
Best Topics at Sony's 2014 E3 Conference

Sony needs to make a few key announcements at E3 to keep gamers interested.

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sinncross3796d ago

No AAA? Really.

I do believe there should be some indie presence but needs to be a whole lot more AAA.

Project Beast showing would rock.

Unoriginalusername3795d ago

The Last Guardian..Sony would win E3 with that title alone.

marlinfan103795d ago


i don't think they'll spend half their time talking about indies but I'm sure they'll take a few minutes to announce a new indie or two or show some gameplay.

GameDev13795d ago (Edited 3795d ago )

Indies have already been announced, remember 1000 devs publishing and over 100 indies coming to PS4

Indies are small projects, not something you would see in E3 at all. I mean you should know that if you watched E3

ats19923795d ago (Edited 3795d ago )

Well sony did show a lot of indie games at last years e3 so it does happens.

marlinfan103795d ago


"indies are small project, not something you would see in E3 at all"

did you watch sonys e3 last year?

Geoff9003795d ago

Indies can be ANY independent developer, Arkane Studios, CDprojekt, Bungie, Epic, Crytek, Remedy, Team17 etc are ALL indie developers.

I wish people would stop using the term 'indie' without actually understanding the word.

marlinfan103795d ago (Edited 3795d ago )


when people say indies they're referring to small independent studios. not huge, heavily funded studios that have the backing of the consoles

GameDev13795d ago


Sony showed indie initiative for PS4 in general, not individual indies games promoted

yes i did, read what i said above

Errr show me where i said indies games cannot be from any developer??

marlinfan103795d ago


im not sure what I'm missing, this is exactly what you said

"Indies have already been announced, remember 1000 devs publishing and over 100 indies coming to PS4

Indies are small projects, not something you would see in E3 at all. I mean you should know that if you watched E3"

indies have already been announced but who says they won't announce more or show gameplay of a few of them?

and to your second sentence, as i said before, they showed indies at e3 last year so obviously its not something you won't see at e3.

Geoff9003795d ago

@daniel2115 indie means independent from major corporation and or investor, it doesn't mean that they are small or big.

Geoff9003795d ago

You said "Indies are small projects", Indies aren't always small projects, the size of a developer doesn't automatically equate to a small project.

Some small developers work on big projects, and some big developers work on small projects.

Epic games* for instance have worked on Shadow Complex, as well as Gears of War.

*Epic games is a independent developer.

GameDev13795d ago


Are you saying Sony are going to announce their continous support for the indie initiative for PS4 or are they going to promote indie games as individuals?

Because what i am saying is that individual indie games won't be announced.
And as i said, an indie initiative was promoted for the PS4, not individual indie titles.

"no AAA titles and only indies" is basically saying Sony are going there to promote their PSN store.


You are a bit off but thats not what Indie means, there is a difference between Indie devs and Indie games

Giant Sparrow is an indie dev company within Sony Santa Monica that has the backing of Sony(major corporation) and they make small indie projects for Playstation Consoles.

Indie games are usually small projects made by Indie devs with hardly any backing but its when they get full backing and support from a publisher, corporation for a big project then it comes a support game usually AAA titles

MetaReapre3795d ago

Considering at last e3 they spotlighted indie games like don't starve and octodad, I don't see why they won't spotlight more indie games coming in the future. For sure they probably wouldn't have an indie developer take the stage to introduce their game but for sure they can announce some that are coming out as indie games are becoming really big now in the gaming scene.

Kryptonite42O3795d ago

“Indie Games are video games which are made by passionate game developers who typically publish their game on their own via the internet. Indie Games are typically not funded nor published under major labels and therefore the developers are not limited in their scope of creativity. Indie Games will typically stretch the boundaries of what has been done already and sometimes even what is commonly accepted as normal practice. The one thing that they all have in common is the level of passion poured into the game by their developer, as these games are made out of a desire to make a game rather than making money.”

best "definition" that i was able to find of indie game.
good article too

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3795d ago
GarrusVakarian3795d ago (Edited 3795d ago )

Why do you think all of those indies were announced randomly last Wednesday? It's so they don't take up as much time at E3. I wouldn't mind 5 minutes dedicated to them at E3, but i want AAA's, that's what i expect when i think of E3.

Indies are great void fillers between the big titles, but now it's time for big titles. Bring on E3.

bothebo3796d ago

I would like 5 minutes of indies...... Minecraft date for the Vita and 1 or 2 big games for it since I need to be real about Sony abandoning it.

TRS_Gear3795d ago

Minecraft for Vita? I didn't even know this was being rumored. My life is over if that day comes.

WeAreLegion3795d ago

It's coming soon. They showed it working on Vita and PS4 recently.

avengers19783796d ago

New game from GG, media molecule, SSM, project Morpheus, indie games, something from ND, project beast, QD new game, H1Z1, Deep Down, Destiny, Divison, the order, drive club, and that's all I can think at the moment.

CARROT1809943795d ago

Maybe something from London studio, bend or last guardian

Xdone3795d ago (Edited 3795d ago )

Lmao, look at those disagrees.. Jealous fanboys can't stand seeing great games on rival's platform. ;-)

bjmartynhak3795d ago

Unannounced games. That's all I want.

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Nintendo Accused of 'Bullying' in Weak Patent Dispute Over Palworld

The article discusses a claim by an intellectual property (IP) expert that Nintendo likely does not hold patents strong enough to prevent the game developer Pocketpair from creating Palworld, a game that some believe resembles Pokémon. The expert suggests that Nintendo's legal challenges against Palworld could amount to nothing more than corporate bullying, as the patents Nintendo might be relying on are not robust enough to stand up to legal scrutiny. The situation could be seen as an example of a large corporation trying to exert undue influence over a smaller competitor.

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-Foxtrot2d ago

Crazy how far they are willing to go over nothing rather than tell Game Freak to get their shit together and sort the quality of the mainline games out.

Personally I'd drop the two game bullshit, make a full on complete game, and take their time making the best game they can without relying on a silly battle gimmick they'll ditch after one game. Gimmicks out of battle is what they should be focusing on, beauty contests, berry making, secret bases, the underground, Seasons, events during day / night and post game content like travelling to a new location or something.

porkChop2d ago

That's the thing, this is why we're now seeing more serious competitors in the genre. Game Freak has just been coasting by, doing the bare minimum in innovation for the last 20+ years. They need to get with the times. Hire more devs, give more dev time to foster creativity, etc. But now that they can't get away with that bare minimum they're trying to sue their competitors out of existence. It's disgusting.

Cacabunga12h ago

Nintendo risks big with this one.. it’s means competition to pokemon and that they dont want

gold_drake1d 23h ago

been saying this since sun and moon.

gamefreak just isnt used to, still isnt used to, the console market. they did well on the handheld space but as a complete 3d developer z they fail miserable

the last two pkmn gens look like gamecube games. not to mention the bugs at launch.

but uve seen the ridiculous anount of copies sold at launch too.

Profchaos1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Realistically though palworld Pokemon with guns featured so many themes and concepts that Nintendont
There's no way they would make a game where you could use realistic weapons or have pals slaving away.

They're not the same genre at all they just feature similar characters

Markdn16h ago

Can't hide plagerism I guess, Palworld had it easy, even flaunting it, they deserve ever thing Nintendo decides to throw at them.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 4h ago

I pretty much agree, two editions of the same game shouldn't even been a thing at this point. The foundations are solid, but the lack of content and having a lived in world really let the latest games down.

Profchaos21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Two editions worked way back in the day as a gimmick hey your mate has different Pokemon in blue than you have in red so trade them but nowadays it's pointless we don't have any of those limitations system links not really a thing anymore and two editions feels exploitive nowadays like they are targeting kids to double dip

badz1491d 3h ago

why would they do that when the fanbase is still willing to buy whatever low-effort and low-cost crap they are churning out? they are out to make as much money as possible with as little investment as possible and say what you want but GF is excellent at that front mainly because the fanbase allows them to. Nintendo is saying nothing because they are making money.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 12h ago
Valkyrye2d ago

posting articles from msn.com now seriously?

MaximusPrime_2d ago

The article is actually Gamesradar's. MSN just used their page like a URL shortened link.

Pyrofire951d 9h ago

Yeah, they've been bullies.

MeteorPanda1d 8h ago

It's straight up bullying with mooney and using the government laws as a tool to do so. They should be fined.

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