
Ports From Windows 8 To Xbox One Take Just "A Day Or Two"

Boyd Multerer, the "creator" of Xbox One, said that games are being ported from Windows 8 (DirectX) to Xbox One in just a day or two.

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chrcharcor23730d ago

Not a big PC gamer, but that's interesting news for the Xbox One users.

christocolus3730d ago

It is interesting indeed, could open up amazing possibilities. It would also help devs save a lot of time and resources

HaydenJameSmith3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

I agree. DX12 as a unified API and Windows 8 as a unified OS for Devs could mean a lot. Cant wait to see the results.

randomass1713730d ago

That is incredibly impressive port time. It's like releasing on two platforms for the price of one.

mikeslemonade3730d ago

This doesn't mean anything. They are porting over optimized PC specs for Console specs. If you compare the specs directly the console is even more inferior. They need to be ported and then optimized on the consoles.

Freedomland3730d ago


Basically he is not talking about DX12 but talking about games which are being written for windows 8.

DragonKnight3730d ago

This actually means literally nothing. Just because a game is made for Windows 8 doesn't mean that porting it to the Xbox One is going to mean anything significant. All it means is the OS' are compatible and OS specific problems are eliminated because of that.

Won't mean that the quality between versions will be the same, won't necessarily mean you'll be getting PC games on the Xbox One, won't mean a performance benefit of any kind, all it literally means is that they don't have to go through the hoops of porting from a different OS to another. At the very most all you can expect is the slight efficiency boost that comes with compatibility.

Sitdown3730d ago

@DragonNight and Mikeslemonade
Why are you all trying to create an argument?...or feel the need to knock the news? Nobody in this particular string even suggested that it meant those things... And should you have read the article, you would have seen that.

DragonKnight3729d ago

@Sitdown: Who's trying to make an argument? I simply stated a fact. Are you going to provide evidence that porting from the same OS to the same OS is going to mean the XB1 will have PC performance levels or pretty much any benefit other than a modest efficiency boost?

The only people who would start an argument about this are certain individuals who don't live in reality and see everything Xbox related through rose colored glasses.

christocolus3729d ago

@dragonknight and mikesl

You guys are funny, always quick to downplay anything xbox. How can this not be a good thing?if sony announced the same thing, you wouldnt be downplaying it now would you? If this is true it would be really impressive..for both indie and aa pc ports..it would help devs save resources and gamers will enjoy the benefits so i really dont know how you guys can still try to put this down. If you dont like it then move on instead of saying crap like this

"This actually means literally nothing. Just because a game is made for Windows 8 doesn't mean that porting it to the Xbox One is going to mean anything significant."

you havent used it either? You cant just jump in here calling it nothing.i doubt you were ever interested in the xbox in the first place.so your comments aint surprising.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3729d ago
Funantic13730d ago

Yeah I'd like to get my hands on the upcoming Unreal Tournament that's releasing on PC only. That would be real nice on the X1.

3730d ago
ATi_Elite3730d ago

Windows 8 Sucks, I just had to throw that out there.

Once again we have Microsoft hyping up some feature of the XBOXone but how does this benefit actual XB1 owners is beyond me.

Port from PC to XB1 in 48 hours is SO SWEET! Too bad most PC Game devs do NOT want to fool with the XB1 because of MS policies.

Nice feature but it isn't gonna translate into a ton of PC Exclusives hitting the XB1.

SO basically you can program a game on a PC using DX12 and port it to the XB1 in two days AND then optimize it to run at 720p 30 fps because of the XB1 WEAK gpu.

Save yourself a lot of dev time versus the xb360. Hopefully this is better served the OTHER WAY AROUND.

Port XB1 games to the PC in less than 48hrs is where the REAL MONEY IS AT.

Alan Wake 2 PC will outsell XB1 version GUARANTEED!

n4rc3730d ago

What policies?

Unless you are part of id@xbox, I'm not aware of anything devs would be wary of.. Even then, now you can release your Xbox port along side your PC version for next to nothing.. Pretty huge upside there

And windows 8 is better then windows 7.. People just hate the ui but performance wise I find it much faster and insanely stable.. But I ha e to admit that ui is a bit hard to swallow lol

Belasco3730d ago

So what I take from your rant is this: I am asceered that this might mean more PC/XB1 exclusives.

Salooh3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Don't know about the performance of Windows 8 but the UI is ugly as hell , it's annoying. Really not kool. I had some problems running old games but otherwise i heard all the new games work on it.

However , this awesome news if developers do develop on windows 8.

Legacy2123730d ago

My eyes!They burn! Too much nonesense and fan boyism in one post to handle!

Legacy2123730d ago

My eyes! They burn! Too much nonesense and fanboyism in one post for them to handle

ATi_Elite3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

@ Belasco

True more XB1/PC Exclusives. Best way for MS to make money and keep things away from PS4.

So many disagrees at the truth.

1. Win8 sucks = TRUTH
2. XB1 features that have yet to produce anything meaningful = TRUTH
3. Alan Wake PC outsold Alan Wake X360 "Remedy says Alan Wake has crossed 2 million sales on PC" = TRUTH
4. Most PC Devs hate MS XB1 policies = TRUTH
5. Got disagrees for telling the TRUTH = TRUTH

Gazondaily3730d ago

What happened to you? You used to be cool p_p

Also...Win8 aint all that bad.

christocolus3730d ago

@Ati elite

All those things you said and listed above are only truths to you and you alone.. What's gone into you?

-Alan wake pc sold higher than xbox 360 version (wth)
-Windows 8 sucks (your opinion)
-Most devs hate windows 8(may be in your little world)
-Xbx features that have yet to produce anything( really)hating on something as cool as this too?
-Disagree cos I'm right (lmao... yeah right) people disagree with you cos your spilling out nonsense and ranting like a fanboy.

Muadiib3730d ago

Win 8 ui sucks for sure, the backend is pretty state of the art though. I'm gonna wait for win 9 though which will hopefully have the best of both worlds.

ATi_Elite3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

alan wakePC over two million units sold
alan wake x360 1.6m

Windows 8 has features that can lock it down like an Apple computer thus forcing Indie devs to pay MORE for access not to mention MS charges Devs/pubs for updates and server acces and Gabe Newell even addressed these issue.

Azure, TEH clouds, DX12, what other XB1 feature has been touted but has YET to be implemented into a game?

Playstation 4 has already implemented several key features into it's games meanwhile all MS has done is TALK about them.

It's not about being a fanboy, it's about LESS talk and more hard evidence.

People shelled out $500 for what? TALK or Actual Games?

How long have WE all been laughing at "TEH CLOUDZ"? Still no real implementation, only MINOR use in Titanfall, so minor that most Indie PC MMO games already do these things.

n4rc3730d ago

You can Google whatever you want. If you choose to only click on n4g links then that's your fault Lol.. Or maybe the idiot blogs that had a headline that suits your argument

Most of the crap you wrote is flat out wrong... And for someone that wants less talk.. Why'd you make all these rants yet not include any actual reasoning for your opinions? (which you claim are facts)

AndrewLB3730d ago

You have absolutely no clue regarding game development. You always want to "port down" because it's easy to lower the quality of textures for consoles by running them through a simple filter.

How do you propose you "port up" from Xbone to PC? It's kinda tough to increase the quality of already inferior texture files without having to completely re-make all the textures.

The last 8 years PC owners had to endure lazy developers porting many games up to PC and it really sucked.

Alexious3730d ago

I admit I'd really like to see Sunset Overdrive on PC, that may save me 500 blings!

DAS6923729d ago

To all that disagree above... Windows 8 is the worst OS that I have ever touched. Aside from UI issues, there are an EXTENSIVE amount if driver issues and bugs that MS -- as usual -- are ignoring. I dumped Windows back whenvista was released and moved on to greener pastures (Linux) and when Windows 8 was released I decided to see how Windows 7 had fared since my departure from MS's famous OS. To my surprise, I was very impressed. The OS ran smoothly and had very little to no driver issues. Windows 8 -- on the other hand was absolutely HORRID -- as if the UI hadn't done enough damage, the thing that Windows users always boasted about (gaming) had been severely affected by the OS. Video card drivers were shot, and the "App Store" was (and still is) EMPTY. Just had to put that out there... Windows 8 = THAT BAD.

tee_bag2423729d ago (Edited 3729d ago )

I'm with ATI on this one. Windows 8 is rubbish. Trying to lock people out from hardware they own.
Geez... so many of you argue with him and have no clue what you're saying. It's very sad considering how it drastically affects the future of PC's.
Yes trying Googling.. then actually reading

awi59513729d ago (Edited 3729d ago )


I'm a pc gamer and everything ATI-Elite said was true and you're just a butt hurt Sony fanboy downplaying any news that comes out for xbox. You calling him a fanboy is a total joke. This is all around good news for guys on pc that may want to port over to xbox. Also Alan wake did sell way more on pc its on sale on steam all the time for like 10 dollars so it's had huge exposure on pc far more than it got on xbox. Saying pc guys dont want to go to xbox is stupid look how many copies of Minecraft sold on xbox the market is there for Indy developers.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3729d ago
styferion3730d ago

It would have greater impact if they say "ports from Windows 7" and not "ports from Windows 8" though.. that version isn't good for gaming..

FragMnTagM3730d ago

You have no idea what you are talking about. Windows 8 is great for gaming. Updating from Windows 7 to Windows 8 is a pretty significant increase in performance for gaming.

Just because you hate Microsoft doesn't mean you need to spread fud...

The only thing that sucks about Windows 8 is the metro UI.

Dark_Vendetta3730d ago

Completely agree @FragM
The fps bump from windows 7 to windows 8 is def noticeable. People like to hate on windows 8 but I think (especially after the 8.1 update) they made a great OS (of course beside the metro UI, but you don't have to use it ...).

wicked3730d ago

I use the UI on my tablet and boot to desktop on my Desktop & laptop. Nice having the choice

Alexious3730d ago

Actually Windows 8.1 contains several CPU optimizations. It's definitely better than 7 now.

liquidhalos3729d ago

Eerm wrong, windows 8 although sporting an ugly ui is damn stable and great for games. Now we can tell your just Bum talking dude. - bub for trolling styferion

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3729d ago
3730d ago
kaiserfranz3730d ago

Indeed. I've noticed a couple of indie games that are going to be PC/Xbox One only, whereas most indie games were PC/PS4 until now.

Maybe this will become a trend.

Gamer19823730d ago

Just a day or two?? If there indie games maybe..

frostypants3730d ago

It's also unmitigated bullshot.

BABY-JEDI3730d ago

I think it's a pretty amazing turnover time. Just trying to figure out what's the catch?

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3729d ago
ErcsYou3730d ago

Is that with or without optimizing for the esram? For some reason, I don't believe him..

randomass1713730d ago

Guess we'll see if/when they put it into action.

Qrphe3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

Without of course, but it allows for time resources for optimization

hello123730d ago

Esram is being used for the GPU, only, its an entirely new way of doing things. The system is not like the 360, that's untrue. It will take some time for devs to get used to it. I'm telling you in about a year or two the resolution debate will be no more.

OrangePowerz3730d ago (Edited 3730d ago )

The X1 will always have the weaker hardware and Sony will also improve their OS, tools and API and devs will get more used to the console. In 1-2 years devs will have two options, make games run the same on both onsoles or release the PS4 version running and playing better compared to the X1 version.

If the PS4 keeps outselling the X1 at the current rate many devs will not go for the parity. The 360 was ahead of the PS3 for a long time so they had leverage to force parity on devs, but as the the PS4 builds up the lead and multiplatform games sell better on the PS4 they loose that leverage.

As for the ESRAM, it can used for any data. The thing is with it being only that small you can't throw big chuncks in there so you wouldn't use it in most cases for data that is processed by the CPU.

Alexious3730d ago

Well perhaps, but even so that doesn't mean X1 will reach the same performance of PS4 which is impossible. There's only so much that optimizations can do

awi59513729d ago


No i bet esram will help i bet developers are just being lazy like last gen. They are finding ways not to use the esram like they did with 360. They dont want anything to do with it so they just program around it because their games would still work even though they didn't try to take advantage of it.

kaiserfranz3730d ago

It's said in the article, obviously tweaking is not considered in this. It probably means just that the code can work.

Optimizing takes more of course, but it's still impressive.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3729d ago
Aurenar3730d ago

That's interesting. Now, I want less exclusive and more games ported to the PC.

Axios23730d ago

Great news considering to number of PC games that could easily be ported to X1

Aussiebeachbabe3730d ago

I agree axios. Good news for xb1 and great news for gamers in general.

TheUltimateGamer3730d ago

Wow, that's actually really cool. Hopefully they start utilizing that ability. There are a lot of games I'd love to see from PC to X1

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PUBG Lite PC System Requirements

Are you looking for PUBG Lite PC System Requirements, If YES, then you have reached right page. You can checkout PUBG Lite PC minimum and recommended system requirements below. PUBG Lite PC is a new free version of the PUBG PC game with scaled-down graphics designed to play on computers and laptops equipped with lower-end …

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khiva42004d ago

PUBG is a good game I liked Pubg.Pubg is better then a fortnite game.

GamerzElite2003d ago (Edited 2003d ago )

Lol, I downloaded PUBG Lite from this site and found Free Fire game inside with Blue Stack.


Assassin's Creed Odyssey To Change Controversial DLC

After apologizing for forcing your character into a heterosexual relationship, Ubisoft is planning to issue a patch that will correct the error.

A controversial bit of Assassin's Creed Odyssey downloadable content will be changed in a future patch following a backlash from fans. Spoilers follow for the Shadow Heritage episode of Odyssey's DLC.

At the end of the Shadow Heritage episode, your character has a child from a heterosexual relationship. Those who had spent hours playing their Kassandra or Alexios as LGBTQ--or simply not interested in relationships at all--felt forced into a plot development

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Chaosdreams2009d ago

This is good to hear. *Thumbs up

Nobody loses, everyone wins.

Hungryalpaca2008d ago

Except now canonically it doesn’t make sense. This was supposed to be part of a bloodline.

If the character is gay...the bloodline ends...unless they still have children. So they’d need to tie that up now.

lilzay333112008d ago

why would it be a bloodline thing, they killed bloodlines in origins with the invention of the portable animus. there's literally no need for a child or even a relationship when the connection is to the person not their relative.

NewMonday2007d ago

so we can't say you can't have natural children with the same sex?

babadivad2007d ago

This may come as a shocker to you but, gay people have children all the time. . .

mikeslemonade2007d ago

I’m for gays but here’s another example of entitled people complaining about small things. Ubisoft should stand up against this and change nothing.

fathertime44642007d ago

Yeah gays have kids all the time through adoption or artificial encemination. One of two of these things didn't exist back then. Now add in the fact that you need the historical bloodlines you kind of just killed off the past games with this one.


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2007d ago
JokerBoy4222008d ago

Explain how this supports the science of the Animus now. They pandered to the LGBTXYZ cuz those cancers of society never shut the hell up about anything.

Chaosdreams2008d ago

It’s not pandering. If the devs didn’t see a proper solution then they’d leave it be, but since they’ve chosen to update the content that leaves an impression they found a solution, narratively speaking.

Considering the content with the update hasn’t been addressed - all I see are cancers flipping out.

NewMonday2007d ago

the impression it leaves is that they compromised their artistic integrity under mob pressure.

Batnut002007d ago

Well they already covered this in Origins where you don't need bloodlines anymore to go back in time for Assassins.

Chaosdreams2007d ago


In that context I understand the frustration/worry.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2007d ago
xRacer74x2009d ago

Now I expect this from both sides from now on. I do not want any game to force non hetro relationships. If one side can be offended then its certainly okay for the other side to offended.

Batnut002007d ago

Well if the game prides itself in offering player choice to the point of advertising as such and than suddenly forces your character who you've decided to play as hetero to suddenly be forced into a same-sex relationship than absolutely

rowuxa2007d ago

Albertsons Cos. fired Zelda Bowen in Ann Arbor but Zelda now earnes 19390 working with Monsanto from home. you can try this out>>>>>>> ;>>>> http://www.Key70.com

xRacer74x2007d ago

I usually do not care. But Im growing tired of the LBGC complaining at every turn. The last 2 or 3 years the USA is has become inundated with this crap. Love who you want to love, I just have no desire to hear about it and I will do the same.

fathertime44642005d ago

Well by pandering to the pansies they've kinda killed the entire game series. It's what's called a paradox. Now that they've made it so you don't have to procreate they've completely screwed the entirety of all previous assassin's games.
I'm aware that they did away with the whole bloodlines thing in origins, but you needed them in previous games and now you have a virtual butterfly effect in that the non birth of one person eliminates the birth of many people and can also change the course of human history completely. Thank you lgbqt community for ruining everything you touch and thank you Ubisoft for being so politically correct (idiot's)

Sashamaz2007d ago

Yeah, I feel like most games now force you to do things one way, I guess it's all about who shouts the loudest.

WitcheRivia2008d ago

Ugh, nothing worse than a bunch of heterophobes.

tar_tar072008d ago

Crazy times we live in man.

Profchaos2008d ago

So they abandoned the whole idea of needing a bloodline to utilise the animus?

lilzay333112008d ago

yes they did away with that in origins.

Profchaos2008d ago

I always thought the modern day segments were pointless after AC3 i still have no idea why they bothered with black flag it felt forced

Sophisticated_Chap2007d ago

@ Profchaos

Ubisoft plans on re-telling the story, allowing for Artificial Insemination, to fill in the plot holes.

Cobra9512007d ago (Edited 2007d ago )

It was, until they made it an issue.

beulahland2007d ago

Well, if they hadn't transformed Assassin's Creed in a full RPG game, this would not be an issue. But...

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Microsoft Disables Safedisc DRM On Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, & Windows 8/8.1

DSOGaming writes: "Last month, we informed you about a Windows 10 update that disabled Safedisc DRM on Microsoft’s latest operating system. Well, it appears that Microsoft has applied this security update on all its other operating systems as well. This basically means that the Safedisc DRM is disabled on Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, thus rendering a number of games unplayable."

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MCTJim3229d ago

Both pieces of DRM are no longer maintained, meaning that any vulnerabilities could be easily exploited given the way they hook into the operating system. SafeDisc, for example, tries to load the SECDRV.SYS driver with system-level permissions, and it was found to be insecure back in the day.

So good riddance to bad rubbish. There is a work around that enable you to use your old software..it takes just a few seconds to implement.

DarkBlood3229d ago

Well hopfully my steam games will still work like usual

contradictory3228d ago

It shouldn't affect anything from Steam.
And they issued a work-around on the article anyways