
GRID Autosport Will Be Pushing PS3/360 Boundaries

Lead Designer James Nicholls explains that Codemasters is really pushing the old hardware over its limits in GRID Autosport.

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odderz3733d ago

At this point I'm expecting them to push the boundaries of the 360/PS3... I'm pretty sure those consoles have been having their limits pushed for the past few years.

TheUltimateGamer3733d ago

Kinda what I was thinking. I would expect the boundaries have all but been hit. Interesting choice for them to release on an antiquated set of systems as well... I won't be getting rid of my old systems any time soon but I know a lot of people that did for the upgrade.

kaiserfranz3733d ago

Yeah, but there are still many more old systems right now.

Also they aren't as big as other companies. The next GRID will be on next gen for sure, though.

OC_MurphysLaw3733d ago

I always liked GRID but felt it was a bit unforgiving on the damage taken at times.

FlameWater3733d ago

In other news it's barley making a scratch on PC :D

D3ATH_DRIV3R_7773733d ago

Great to hear that they're pushing the PS3 and XBOX 360 to their boundaries with the new GRID autosport.


Report: F1 24 Cover Datamined From F1 23 Files as Website Surfaces

The F1 24 announcement seems imminent, as the Champions Edition cover and details have surfaced in F1 23's game files after the latest patch.

Yi-Long150d ago

To Sony, and so many other companies in this industry, the short-term satisfaction and happiness of their shareholders means so much more to them than their employees, their products, and their customers.

Yi-Long149d ago

Apologies, don't know how the above comment ended up here while it clearly should have gone to other article about the Sony lay-offs. Please delete.


F1 Developer Codemasters Suffers Round of Layoffs

IGN writes: "Veteran UK developer Codemasters has suffered a round of layoffs following the launch of racing games F1 23 and EA Sports WRC.

Codemasters owner EA confirmed the redundancies in a statement issued to IGN, although failed to disclose the number of staff affected."


EA expands Criterion with Codemasters Cheshire team

Two development studios will now operate as one working on the future of Need For Speed

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Michiel1989806d ago

just let them make a new Burnout

DazaMc806d ago

Yes please and none of that open world shite.

Spenok805d ago

No, no, no, no, no... Burnout Paradise was amazing! Just let them make another one of those.