
UnEpic; A Game That Lies Straight From The Title

This game literally lies from the start. This game made by one man named Francisco Tellez De Meneses (With the help of others for localization and such of course.) is a dungeon-crawler RPG with funny puns and hints to it’s inspirations; such being World of Warcraft, Diablo,Castlevania and The Maze of Galious.

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wonderfulmonkeyman3792d ago

There's only a couple of things I don't really like about the game...
The amount of grinding required near the end of it, the fact that you HAVE to have some sort of ranged damage ability at some point or you can't progress, and the fact that skill resets are few and far between.

Also not enough skill points per level for my taste, but that's just a personal gripe.

Other than that, I own and love the game to death.
I still haven't beaten it, though; gotta grind a while longer to earn SP for that "reveal invisible" spell, or I'm just going to keep running into invisible jerks that steal my stuff!XD


Ghost 1.0 + Unepic Collection Physical Release Announced For Nintendo Switch

Eastasiasoft today announced that they will release the Ghost 1.0 + Unepic Collection, two popular metroidvania titles, physically on one cart for Nintendo Switch, as well as a physical and digital Asian release of Ghost 1.0 for PS4 in Q3 2019.

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The Best Metroidvania Games on Nintendo Switch

GameSpew: If you find yourself craving to play a Metroidvania game on Switch there are plenty for you to choose from. Here are the ones which we think are the best.

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Sirk7x2083d ago

Hollow Knight and Steamworld Dig 2 are both fantastic games.

EddieNX 2083d ago

You just reminded me I have Steamworld dig 2 on my Switch !! Need to finish it off, was outstanding what I played so far.

Ivar_Ragnarsson2083d ago

No mention of Dead Cells? Got that game recently and it's freaking awesome!

blawren42082d ago

I would absolutely include Yoku's Island Adventure on this list. It's different, but the same basic concept of get new item or ability, progress to areas previously unavailable


The Influence of Dark Souls on Metroidvanias

Dark Souls continues to influence game mechanics, especially metroidvania platformers. Souls-like metroidvanias are becoming a norm on the steam store.