
Sledgehammer: "We're Treating Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Like A New IP"

Three Sledgehammer developers explain that Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has been approached as a brand new IP by the studio.

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3726d ago Replies(9)
Festano3726d ago

I'm not a fan of the series, I hope that the development of Sledgehammer Games brings significant improvements.

kaiserfranz3726d ago

I haven't been a CoD fan in a long time as well, but I have a good feeling about this one.

Majin-vegeta3726d ago

Well in that case.

-Higher player coun
-Dedi servers not that bs you pulled on Ghost
-Bigger maps or about the same size as Ghost maps.
-Less KS
-NO dumb bs perks.

kaiserfranz3726d ago

Sounds good, but the important thing is to create the maps with the exosuit powers in mind. If they can make traversal fun and somewhat skill based, then they could have a winner.

seanpitt233726d ago (Edited 3726d ago )

Cod developers say this every year but it's the same engine and same game every year I bet the death animations are even the same. They said ghost was a total different cod with a new enhanced engine to tie in with next gen and it had a dog lol.
I bet activision cannot believe there luck with putting the same game out every year and earn billions because the gamers Keep buying it.

I know for a fact this game will be the same even the trailer we saw I could spot a lot of things the same has blackops 2 but this time it's got Kevin spacey.

Vegamyster3726d ago

Sledgehammer hasn't shown us what they can do with direct control over the series, they've been going to tournaments & events to take notes on what the players want from the game. Graphically speaking the game looks noticeably better and they said its a new engine, obviously other games look better but it still looks good and they're probably aiming for 60 fps. I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet until we see both unedited SP/MP footage.

seanpitt233726d ago

Someone said what you just said about ghosts. I just hope your right we need a different take on cod it can be a good game like cod4 was.

Brix903726d ago

Sorry but sounds like Ghost 2 to me no thank you. Bigger maps did not work for Ghost.
Higher player count there's already ground war and most COD players enjoy the 6v6.
Ghost kill streaks were terrible and boring.
Agree with you on perks though.

Sorry but your version of COD sounds like you want it to be battlefield.

-Foxtrot3726d ago

Here we go, hyping it up like it's going to be something brand new and unique when in the end once the hype fades away it will be just another Call of Duty game.

dasbeer883726d ago

If Sledgehammer Games remove Kill/Death Ratio from Advanced Warfare, I can guarantee you that'll be a great overhaul.

Palitera3726d ago

It is unbelievable that some people are still falling for this.

Well, whatever, they'll believe the exact same words next year too...

MegaRay3726d ago

It worked for them for about 5 or more games. Why stop now?

DaMist3726d ago

I'm looking forward to it, i have passed on some of the call of duty games of recent year, but i might give this one a chance. I also have the first Advanced Warfare rap on Youtube :D


DaMist3726d ago

Sorry for the double post. first one didnt work. can anyone show me how to delete one?

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Modern Warfare 3 SBMM Questions Ignored by Sledgehammer in Reddit AMA

In a recent AMA, Sledgehammer Games painstakingly ignored every single one of the dozens of Modern Warfare 3 SBMM comments and questions,

thorstein249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

SBMM = Skill Based Match Making for anyone who didn't know.

gigoran8248d ago

So what's the problem? Are streamers being matched with actual competent players and getting destroyed without their cheats?

Sephiroushin247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

No, the problem is a player get matched with all other below average team mates and another team is 1 average player the rest players above average ... its like having a team of pro vs a team of newbies this was all leaked through patents you can play with friends and it get more balanced, but then everyone is just camping and the only way to win is well camping which in turn is well not anything close to fun.


Dead Space vet leaves studio he founded after The Callisto Protocol flops

Three executives are leaving The Callisto Protocol developer Striking Distance Studios following the game's commercial underperformance, including studio co-founder and Dead Space veteran Glen Schofield.

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-Foxtrot310d ago

I didn't mind The Callisto Protocol but the DLC really soured me, made everything feel pointless

Also these types of articles...why are we allowing articles where you need to pay to read the entire thing on here.

fr0sty308d ago

They should have tried to make something more original, instead of another dead space clone.

GodsSon90309d ago

That sucks. I’m enjoying it so far.

RaidenBlack309d ago

Having a hunch ... Glen Schofield might boomerang back to EA or Activision.
Or what if Sony lets them form a new studio under PS umbrella?

Class_Viceroy308d ago

Why the fuck would Sony want a dude who abandoned his studio after making a mediocre game?

Vengeance1138309d ago

Loved Callisto Protocol alot though it did walk a little too closely in Dead Space's shadow. Would be great to see them seperate more in a sequel.

P_Bomb309d ago

Schofield’s gone, among others? How long before they shutter? I platinumed it, wasn’t the worst game.

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Third-Person Call Of Duty-Meets-Uncharted Vietnam Game Never Got Very Far In Development

Years ago, Sledgehammer Games was working on a third-person Call of Duty game set during the Vietnam War. But it never came to be.

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jznrpg326d ago

That’s too bad. I enjoy TPS games and the idea could work if done well.