
Can the Xbox One compete with the PS4 at $399?

GotGame: By making it an option, Microsoft has done what Sony has been doing since November, making it a $100 add-on that some will get for small enjoyment but many will ignore in lieu of getting another game with a new console purchase. On paper, the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are relatively similar. Depending on the developer, graphics will look better on whatever system they’re more used to developing on.

lifeisgamesok3765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

Is the sky blue?

Better launch lineup, the controller doesn't feel cheap, better announced games for 2014, more multiplayer experiences

Kingthrash3603765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

I don't think so either. It didn't do anything for x1 sales when tf bundle plus price drop plus free xbl for a year. Why would this sell it now?
Its still overpriced in comparison. That's fact, every thing lifeisgamesok said is pure opinion.

blitz06233765d ago

I can't see the $399 version boosting the sales that much. The $449 Titanfall bundle (which is of better value since it also had Kinect) didn't outsell the PS4. The $399 will definitely help, but if people are expecting the X1 to suddenly overtake the PS4 then they're mistaken

kingfetish173765d ago

Cheapest I've seen a new PS4 in the past couple weeks was $324 on Groupon. Coupled with better looking & running multiplats due to stronger internal specs, the PS4 is still the better value approaching summer.

E3 will be a difference maker for both consoles. Sony got my money guaranteed due to their future exclusives alone. I'm personally waiting for XB1 announcements at E3 and for Sunset Overdrive reviews before I even consider an XB1 purchase. I would hold out for an inevitable XB1 Slim at a $299 price point too.

bicfitness3765d ago

Launch is over, and look at either Metacritic or IGN's software list and PS4 has TWICE the games. Literally. At least 10 MMORPGs too; F2P and not, so no the X1 does not have "more" MP experiences, not objectively. Everything else you've listed is subjective.

Lord_Sloth3765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

Warframe won the launch. Your "argument" is invalid.

Lord_Sloth3765d ago

Maybe you're just a poor excuse for a Ninja!

DVAcme3765d ago

I don't know if it "won" the launch, but Warframe IS definitely the F2P game with the biggest value by far. I've found the game immensely fun.

PrinceOfAllSaiyans3765d ago

I actually have both and the DS4 feels much much more comfortable than the XB1 controller. And just because it has TF it has more multiplayer experiences ? OK.

OT: I think it can honestly.

Eonjay3765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

They need a must have title or something that's hype is rooted in real anticipation and not something manufactured. It needs to be fresh, new, and something that belongs to them. Halo is a great title for shipping consoles. Halo 5 could have shipped double the consoles as Titanfall easily. Its a really great IP they own. If they can copy that success with a new IP they may be able to do it. But they will also need some luck. Sony keeps hitting all the right notes at exactly the right time. Their silence is disconcerting because it means they are about to strike.

pompombrum3765d ago

Don't own a PS4 but the Xbox One controller feels pretty cheap in my hands compared to my nice limited edition Gears of War 3 Xbox 360 controller that's still going strong.

Still, the X1 can easily hang with the PS4. Providing Microsoft have a few aces up their sleeves for the Christmas period, with the prices the same, I think they can enjoy a good end to the year.

Bennibop3765d ago

Not sure stripping away features is going to help, kinect was the x1 usp, but Microsoft did nothing to show why it is worthwhile. Ps4 has had no such problem with its identity so I think the momentum will remain

ger23963765d ago

You just described the ps4, I'm glad to see you're coming to your senses.

harrisk9543765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )


"Controller doesn't feel cheap"...

Ummm. I don't know if you have used the DS4, but it has received wide acclaim, with most of the reviews stating that it is actually better than the XB1 controller. Although, this is certainly subjective, the DS4 feels anything but "cheap".

"Better launch lineup"...

Also, completely subjective. The only "launch" game that I was interested in prior to the launch of the XB1 was Ryse and that has turned out to be a lackluster game with nice graphics (downgraded from the pre-launch trailers). So, not really that disappointed about missing it. The rest? If you want to include Titanfall vs. Infamous:SS, I chose Infamous, only because I would not buy a multi-player only game. Plus, Titanfall 2 will be on the PS4. So, if I want, I will be able to get that experience later. Plus, I can still play it on PC if I want to. PLUS, I am enjoying MLB: The Show, which is the only baseball game available this year for any platform.

"Better games announced for 2014"...
Again, subjective. The games I am really looking forward to this year are multiplatform, including Batman:AK, Shadow of Mordor, and Dragon Age... Then, there is Destiny and Diablo 3 (both designed with PS4 as the lead console).

"More multiplayer experiences"...

Huh? That makes absolutely zero sense. Unless, you are referring to Titanfall, which is multiplayer only. Still, your statement makes no sense at all.

DVAcme3765d ago

Agreed on all counts. I for the life of me can't imagine why anyone would say the DS4 feels cheap. The plastic is harder than the DS3's, the triggers have been MASSIVELY upgraded, it has both an internal speaker and a jack for headsets and it has the touchpad. Oh, and the SHARE button, and we know how much use THAT is getting from the community. It has more features than the XB1 controller, which is basically just the X360 controller with a few tweaks.

Malphite3765d ago

It doesn't matter who had the best launch lineup by now. Better upcoming games is subjective and it doesn't make sense to debate that point before E3.

More online expiriences? I'd say the PS4 trumps the X1 in that regard with: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, DC Universe Online, Blacklight: Retribution, Warframe, War Thunder and upcoming games like PlanetSide 2, H1Z1, Deep Down,

mochachino3765d ago

Both consoles launch line up in terms of exclusives lacked quality games. In terms of good games though, PS4 destroys in genre variety, Xbox's biggest exclusive is an online only MP shooter that people are already abandoning, I can just play the better BF4 and infamous. Then the better version of other 3rd party games with the better controller. IMO.

Xone analog sticks have HUGE dead zones and the PS4 triggers dominate. Imo

AngelicIceDiamond3765d ago

Realistically yeah I think it can.

Sunset Overdrive a new Forza Horizon plus the rumored Halo trilogy remasters I think it has a great shot of competing.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3765d ago
majiebeast3765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

Nope. Its like what 271 on Amazon best sellers. Its not just about the price its also about the mindshare,

Microsoft is losing in their strongest markets while Playstation kept theirs(mainland Europe) and took over the UK and US.

Price isn't gonna change anything, its now just a weaker PS4 that runs games worse then the PS4 for the same price.

Brazz3765d ago

compete? yeah, sure.
Win? no way....

Anon19743765d ago (Edited 3765d ago )

I agree. Price is certainly a factor, but it's only one factor. When you look back at the 360 Arcade/Core, for example...it was well below the price of the PS3 (almost as cheap as a Wii) and yet the PS3 handily outsold the 360 worldwide from the moment the PS3 was available on the market, despite the PS3's pricing disadvantage.

Without a doubt the Xbox One's price drop will move a few units off store shelves, but to act like a price cut is a panacea that will take care of all the Xbox One's current problems for why it hasn't connected with consumers en masse is a bit naive. We're a year away, if not more, from seeing Xbox games like Halo or Gears of War which traditionally attract people to the Xbox fold. Titanfall has already come and gone and failed to really ignite any interest. If Titanfall couldn't do it with a fanbase notoriously in love with shooters, do we really think Forza is going to change minds at this point? So, what we have to look forward to on both systems for the next year are multiplat games that look and run better on one of those systems over the other. The core gamers that pick up multiplat games like Watch Dogs or Call of Duty are the kinds of gamers that graphical differences will sway them one way or another when buying two similarly powered systems.

And then there's the PSN+/free games advantage to factor in with Playstation Now tantalizingly looming on the horizon. But the Xbox One also acts as an enhanced cable box in the US, right? Seriously...I think the Xbox One is a decent bit of hardware but I think if a price cut is going to make it more competitive, it would actually need to be $50-100 cheaper than a PS4 to make a difference at this point. Perhaps that will change with MS announcements in the future, but it's pretty clear which pony to bet on at this stage in the race.

metalmatters3765d ago

Well said man, the fact remains, the xbone is still overpriced compared to the PS4. Its underpowered, technically youre getting a less capable PS4 for the same price as the PS4.

Yes I know xbox fans are banking all their faith in the 2 most overused marketing trends, the infamous cloud service and the coveted DX12. The problem is these 2 technologies are yet to be released worse yet is we're not entirely sure just how much more are they going to improve the xbones performance, they definitely will improve the xbone, but just how much more? say more so than the ICE team will improve the PS4s performance?

I do feel this price will give the xbone a more competitive flair, to the casuals, they wont know what system is better specs wise, theyll see the same price tag and just go by what games they like or by what their family members recommend. Microsoft and Sony can forget that no marketing scheme can beat the all mighty word-of-mouth titan. Thats how you get real sales. So far word-of-mouth is PS4 kicks ass, and xbone has some problems

hello123765d ago

As it stands now more gamers have bought the PS4. Lets see what happens after E3. Lot more gamers will be switching this year from old gen to new gen. E3 will be a deciding factor.

jXales3765d ago

This is true

Ive been on the fence since launch..

Waiting for a must have.
None so far this gen for me... Many i Will get once i jump! But no must have now out

E3 is tickling My curiosity tho

monkey483765d ago

More competitive price? Yes. But will it compete with PS4, highly doubtful. PS4 is more appealing to majority of the population.

metalmatters3765d ago

not only that it happens to be a little more powerful

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The Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster Proves You Don't Need A PS5 Pro

Why do you need a better PS5 when there aren’t any games that will utilise its power?

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derek13h ago

You technically don't "need" the ps5, ps4 or the ps3, lol. You don't need any videogame console, it isn't a necessity of life. If you want the best playstation console money can by, that would be the ps5 pro.

CS79h ago

While the article is pessimistic and negative, can we agree that typically playstation hardware allowed experiences that no previous generation was able to deliver?

With the PS5 and Pro that's changed and its because its first party are having trouble making exclusives that harnesses the PS5 power. And with so few using the base PS5 to the max, the Pro just seems pointless in a way that no other major Playstation ever has.

Idk, you guys keep defending Sony, first it was covid, then chip shortages, then live service won't hold back single player games. Now here we are with barely any good first party games in sight and the defense continues.

Sony needs to get their head out of their arrogant rear and get back in touch with what gamers want. And it's not live service games and it's not a $700 PS5 pro to see more detailed bleachers in Ratchet and Clank.

And just to rest my case, when you are showing your most powerful system (PS5 Pro) using a last generation game (TLOU2) something is very very wrong.

smashman985h ago

I don't think you quite got it. This isn't the ps3 gen where the cell was difficult to use and there was a period of time where the console just was not being properly utilized. These consoles are on x86 architecture and are performing at or around the level of comparable PC's. Sure there's SSD stuff more 3rd party devs could do but this isn't going to result in a big graphical leap.

_SilverHawk_2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Drinking water proves you don't need a ps5 pro. Get a brita water filter

7h ago
andy8512h ago

Why does a random remaster do that? There's going to be plenty of games that utilise it over the next 4 years. And plenty already released that will benefit from it. If you don't want one fine, but what's with all the nonsense bashing of it

jambola10h ago

it's like saying "upcoming indie game on steam proves high spec pc's are useless"

Grilla7h ago

Gotta get those clicks. Later they’ll write a “I was wrong..” for more

Chocoburger1h ago

They'll never admit that they were wrong.

ClutchManeuvers12h ago

Uhhh. I was going to write something but it's so tedious knowing that everybody will just rip me.

Einhander197211h ago

There are over 8500 games that use dynamic resolution scaling and struggle to hold fps that out of the box will utilize its power.

Games are already lined up for patches and more games that haven't been announced yet will use it.

But of course talking about what it actually does won't get as many clicks.

jambola10h ago

it adds to your opinion
it's doesn't prove anything

and even besides that, one game wouldn't prove that anyway
that's silly

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Ads on Xbox Consoles Are Getting Worse

Ads on Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles are getting worse. Over time, Microsoft has been getting more and more aggressive with ad placement on the Xbox Series X|S. Invasive ads already clutter and ruin the Xbox Series X|S dashboard, something that has been annoying Xbox fans for a while. We also know that Microsoft is reportedly exploring a tier of Xbox Game Pass that will make players watch ads in order to play games. And this ties into what Microsoft revealed last year, which was that it was looking into ways to include ads in games, something Xbox fans threatened to boycott the brand over. In the face of public backlash, Xbox has done nothing to alleviate concerns of players, it's only doubled down.

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TheNamelessOne15h ago

If they did start putting ads into games that's when I'd be done. That's ridiculous.

thorstein14h ago

They have been for decades.

Or do you mean, explicit ads that interrupt the game?

NFL 2K5 had the "Burger King Halftime Report."

BK paid them to put that in there. It's technically an ad.

TheNamelessOne14h ago

Yeah. I mean ads ads, not really product placements. I don't really mind stuff like that if it fits into the logic of the world. Hell, even Fallout originally wanted Coka-Cola in the game but didn't work out, so they went with Nuka. There's ads on billboards in a lot of racing games. That stuff doesn't bother me.

Yi-Long14h ago

I think if THAT’S your red line then you’re already lost. There shouldn’t be any ads on the console, at all.

Not at boot-up, not on the dash, not in the store, and not in the games.

It’s ridiculous.

7h ago
NotoriousWhiz4h ago

No ads in the store? Isn't that the whole point of the store?

Einhander197213h ago

Microsoft's Tim Stuart, Sarah Bond and others have said they want to add x second of ads every x amount of time of game played. (I say x because they have said various times from every 30 minutes to 2 hours and various lengths of ads from 30 seconds to minutes)

Heck they already put ads in their games on Windows.

People need to realize Microsoft has never cared about actual gaming, it's a means to make money and gain control, the more control they have the more obnoxious they can be. That's why they want PlayStation eliminated so badly that they were willing to spend 100 billion to control what games major publishers are putting on the platform, they are the major roadblock to their control.

I have said for years it's not Microsoft keeping PlayStation in check it's PlayStation keeping Microsoft in check.

The only reason why the xbone failed was because PlayStation offered another option. If PlayStation hadn't been there they would have ignored every single complaint and just forced what they wanted.

You only have to look at how unpopular so many decisions with Windows are yet they do them anyway regardless of complaints and as time goes on they force more and more unpopular things. (and the software gets more bloated and buggy)

ChasterMies13h ago

“If they did start putting ads into games that's when I'd be done.”

Some games already have ads, but that’s besides the point. You’ve already accepted ads your Xbox. Microsoft’s job now is to get you to accept more.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4h ago
LG_Fox_Brazil14h ago

Didn't this already cause a lot of debate in the Xbox community a few months ago? They are still moving forward with the idea?

Zombieburger63813h ago(Edited 13h ago)

Imagine having to pay to play online and still getting ads shoved in your face. Consoles are cooked.

Lightning7713h ago

So let me get this straight. The writer is getting mad because MS is advertising Games? The very thing that MS sucks at doing which is advertising it's own games and third party? For a second he made it seem like a hot pockets ad would pop up when turning on the console. But it's video games that are popping up and are releasing soon.

Talk about about a none issue. Btw writer where's this "boycott" at? I don't see anyone on socials right now threatening to boycott, its simply all on your head. Especially, Especially if these ad are video games related and games that are releasing soon.

SimpleDad13h ago

Imagine turning your pc on and before log on screen you see MS Word ad across your whole screen.
Hey it fine, right?

Lightning7712h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Talk about not knowing how to read good lord. They're advertising games not word or Doritos, or nothing like that.
Tell me which ones worse. Advertising games or something none game related?

Also read the article and you'll see what he's complaining about. Go ahead.

XiNatsuDragnel10h ago


Sounds you're coping bro

PhillyDonJawn3h ago

They're not advertising that stuff tho. It's games.

MagUk1h ago

They offering a 10 hour free trial of a game. This is outrageous 😅

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
13h agoReplies(1)
SimpleDad9h ago

Being fine with ads on Xbox game related is the same as ads on PC Word related.

But, hey I learned a new term for this and it's called... Toxic Positivity...vity...vity

Lightning779h ago(Edited 9h ago)

You're right how dare Xbox advertise video games on their video game console. Why's that a bad thing please explain. Go ahead, exactly just stay silent, the smartest thing you've done.

Positivity? No its called a severe lack of common sense and stupidity. Willful ignorance is the number one thing that gets me heated.

@natsu coping tf are you talking about. Read the article (if you know how to read) he's complaining about game Video game ads on a video game console.

Nacho_Z8h ago

"You're right how dare Xbox advertise video games on their video game console. Why's that a bad thing please explain."

A: people have been enjoying gaming for decades without adverts and we are all used to that.

B: Everyone hates ads.

C: It's an extremely slippery slope. If people start making excuses for and suggest they're willing to accept advertising in gaming then that will be exploited to ridiculous levels in the future.

Charlieboy3335h ago

Making excuses for Xbox's bad decisions is all the Xbox zombies ever do. Their console, brand and it's games have become synonymous with mediocrity.......unrecognisabl e from the excitement and quality they possesed in the past.

Yet their fanatical fans don't seem to care, so of course MS will continue pushing the boundaries with the crap like this. You can bet your ass that in the not too distant future they will definitely have ads popping up during your gamepass game....interrupting everything just like a youtube ad. But don't worry, I'm sure they will offer a more costly 'ad free' tier for you so it will be fine.....right.

Oh and something I also predict is that one day the ONLY way to play MS games will be through gamepass. MS has already dropped physical completely for the future and you won't be able to buy digital either.

Nope, if you want play e.g.COD you are going to be forced to subscrbe for it and it won't be cheap.....I'm calling it.

Lightning775h ago

You're right let's not advertise any game related content while you're online on your console. Matter of fact let's get rid of the games section where new games are available to play so devs won't know that their game is out, or that your favorite game is available to download or in store shelves. If we're talking 360 type of ads where it was lots of none game related stuff y'all would have point big time. But getting pitchforks out over something that's game related is dumb. It's like going to a car club and getting mad that they're selling you car parts.

I would say do you hear y'all selves but no you don't, at all.

That's it, I'm the only one with a brain on here.

@charlie "Making excuses for Xbox's bad decisions is all the Xbox zombies ever do."

Seeing how you don't know what's happening or you never know what's going on especially in this article which congrats nobody else can read either because everyone's slow in here. Tell me where all the times I make excuses for Xbox go, I wanna know.

"Yet their fanatical fans don't seem to care, so of course MS will continue pushing the boundaries with the crap like this."

Advertising games on your console is bad now. I guess Nintendo and Sony are terrible to use that exact same logic.

"You can bet your ass that in the not too distant future they will definitely have ads popping up during your gamepass game....interrupting everything just like a youtube ad. But don't worry, I'm sure they will offer a more costly 'ad free' tier for you so it will be fine.....right"

MS was talking about an ad based GP tier at one point it might happen or it might not. This isn't what this articles about at all if only you did basic, simple, easy ass research such as reading the article. You'll know what's going on. So far it's all tinfoil hat that the article isn't even about. Read, if you don't how to read then get some that can read the article.

Charlieboy3336h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Except it's not just game ads....I recall ads from places like McDonalds popping up, so what's the excuse for that then hmmmmm?
Also the only place that new games should be promoted on your console is in the damn store like Playstation does. If I'm interested in what's coming up I'll go and check out the pre-order section.

Lightning774h ago

"Except it's not just game ads....I recall ads from places like McDonalds popping up, so what's the excuse for that then hmmmmm?"

Uh huh sure you did, you don't have an Xbox so how would you know? Show that proof?

Wait you actually read the article!? I didn't think it was possible on here. Finally someone on here did basic human function and its you of all ppl. I'm proud of you. I didn't think it was possible, I'm not joking either I really think it was possible. Take back what I said about you up top. Again good Job bro.

SimpleDad1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

To edit your replay:
Wait you actually don't have a brain!? I didn't think it was possible on here. Finally someone on here without basic human function and its you of all ppl. I'm proud of you. I didn't think it was possible, I'm not joking either I really thought it wasn't possible. Take back what I said about you up top. Again good Job bro.

Lightning7753m ago

So you can't refute what I said or prove what I said wrong got it. It's what happens when you lack basic fundamental reading skills and comprehension. Go back to grade school, you severely need it very, very, very badly. It's what happens when you have room temperature IQ kiddo do better next time (but you won't). You also won't learn your lesson. All you had to do what simply read the article, not a hard task at all. For you and many here it is of course.

Man I just easily embarrassed you.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 53m ago
RhinoGamer8813h ago

How are they going to pay Phil's mega salary peeps?!

raWfodog4h ago

And they’re likely trying to recoup more of the $70B that they paid out for their acquisition.

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The Karate Kid: Street Rumble review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "Despite the popularity of The Karate Kid trilogy in the ‘80s, it didn’t gain anywhere near as many gaming adaptations as the likes of Back to the Future, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones. The first film saw a considerably rough entry on the NES, published by the notorious JLN, while the Amiga and Atari ST were blessed with a reasonably well received tie-in for the sequel. It seems that by the time the third film rolled around in 1989, attention had turned to the likes of Rambo, Terminator and Predator, with many early tie-ins for the Mega Drive being more violent and gung ho. It probably didn’t help that Part III was panned by movie goers either."

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