
GG: With KZ:SF "We Did The Best In The Time We Had";Player Numbers Are Low;Retro Maps Incoming

Guerrilla Games talks with honesty about Killzone: Shadow Fall, from the absence of Move and 3D to the low player numbers in multiplayer. There's some good news, though: "retro" maps are coming!

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Festano3767d ago

I've never had a problem finding games online, let's see how will be the next expansion.

Shadonic3767d ago (Edited 3767d ago )

yea, i didnt enjoy it as much as everyone else but the matchmaking was freaking perfect, smooth and no errors, occasional hiccup due to low player count though. Hopefully they'll get it next time, the MP just honestly to me seemed like it was too slow compared to how hectic the combat was and the way it felt as well. Everything just felt out of place and awkward to me. Its a shame because considering how gloriously awesome the combat could be with a bit more of a tightness bump on the movement and speed. I know its not a twitch shooter comment but seriously what is this game trying to be in a mp sense, I honestly felt as though it was slower than Halo before they added running and stuff.

InTheZoneAC3767d ago

This game has always been slower than Halo...

Characters having weight and no noob aim assist deterred a lot of posers

It's strange how I played a little when I got it on launch, but I find myself playing it a lot now whenever I turn the ps4 on, even when I have watchdogs.

I just get so frustrated with the aim assist/lag in BF4, hop on KZ and everything is so perfectly smooth and I don't have to worry about someone's game automatically centering me on their screen. I can actually die without complaining over some bs reason why I died

KZ is a fair game and more should be like that. Why do developers even waste time implementing aim assist? Let alone not making it a server based option so you can rule it out when you create your own server?

Alexious3766d ago

The game has always been built on the sense of actually being in a heavy armored soldier, as opposed to other games which let you fly around the battlefield.

Soldiers are supposed to carry 20/30 kg of equipment on them. I like their choice.

incredibleMULK3767d ago

give me blood gracht from kz2 and salamun market from kz2! Radec academy too.

fOrlOnhOpe573766d ago

Good choices, especially Blood Gracht. I would add in Beach head and Southern Hills to that list. Looked great on PS3 so PS4 versions would be tasty!

Imp0ssibl33767d ago

It seems like multiplayer console games which aren't Call of Duty or Battlefield only last for a few months tops before they slowly become a ghost town.

0P-Tigrex3767d ago

There's at least 1k people playing during the day, 500 during the night. That's still a full game. You'll just be playing with the same people alot more.

Adding on the the game is crucial. While more people by the Ps4, they might even buy KillzoneSF. If the game keeps getting more content it will attract more players.

Rogert3767d ago

It is not going to sell that much more. Retaining only 1,500 people out of the two million plus that the game sold isn't great at all

Pandamobile3767d ago

1000 concurrent users for a game that released less than a year ago indicates that this game is on death's door.

To put that in perspective, if KZ:SF was on Steam, it wouldn't even be in the top 50 active games.

TekoIie3767d ago


Well you can basically expect that to die within 6 months unless Sony do something with Playstation Plus.

LonDonE3767d ago

What they should do is make Killzone shadowfall multi player free with all map packs etc on playstation plus! that would be a great way to add new players to the player count.

I just didnt enjoy the game, the single player or multi player while pretty were just not where near as good as killzone 2 and 3.

Ninjatogo3767d ago

You should also note the player count is just for your region. From what I've read on their site they've got multiple server centres per region too.

KingKelloggTheWH3766d ago

Your numbers are not accurate, they do the numbers by server and whatnot. So in all reality it could be upward of 15k.

Alexious3766d ago

What's so strange is that the game, in fact, sold a lot. It's like a lot of players either returned the game, or never play MP, or a bit of both.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3766d ago
SixtyNine3767d ago

This is probably the reason some devs don't include competitive multiplayer in their games. Majority will return to the most popular online games eventually

B_Real3767d ago

This is why multiplayer achievements/trophies shouldn't exist unless its a multiplayer only game. It's almost impossible to get games set up a year after a mid-tier game comes out.

koolaid2513767d ago

Killzone and Knack are like the 2 most traded in games on next gen.

king_george3766d ago

I really wanna call you a liar.... but i cant :(

I've seen the games traded in quite a few times its such a shame. Not so much Knack (lets be honest, it wasnt that great), but KZ:SF. I wish GG had more time to polish the game even more and make multiplayer alot better than it already is

shivvy243766d ago

Not sure about knack but ive seen alot of kzsf sitting on the preowned shelf at eb

Eyeco3766d ago

Lool at the disagrees, talk about a tough pill to swallow, I haven't seen to many Knack copies in the preowned circuit, but plenty of Killzone's on the shelf.

koolaid2513761d ago

True I have a ps4 and I came from the xbox 360 but everytime I say something negative about ps4 i get bubbles and dislikes smh.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3761d ago
Lawboy23767d ago

Ppl still play gears 3 and halo

Multiplatguy3766d ago

I disagree. I was a big fan of Halo Wars and it couldn't have been a full year ago that it still had 10k on it most nights. Although being one of the only good RTS games on console might have helped keep a userbase.

user56695103766d ago

and some how pc gamers get downplayed because there isnt over a million players online at any giving moment lol. most console games dont have staying power. console gamers tend to move to the next big thing.

i think cod have high numbers because the split screen, easy to pick up, and the obvious "because everyone else plays it". i like cod i just don twant to pay for it when it hardly improve over the last one. thats the reason i havent brought madden in a while, by that i mean 8yrs.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3761d ago
temple3767d ago

I don't know why you always have more disagrees when it's generally your opinion that you post. Granted I only glance here occasionally, and don't know your history that well. I gave you an agree and bub up just to try and balance it out. On topic, I really liked KZ:SF and bought the season pass. It's better than CoD and runs smoother than BF so it was a no brainer for me. I look forward to whatever they have coming down the line.

Blackleg-sanji3767d ago

he only gets disagrees because he blends his comments with naruro related stuff nd i guess ppl find it annoying?? idk i think its kind of funny (maybe cuz i kno what hes saying most of the time lol)

OT: i loved killzones multiplayer but the single player this time was kind of meh

LogicStomper3767d ago

"and don't know your history that well"

That's why.

3767d ago
imt5583767d ago

Bring back Salamun Market and Radec Academy!!!

PrinceOfAllSaiyans3767d ago

Who the hell cares about 3D and Move support these days ?

GryestOfBluSkies3767d ago

i know im in the minority... but i care about both of those things.

ThatOneGuyThere3767d ago

I do. KZ3 in full 3d with the move controller was one of the most immersive experiences ive had with a video game. have you even played motorstorm in 3d? good lord its amazing.

InTheZoneAC3767d ago

move was a horrible gimmick. I made it last for all of 2 weeks before I sold it...

ThatOneGuyThere3767d ago

you must be one of those lazy gamers. lol. the move is insanely accurate. not every game is perfect for it, but the game that use it well, its really, really great

hellzsupernova3766d ago

The only future I see for move is with the VR tech

Qrphe3767d ago

I begged Suckerpunch for Move support on ISSthrough Twitter. I2 worked awesomely with it.

Alexious3766d ago

Well, some people do. Granted, 3D will soon become a bit "old" with VR, but Move on the other hand could become even more popular with Project Morpheus.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3766d ago
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Guerrilla Games' Multiplayer Horizon Game Could Be Named "Hunters Gathering," Teases Leak

Guerrilla Games' upcoming multiplayer Horizon title could be dubbed "Hunters Gathering," according to a new leak.

Jin_Sakai281d ago (Edited 281d ago )

I wish PlayStation Studios would just stick to what they do best, making great single player games.

Outside_ofthe_Box280d ago

The core gameplay of Horizon is really good, so this is one of the few I can see working out. Also GG does have one of the greatest multiplayer games ever made in Killzone 2 under their belt so MP isn't too far off with what GG does best.

SyntheticForm280d ago

Hell, I enjoyed Shadowfall's MP thoroughly even though it had issues. Guerrilla have delivered solid multiplayer experiences.

Cacabunga280d ago

Oh boy. No idea why they don't want to work on a killzone it's a much more fun multi mode. -

__SteakDeck__280d ago

@Jin_Sakai First. As a business, you don’t just stick to what you do great. If that was the case, Apple would of just done computers and not taken a risk with iTunes and the iPhone. Also have you seen the cost of their AAA games like Spiderman 2? Sony is going to need one of these GAAS games to hit, or expect budget cuts to their SP games. We’re already seeing in the document leak, that they’re asking Insomniac to cut budgets.

Jin_Sakai279d ago

Their studios aren’t masters at GaaS and it’s showing. Naughty Dog wasted all that time and Resources just to cancel Factions and Insomniac's multiplayer Spider-Verse got axed. If Sony really wants a big GaaS hit their best bet would be to acquire EA or Epic Games. You need huge support to keep these games going with content and updates.

purple101281d ago (Edited 281d ago )

OHH GOD YES,, or at least some new shooter. finals was okay but I want more, spesh from 1st party

DaleCooper280d ago

Meh. You know what could be good? A new Killzone.

Magatsuhi280d ago

Hope it's not battle royale.

anast280d ago

It would be better than Monster Hunter, but I'm good with the Gaas stuff.

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Preserving nature and biodiversity with PlayStation Community - Sony Interactive Entertainment

It’s been over a year since the launch of Guerrilla’s Horizon Forbidden West, and we’d like to share an update on our Aloy’s Forest project with you. This initiative is part of our commitment to the United Nations Playing for the Planet Alliance, supported by UN-REDD, to raise awareness on biodiversity.

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mastershredder300d ago

Oh sure… yeah, totally what I think of when I’m busy entertaining myself by gaming and breaking away from the norm mainline of highly profitable / incentivized concerns in the world


Killzone After a Decade in Hibernation

It's been 10 years since Killzone: Shadow Fall arrived for PlayStation 4 early adopters, and there's no sign of another sequel.

Obscure_Observer316d ago

Sadly it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer.

Vengeance1138315d ago

lmao sadly? Are you pretending to have actually played the series lol Sorry bud, no Killzone on Xbox.

Cacabunga315d ago

With the downfall of COD and BF, Killzone def. has a chance to make a groundbreaking comeback

315d ago
Notellin315d ago (Edited 315d ago )

What a low-functioning reply here typical of the fanboy N4G community.

Rimeskeem315d ago


I think it’s called moving on.

Barlos315d ago (Edited 315d ago )

They brought out 4 main games and 2 spin offs: one on PSP and one on Vita. That's a decent run for any series. I also understand that Shadow Fall wasn't a success commercially despite it coming out at PS4 launch, and as a big Killzone fan even I couldn't get into it, so I think Sony/Guerrilla could see it was time to move on.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love another Killzone game in the vein of KZ2 but it's just not happening. Hell, I'd even take a remake or remaster of the first 3 games.

I'd hardly say it was "dumped" though, it spanned 3 console generations and 2 handheld generations.

1Victor315d ago

@obscured:”Sadly it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer”

Happily it was dumped by Guerrilla to focus on Horizon games only. Mainline, VR and Multiplayer( edited to reflect the writer true feelings and allegiance)
Kill zone was a FPS far ahead of its glitched competitors with nauseating bad camera angles, 10 years old screaming curses like a drunk sailor and bot aiming assist.

ChasterMies315d ago


The Horizon games were among the best games of all time. Killzone Shadowfail wasn’t.

Shane Kim314d ago

True, but damn the memories of KZ2 multiplayer. Still no MP as fun as that to this date.

Mr_cheese315d ago

Dumped and shelved are two different things

Tacoboto315d ago

And Sony as a whole dumped the FPS genre so they wouldn't have products competing with COD and (until purchase) Destiny.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 314d ago
GoodGuy09315d ago

I loved the KZ2+3 campaigns and MP in 2. There could be so much more done with the franchise. Horizon although good, I wish they'd go back to this wonderful IP. Take a break from Horizon please.

Flawlessmic315d ago

Agreed dude, I would absolutely love a reboot of the series, one can only hope that either resistance or killzone makes a return.

Have nothing but great memories, especially of the first 3 games, but all 4 were show stoppers graphically.

blackbeld315d ago

To making it a successful reboot they have to change that buttons layout! Make it playable like the cod button layout. Otherwise I’ll skipping it again.

Rynxie315d ago

And that's the reason why many fps games failed. Instead of being original and catering to it's fans, they tried to make it like cod. No, kz doesn't need cod button layout. It needs to be like it was on kz2 or balanced liked kz3.

Lightning77315d ago

I think Kill Zone would do great in Sony's LS push. As well as MAG reboot and bring back Resistance into LS.

Sharky231314d ago


I think WarHawk would have been a great Live service game.

thorstein315d ago

Killzone games were so polished. The gameplay was just simple joy. MP was one of the best experiences.

I remember KZ3, just staring at how awesome they animated the water and then getting wasted because of it.

P_Bomb315d ago

It’s been a decade? Now I’m sad.

LiViNgLeGaCY314d ago

I hear ya bud. We're due for a revival.

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