
John Smedley Hypes H1Z1 Melee & Weather Systems

John Smedley talked enthusiastically about the melee & weather systems in H1Z1, the upcoming zombie sandbox MMO by Sony Online Entertainment.

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TheUltimateGamer3733d ago

Nice! Glad to see they're "dividing the body up." I'm looking forward to shooting the legs and arms off a zombie or two. Hope everything works as well as they're boasting.

Festano3733d ago

Not to mention the rain system they want to use. He's coming really well.

MysticStrummer3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

I thought they said there won't be dismemberment...

@franz - Sure, I was just reacting to what UltimateGamer said about shooting off legs and arms.

@Jedi - There was a good amount of variety to the zombie walking styles in one of the videos I saw, so that could be true. Shot to the leg makes them drag that leg and slows them down, shot to the other leg might make them fall down and crawl, or if they get up after falling they'll be even slower. We'll see...

kaiserfranz3733d ago

There won't be dismemberment, but that doesn't mean that the bodies won't react in different ways depending on where they got hit.

BABY-JEDI3733d ago

No limb dismemberment. Maybe to do with character movement. More lurching I guess LoL

Fusromandah3733d ago

Swooooooning over this game.

XiSasukeUchiha3733d ago

Damn this game is going put to Sony #1 for longer !

kaiserfranz3733d ago

Well, if they can really make a more polished DayZ then yes, it could be a big deal.

frostypants3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

That isn't saying much. Right now DayZ barely qualifies as a game. It's more of a PvP exercise that has a few harmless zombies for decoration.

Everyone loves DayZ for what they think it will become. I don't think it will ever get there.

error133733d ago

My PS4 is ready Sony, when are you going to officialy announce it for the PS4 Sony, when? when? wheeeeeeeen!?

MysticStrummer3733d ago

I bet they'll do it at E3, but PS4 won't actually see the game until at least a year later, same as with Planetside 2's announcement last year.

S2Killinit3733d ago

Maybe your vegicle will get stuck in mud during rainstorms when driving offroad. That, would be bad /:
Lol the fame is sounding better and better


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chris2352087d ago

it doesn‘t actually speak for human intelligence when such products can be a thing. if everybody used their brain such products would have never made their way to the mainstream. people get what they begged for. and i can‘t for the life of it get such mindsets.