
These New H1Z1 Screens Look Quite Nice

Sony Online Entertainment released a few more nice looking H1Z1 screenshots, although the first few hands-on articles have been negative so far.

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Festano3781d ago

Graphically, it is on a good level, I hope that if you have problems with the gameplay does not release prematurely.

Imp0ssibl33781d ago

I agree, they don't look amazing, but given the scope of the game its understandable.

Alexious3781d ago

Indeed. It's a MMO and it's supposed to evolve into a huge, persistent world.

Qrphe3781d ago

The most successful PC games out there don't have amazing graphics either. You have to catee to the common low-end rig PC gamer to cater to the broaadest market.

mcarsehat3781d ago

you must be new to N4G, graphics are all people care about now.

christrules00413781d ago

Sure they can cater to lower end rigs. But that is were the adjustable game settings come into place. I mean Watch Dogs is ready for 4k 60fps capped. But you can still turn down the settings and play it on most rigs.

People with a higher end rig wanna use its power as well. The more people interested the better.

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XiSasukeUchiha3781d ago

This game looks and feels awesome!

Alexious3781d ago

Well, about "feeling" awesome, they might want to polish it up a bit before release...

elhebbo163781d ago

If its free I really can't argue with it.

boskoz3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Just YESTERDAY Dayz devs claimed to have finally fixed the pathfinding problem of their zombies.

Uhm...maybe they finally saw some danger for them on the horizon, called h1z1, and started moving their lazy asses

Drasill3773d ago

DayZ is in early access alpha you moron.

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chris2352146d ago

it doesn‘t actually speak for human intelligence when such products can be a thing. if everybody used their brain such products would have never made their way to the mainstream. people get what they begged for. and i can‘t for the life of it get such mindsets.