
Looking back at UFC, and ahead at its New Life

Chris gives an overview of past UFC games and takes and look at the forthcoming release by EA Sports.

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ThatOneGuyThere3765d ago

its so damn complicated....wish they would have stuck to boxing

osprey193765d ago

The striking is simple enough but the ground game is a little too complicated from the demo, it doesn't help u enough during the tutorial when it comes to the ground game, hope the final product explains it enough during the training parts of the game.

bigbearsack3765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

Dude, I find this game average. Hardcore UFC fans will love this. The animations running at 30 fps just does not work for me. All sport games need to run at 60 fps, period!
It feels clunky, and un realistic.


EA Sports UFC 4 CheatCC Review

EA Sports UFC 4 is back, but is it better than ever?


EA Sports UFC 4 PS4 Review - PlayStation Universe

From PSU: "Without a doubt the best MMA videogame ever made, EA Sports UFC 4 supplements a welcome array of new offline and online modes with a revamped and endlessly sophisticated combat system that everybody can enjoy. For MMA fans it doesn't get any better than this."

Alexious1502d ago

Hmm, sounds worth a try for sure.

1502d ago Replies(2)
BenRC011502d ago

Strange as a lot of YouTube beta players hated it. They've had years and just copied and pasted ufc 3 ith a few new haircuts

yeahokwhatever1502d ago

its not fight night, so not buying it. do boxing or go home.

nowitzki20041502d ago

Go home and wait for Fight Night.

ActualWhiteMan1502d ago

Same... although they long ago fired all the developers that made FN great. So it would likely be terrible if it came back.

MadLad1502d ago

Comes to a UFC related game to whine about it not being a boxing game.


FlavorLav011502d ago (Edited 1502d ago )

Well, for context EA did put in real boxers Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua in the game, and Isaac Frost and Andre Bishop from fight night champion in the last game. No getting around it, they have been c@ck teasing boxing fans for years with this sh!t pre-order dlc

yeahokwhatever1502d ago

these UFC games are trash, they play terrible. UFC is not really a good choice for a game because of the limited inputs controllers have. But EA got the license on the cheap, so they've been shoveling this crap at us for years while we wait patiently for a fight night that will probably never happen until Mayweather is dead or runs out of money.

zeroskie1502d ago

Same. I want another fight night so badly.

yeahokwhatever1502d ago

my wishes:
fight night primarily focused on online, like gt sport.
ONLY stick controls. No button mashing. if you try to mash buttons, your characters head explodes and he's permanently deleted from the game.

nowitzki20041502d ago

Same here, I love boxing more than MMA but I also want a good MMA game as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1502d ago
shaunh201502d ago

I agree with this review, I tried it only because it's free on EA Access and figured I'd hate it like I did the other games but lo and behold I loved it and plan to buy it now. The game is so much more fun now that they've made it so much less complicated and inaccessible to non-hardcore fighter fans.

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UFC 3 Review | Watch-Loki

A beautiful reminder of how much I miss Fight Night, check out my review on Watch-Loki!

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badboyz092363d ago

TRASH!!!! Glad I rented first