that was the case that its not revolutionary then we would have already seen it before.

admiralvic3759d ago

Didn't Nintendo do a digital event last year? Maybe not a greatest event (thats largely based off content), but this really just feels like they improved upon that and what they learned with directs.

live2play3759d ago

they are talling about the way they approach e3. its not just a show presentation and then media demos games

right now im watching a smash tournament

EZMickey3759d ago

Revolutionize implies that they changed the way something works or is perceived and they've definitely achieved that. People know now that the lack of an actual media briefing conference at E3 does not mean there'll be a lack of spectacular announcements or content from Nintendo during E3.

Kevlar0093759d ago

The thing is Nintendo had more than just a 45 minute video. Right after the video they demoed Devil's Third as an Exclusive, had a Smash tourney, revealed the likes of Mario Party, Star Fox concept, some Miyamoto projects. Plus they had a site dedicated to Nintendo demos, I was able to sit and watch non-stop gameplay footage

The Robot Chicken stuff was gold, the intro was awesome, the Dev Diaries suited their Japanese designers well (no painful translations).

Everyone was saying Nintendo wasn't showing up to E3, that it would be a one and done video but they are just as present as anyone else. Conferences seem to stagnate where from one year Nintendo's online event grew dramatically. No one else had an event like the Smash invite

Concertoine3759d ago

Revolutionize is a stretch, but there's plenty to be learned here. I always judged e3 on the grounds of how many "pieces" of it i enjoyed, but they whipped up something short and sweet to keep my attention for its entirity and THAT is something worth praise.

Nevers0ft3758d ago

The Nintendo "Presentation" in itself was pretty damned good but what really sets Nintendo apart this year at E3 is everything else... The Smash Invitational was awkward (at times) but still fun and the Treehouse is live streaming for several hours every day directly from the E3 show floor - they showed a shitton of gameplay during the course of yesterday and will likely do the same today and tomorrow. Nintendo clearly weren't happy with an hour or two to get their message across, so they upped it to around 20 :)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3758d ago
eyeofcore3759d ago


Nintendo didn't have a Digital Event last year, it was a regular Direct format while this is different than Direct. Just because both are pre-recorded videos does not mean they are the same and amount of disagree's that shows how some people are ignorant and are mixing up two different things.

Just because they share some similarities does not mean they are the same thing and the format of Digital Event is different that of an Direct, but I won't bother explaining because you people would still think that a Digital Event is a Direct which is not even if I explain it to finest details...

live2play3759d ago

haha tell that to a nintendo fan. we got a great e3 presentation
after the treehouse demoed games
right now theres a smash tournament and more to come.

Theyellowflash303759d ago

Between the treehouse streaming, SMash tourney, digital event, and Smash fest....... Nintendo did something special. for all the gamers out there

Nerdmaster3759d ago (Edited 3759d ago )

If found it to be much more entertaining and with a better pace than live presentation. It doesn't even have those awkward pauses when the host waits to see if people will laugh or applaud.

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