
Multiple Xbox One Exclusives Announced by Mages.

Mages. and 5pb. just officially announced three Xbox One exclusives during a livestream: CHAOS;CHILD, PSYCHO-PASS Psychopaths and Misuterito F Tantei-Tachi no Katenkoru.

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georgeenoob3773d ago (Edited 3773d ago )

Japanese titles! Hopefully come E3 we'll see Lost Odyssey 2.

GamerXD3773d ago

Who buys these japanese titles? Lol.

4Sh0w3773d ago

These games don't interest me but good to see micro bring some Japanese specific content to X1 over there, also I'm not sure if they will be localized for those outside of Japan but I guess you could buy from Amazon Japan since games aren't region locked.

aragon3773d ago

Who buys these Japanese titles ? What a question, I've seen people on here praise Japanese titles now Japanese titles probably will be a bad thing because it ms

MRMagoo1233773d ago


I think they meant that because they are completely japanese titles and there are no xbones in japan who will buy them, even after the consoles launch even MS knows they wont sell well.

SoulSercher6203773d ago

Don't act like you're gonna buy them because we all know that's not true. Most Xbox owners don't even play Japanese games.

XB1_PS43773d ago

Oh god yes, Lost Odyssey 2 would be a megaton.

Dehnus3773d ago (Edited 3773d ago )

Japanese People, duh! ;)lol

Docknoss3773d ago

Sony fangirls are out in full force, I see. Always downplaying and nay saying. You know MS is doing something right

aulray3773d ago

you do realize every final fantasy title is a japanese game, right?



Japanese gaming fans? Come on man, I'm a PS guy, but we gotta give credit where credit is due. Everyone complains MS focus too much on shooters and other western game types, that they need diversification... Well, apparently they are doing just that and I for one hope they succeed.

Sony, as much as I love my Playstations, needs competition to keep it's A game, I'm sure MS fans feel the same about their console of choice... Just look at the statements surrounding PS3 and XB1 release, this companies can really get too big for their own shoes.

zero_gamer3773d ago

Buying an Xbox One. I love my Japanese games.

Utalkin2me3773d ago

Lol @ everyone saying these are games, roflmao. It's graphic novels....smh

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3773d ago
styferion3773d ago (Edited 3773d ago )

I'd buy XB1 right away if they localize it! 5pb is the master of story writing.
But doubtful though since it's visual novel type of game, the market is very slim outside Japan, especially on XB..

Spikes14713773d ago

Then I see no point of them putting it on XB1 if they will not localize it.

styferion3773d ago (Edited 3773d ago )

@above: It's to get Japanese market, maybe they're not as famous worldwide but 5pb. and Mages. are quite famous in Japan especially for visual novel fans, so exclusive games will at least make some loyal fans buy the consoles.

It's still an uphill battle though, a one time exclusive will make some very loyal fans buy XB1 but if they want to survive the Japanese market they have to keep supporting these type of games no matter what the sales number are because, chances are if sales number are small the publisher would want to release their next entry on multiplatform/another console, and that would lose MS market there.
Like I said, an uphill battle, either keep the eclusivity of these small/profitless games until they gain some market there or completely abandoning exclusivity like the later years of XB360.

choujij3773d ago

I remember downloading a bunch of these type of games on Dreamcast a few years ago. I kept skipping screens and was like, when does the game start? Then I realized this was the game. o_o

Bigpappy3773d ago

Nah, you can't just put all Xbox fans in a box and say "see there". There are millions of Xbox users with much different taste. If they localize the games, and the stories are as good as you are saying, I for one could be come a fan.

I don't have patience for badly done game though. That is why indie games on X360 left such a bad taste in my mouth.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3773d ago
Chevalier3773d ago

Highly unlikely. They did a ton of 360 games last Gen and exactly ZERO came out. Phantom breaker was the closest we got. It was available for preorder for 2 years at our Gamestop/ EB games.


There was however a limited edition release of steinsgate by JAST USA for PC. Here is the regular edition still available.

So your chances of seeing them here are next to zero.

tiffac0083773d ago

I hate to say it but you are probably right most visual novel and anime related games hardly get localized. :(

showtimefolks3773d ago

its stuff like this that makes me wonder how big E3 will be for sony and ms, both are announcing games and showing stuff, what will they show at E3. Very intriguing

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3773d ago
Lawboy23773d ago

Not my cup of tea...but I hope some ppl enjoy the game

Lawboy23773d ago

Yeah I just saw that when I posted it was only one game ( the chaos game)

Dewitt3773d ago

This is a great entry into the Japanese market for the new console, plus SEGA has a huge surprise at TGS. Excellent!

Syakinta3773d ago

Huge surprise at TGS?

Shenmue 3 confirmed.

SporadikStyles3773d ago

I really hope so as a Dreamcast fan but if not, Jet Set Radio Future HD would be amazing!......finally

Eonjay3773d ago

That is a long shot. The basic story behind this is that it is owned by Sega. Phil Spencer said that he wouldn't have on of their studios build it (among other things they don't own it) and that he would rather focus on their own franchise but acknowledged that it was on of the most requested games he hears about. This was exacerbated by a fake trademarks and Mark Cerny's close relationship with the creator.

So, the only way it is being made period is if Sega builds it. There is a possibility that Microsoft could front this project, but I also find it strange that Sega has sat on this game for so long. So, your guess is as good as mine, but Sega doesn't even acknowledge this potential treasure.

diesoft3773d ago

How about SHENMUE 1 AND 2 FOR XBLA AND PSN, SEGA?! I've been dying to play those forever but have never owned a Dreamcast.

DO IT, SEGA!!! Listen to the demands of a poster from N4G!

Eonjay3773d ago

I have been wondering what Sega is up to. Haven't really heard much from them since Yakuza. Rumor of Sonic in Smash Brothers. They are publishing the new Alien game. They do have the new Sonic cartoon. Do you have a source for the TGS rumor?

Dehnus3773d ago

Dreamcast 2 Confirmed!

But that would be my hope, and I know that won't happen..... Sigh... sad SEGA fanboy is saaad.

hellzsupernova3773d ago

So these are for the Japanese market I assume

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Chaos;Head Noah and Chaos;Child Patches Available Now for Switch, Fixes Cutscene Bugs

Spike Chunsoft announced two new patches for Chaos;Head Noah and Chaos;Child are available now for Nintendo Switch.

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FinalFantasyFanatic672d ago

Still waiting on the Steam patch from Committee of Zero, hopefully it comes out soon as November is almost over and I'm kinda itching to experience the difference between the regular edition and Noah.

Yui_Suzumiya672d ago (Edited 672d ago )

Yeah, I talked to a guy from the project and they're testing it out right now. I just have the Steelbook version for Switch and I'm looking forward to experiencing all the endings now since the bug is fixed.

jznrpg672d ago (Edited 672d ago )

I won’t buy these games because the Switch pisses me off . After playing Xenoblade 3 and it kept crashing on me during effect intensive battles I really am starting to dislike it . Make something with some decent power .. it’s frustrating in 2022 my game keeps crashing because it can’t handle PS3 level graphics . I already own Child on PS they should release Noah on PS5 . I own the OLED mode and it shouldn’t be crashing when I’m fighting 4-5 mobs


Chaos;Child Review [Capsule Computers]

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:

"For many, Japanese visual novels tend to be a genre that can be hit or miss. This is primarily due to the fact that there are so many out there and until about five or six years ago the titles that were translated into English only fell into the adult category. That has since changed and now numerous classic visual novels have been given official English releases with the Science Adventure series containing the Steins;Gate games being seen as some of the best. Now after a console release Chaos;Child has made its way to PC. Being part of a franchise that hasn’t been entirely translated and the sequel to a game that was never officially released in English outside of an anime adaptation may put Chaos;Child as a tough start but does it turn out to be worth your time?"

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Chaos;Child PC Review - Delusional Not to Play - Noisy Pixel

Noisy Pixel reviews Chaos;Child for the PC from developer Mages and publisher Spike Chunsoft, available now on PC-via Steam.

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