
Kickstarter not in fatigue but niches harder to fill, says Brian Fargo

Brian Fargo, the creator of crowdfunded project Wasteland 2, doesn't believe there's a fatigue on Kickstarter.

The inXile Entertainment founder said the most successful projects are those that only exist through crowdfunding, or fill a niche that's missing in the market, which is becoming more difficult over time.

"I think sometimes some of the projects that have failed is Kickstarter doing its job," he told Digital Spy.

"Which is saying, 'We don't really want that, or there's already too much like it'. I think it worked very well for us, and it worked well for [Broken Age's Tim] Schafer, because it's quite honest to say this game wouldn't have existed without it, period, because we're a middle-ground developer, we're not two guys.

"I think the projects that do most well on Kickstarter are things where you've been denied the ability to get it somehow, or there's a hole in the marketplace that needs to be filled with a fanbase behind it.

"Well, those holes have been filled over the past couple of years. It's getting harder to find things where people resonate and think, 'I really want some of those things'.

"I don't think it's so much it's a Kickstarter fatigue, but if there isn't a strong demand - if they think there's a bunch of those out there - then I think it's very difficult. I think that's where some people are hitting some problems."

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Clockwork Revolution Features True Reactivity, Says Fargo, Then Shares His Best Scene from the Game

inXile CEO Brian Fargo talked about the idea behind Clockwork Revolution and how it'll feature true reactivity based on players' actions.

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Lightning77315d ago

"He's begging for his life. You can let him go, you can kill him, or you can kind of like shoot him and then halfway through go, okay, never mind. Forget it. When you come back to the present, he's not a serial killer, he's an advocate for victim's rights,"

"Or even something like that on a smaller scale. Maybe you went back to the past with a red hat and they're like, oh my God, we love your hat. You come back, and you started a fad. Everybody loves red hats now. It's that stuff I think is highly entertaining."

Sounds interesting from a choice, time travel mechanics. Be interesting to see how deep the mechanic goes.

Can't wait to see more.

Flawlessmic313d ago

That example alone is pretty god dam exciting, really hope they can pull of a game with multiple instances of cool scenarios like that, would be sickkk!!

Keeping my hype and expectations firmly in check though after the promise of starfield and forza fell well short of what was promised.

hope they smash it though, game looks pretty cool

Obscure_Observer314d ago

That serial killer story snip got me even more hyped for this game!

I´m so glad that Brian decided and gave up on his plans to retire after InXile´s acquisition. He knew that XGS would allow him freedom to do whatever he wants with the necessary funds and technology, and that´s the reason why we might be getting an amazing new classic RPG IP from some of the best RPG minds in gaming!

Amazing times to be an RPG fan!

jznrpg314d ago (Edited 314d ago )

This game interests me some. I don’t like that they made a clone of Bioshock Infinite world and wished they made their own style of Steampunk.

But if the mechanics that this guy is talking about actually works and combat is well done I could be interested in this game.
Most of the Xbox games don’t interest me much at all so this one stands out a little for me. I’m sure it won’t be a system seller even if it’s good but that doesn’t mean much to me.

I take what devs say with a grain of salt as we have seen a lot of false promises for games and the end result isn’t close to what they talk about. But if done well I could actually buy a used Xbox X and a used copy of the game someday. That’s the most they would get from me. Second hand sales. I don’t expect much from Xbox and don’t trust much of what they say but who knows maybe this game is different. Not holding my breather heard lots of great things before Redfall came out and it was a big pile when released.

TheColbertinator314d ago

I don't mind Bioshock clones or Deus Ex clones or XCOM clones if they do it right and convince you to play them in the first place.

Tacoboto314d ago

Your perspective is exhausting

phoenixwing314d ago (Edited 314d ago )

J I agree with to a point but buying a used copy is pretty ridiculous to me. Not even rewarding xbox when they do something right is bad imo. If the game is good I'll buy it outright. Just like I bought xboxs other games outright like forza.

I used to owe most of my allegiance to playstation but now I'm pc playstation Nintendo. In that order. Doesn't mean I won't reward microsoft when they make a game I like though. That's how it's supposed to work. Being a fanboy to the point you have to advertise how you're not giving a company money to the other "team" is ridiculous in the age of pc

Yui_Suzumiya314d ago

This is maybe one of ten interesting AAA titles to be shown this entire generation so far. I'd buy 1000 copies if it would show the industry that this is the type of games I want.

neutralgamer1992314d ago

This game has me very excited and curious

Rimeskeem314d ago

This game intrigued the hell out of me, definitely on my radar.

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inXile CEO Isn't Fully Convinced on Using AI for Story, Though One of His Writers Had Great Ideas

inXile CEO Brian Fargo talked about his opinion on using AI for story/NPC purposes. He also teased interesting concepts coming from his writers for this purpose.

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AMD’s Blockchain Game Store Lets Players Sell Their Digital Games

Robot Cache, a new digital retailer for games founded by developer and inXile Entertainment CEO Brian Fargo, offers customers the ability to buy and sell games from its digital library using cryptocurrency or cash.
The newcomer to the digital storefront space uses blockchain technology to track games being bought and sold on the platform, kicking back a cut of the money to not only the most recent owner of said game, but also to developers.

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Hofstaderman440d ago

So they get a cut? On top of already having the game sold once already?

Eff off.

darksky440d ago

I reckon players would welcome the ability to sell the games they never play or have completed. When everything goes digital it is a welcome feature that would allow gamers to recoup some of the cost to put towards a new game.

blackblades440d ago

That would be nice to an extent, I have digital games in my backlog that I never touched its been 10 years. Some games I regret buying on the early days of digital like Detune and genshift. Sounds nice but still dont like it, it basically a renting service.

VincentVanBro439d ago

@blackblades no it basically isn’t lol are you reading what anyone is saying? Part of ownership is the right to sell what you own if you so desire. How could anyone be against a right that simply empowers consumers? Lmao

KwietStorm_BLM439d ago

How the hell can you corelate that to a rental service? You're not obligated to give back the games you *bought*... If you don't want to sell it, don't. It's not theirs to reclaim from you. That's such a weird comparison.

Servbot41440d ago

Every single physical retailer that deals with used games has gotten "a cut" since the dawn of video games. Should they eff off as well?

Sephiroushin439d ago

if you go a retailer and you sell your game you get a cut the retailer get a cut not the developer ... in this case the dev get 70% and you get only 25% the retailer /store in this case 5%... if you go sell your house do you have to pay 70% to the builder and get only 25% ? it's a stupid analogy and i am up for the devs to get a cut but no way 70%

Servbot41439d ago

AMD isn't a game developer, your analogy makes no sense. If you don't like the prices AMD is giving you for your digital games, wait for another digital storefront to offer competitive prices.

Sephiroushin439d ago (Edited 439d ago )

It says developers i will copy it
Every vote with your dollar matters more on Robot Cache. We give 95% back to the developers and take only 5%. Not the ‘industry standard’ of 30%. When you sell your used copy, we give 70% back to the developers, 25% back to you"

Dunno if they are referring to the developers as of the blockchain then it would not make sense or the developers of the games which sound more about the developers of the games and if so my analogy in that case do makes sense, if you buy a idk a Ford and tell someone to sell it and then the developer (Ford) takes 70% you 25% and the seller 5% do that makes sense?
You're technically the owner so naturally the bigger cut should be yours, although where the industry is headed ain't a good place, broken games that are always online, full of microtransactions ...

Nothing to worry about it though, I don't buy something i don't want just to sell it unless its a real important asset like their stock for example, 6$ to 120$ what a ride... But if it is going to work like this, a gamestop 2.0; and on a blockchain which most people do not like then its a DOA storefront, well not DOA but wont take a chunk of the market... I can get their gpu or cpu but I would not give them my digital games for them to sell it sounds as assassin or even more than gamestop lol... Yea probably Valve or Epic later on will cut them real bad as well, but again, game I buy game that stay on my library.

EvertonFC440d ago

This is a good thing, you've automatically read Blockchain and had a fanny attack

closed_account440d ago

Actually the best use of Blockchain I've seen. Because each copy can be tracked, this allows the possibility of resale.

We've been conditioned to have kneejerk disgust whenever we see the word Blockchain, but this is pretty cool. It doesn't mean I like the other 95% of Blockchain that sucks.

Notellin440d ago ShowReplies(1)
440d ago
1Victor439d ago (Edited 439d ago )

Sound like GameStop 2.0 🤦🏿
But it’s a good thing that now people will be able to sale digital games they finished or don’t want I just hope they don’t do a GameStop and sale the used for $5 bellow the new game price 😡

porkChop439d ago

I don't mind giving the dev a cut but 70%? Wtf is that? If I bought the game and I'm reselling it why should the devs get 70% while I only get 25%?

closed_account439d ago

Yea same how I feel. As cool as it is to track used games via blockchain, the cut that AMD takes is horrendous!

Christopher439d ago (Edited 439d ago )

I mean, it's better than nothing, and it's not like ebay and similar sites also don't take their cut for providing the storefront.

There are definitely areas that could use improvement, but it's a start to something that could improve with competition.

Sephiroushin438d ago

No sites like ebay, g2a, kinguin, eneba, amazon, and so on takes 75% of your sale and give you 25%, they usually do not take more than 30%, this is so rigged, if you look at the long picture this is to make developers bite since their cut will always be 70% which is basically the same they will get on a sale from playstation, ios, xbox (i think it decreased but still), nintendo, steam etc ... a game a gamer sell is basically a normal sale for them, and no, its not AMD who takes the 70%, the robot cache website here: " https://partner.robotcache.... " mention partner and a partner there is a publisher ie thq nordic, capcom etc

Christopher438d ago

@Sphiroushin "There are definitely areas that could use improvement, but it's a start to something that could improve with competition."

Sephiroushin438d ago (Edited 438d ago )

I know you said that, but every single thing on existence has areas where it can be improved, i was trying to say its not a good start, its actually quite a bad start and a bad look for the all digital era, like always though, corporate thinking about partner corporates instead of having a balance between partners and consumers.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 438d ago
PhillyDillyDee440d ago

I could get behind this but i think the price should be set by the seller and not the platform. But maybe im not thinking that through enough. I just woke up.

roadkillers440d ago

In digital age, it doesnt make sense at all from a logical perspective (you buy used because it's used, digital cannot be used)... but interesting. It sounds more like an extra source of income for the store and developers possibly, but will be sold as an incentive for customers.

The biggest wait and see is how developers react to this. Will developers keep their games at $70 for longer and sell the "used" as discount creating artificial demand?

crazyCoconuts440d ago

Blockchain is an interesting way to decentralize the ledger, but Robot Cache will still need to deploy copy protection on your games that prevents you from playing them without verification from a network. Is this architected in a way that you can still play the games if Robot Cache goes out of business? Not clear.

SinisterKieran440d ago

damn..the title was cut off...was hoping it said feet pictures


LMAO. Comment of 2023 right here

ChiefofLoliPolice439d ago

I can go to cdkeys or G2A and get PC games for cheaper. However selling your digital games sounds welcoming to some people.

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