
H1Z1 hands-on: first impressions of SOE's zombie survival game | PCGamer


SOE has embraced an extremely transparent, open style of development with H1Z1. After suddenly revealing the game just a few weeks ago with a live demo (and following that with additional, extended livestream gameplay demos, including one where the game’s barricading feature was built live for viewers in one day), SOE invited press to play the game for the first time today in Santa Monica, CA as many members of the media are in town for pre-E3 appointments.

Ballsack3782d ago

possibilites are endless...great that non ps4 owners can play this game on their PCs .

this looks like a sleeper hit

solar3782d ago

this style of game has been played for the last 4 years on PC....

MysticStrummer3782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

Does that really matter? How many shooters come out that are virtually the same type of game that's been available for over a decade, hell nearly two decades, except with different graphics, sound, and story? When you get right down to it, the Elder Scrolls games have actually evolved very little from a basic gameplay standpoint, yet they're always one of the top PC games when they release. The same can be said about any genre really. New games come out all the time that are just another developer's take on concepts someone else came up with originally.

I didn't hit disagree by the way. I just think you made an odd point when the industry is full of games that borrow heavily from past titles.

user56695103782d ago

that a weird thing to say being that the focus is pc launch first on pc, and will be porting later as a second thought to ps4 just like planetside 2

Dynasty20213782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

I'm sticking to DayZ. Not a single thing has impressed me about H1Z1. I think the graphics look cartoony, and the animations are just WOEFUL, borderline laughable.

People say the development is going too slow. It's been out 6 months you idiots.

"Who pays for an alpha trolololol."

I'll happily pay £20 for a pre-alpha that works, is constantly changing, and I get access to every version of the game from now on forever, seeing all the animals, agriculture, vehicles etc being added, rather than pay £50 for a DayZ wannabe.

Also, PC > consoles.

Patrick_pk443782d ago

H1Z1 isn't a PS4 exclusive so that PC>console argument becomes invalid.

"Rather than pay £50 for a DayZ clone." The game is also Free to Play and has been stated to have no Pay to Win transactions. Basically, I receive a video game that has the same concept but free. Free>Paid

Also the development time for DayZ has been horrible and even Rocket himself is disappointed in his own game.

H1Z1 is being developed by the team who made Planetside 2 who continue to add further content within their games. H1Z1 has been shown multiple times that they have a more stable version and have more content than DayZ. You yourself are a Rocket/DayZ fanboy. I am here to state facts and not bullshit the truth. I am not even interested in a survival zombie game, but when I see the bullshit steaming from your comment, I can't allow that.

younglj013782d ago (Edited 3782d ago )

My question is if PC is soooo much better how is DayZ not out of Alpha after all of these years?

H1Z1 will probably be better then DayZ.

MysticStrummer3782d ago

Watching footage of both, I don't know what you're looking at if you think DayZ's animations are better than H1Z1's. The art style is different, I'll give you that, but I don't think either one is "better" than the other.

As for PCs vs consoles, I've been gaming at home since the mid 70s and I've tried PC gaming several times through the years. Console gaming is much better from my point of view, but I won't assume my opinion is the truth like you apparently do and make the same kind of blanket statement.

Seafort3782d ago

If DayZ SA is meant to be a zombie apocalypse survival game they could at least add zombies to the game instead of those glitchy npcs that walk through walls.

It's more of a torture simulator than a zombie game.

At this rate H1Z1 will be launched before DayZ is even out of alpha hehe.

Btw H1Z1 will be $20/£15 on steam Early Access within the next few weeks and will be F2P at launch :)

Personally I don't see the appeal of DayZ. It has a shitty engine (ARMA2) and all you do is go round collect stuff from buildings then die from a KoS kiddie ad infinitum :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3782d ago
XisThatKid3781d ago

seriously wtf cares? if it's a game let SOE eat off venturing to a new field. "America" was "played" way before the pilgrims landed that didn't stop USA from being awesome........lol

REALLY Seriously though, minecraft was good without console for years WTF happened? Console success happened that's what!


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chris2352146d ago

it doesn‘t actually speak for human intelligence when such products can be a thing. if everybody used their brain such products would have never made their way to the mainstream. people get what they begged for. and i can‘t for the life of it get such mindsets.