
Okami, Pac-man, Psychonauts, Shenmue and others listed in 10 worst games list by Chilean newspaper

Oddly enough, the biggest newspaper in Chile has posted what they think are the 10 worst video games of all time and they pick some popular and beloved games among some truly deserving games.

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JohnathanACE3794d ago

April fools was a month ago guys.

mrbojingles3794d ago

Very odd list to say the least. From what I hear, this paper is really big in Chile but doesn't have a great reputation either.

mafiahajeri3794d ago

Shenmue should be listed in the top 10 best games ever.

Milruka3794d ago

And I bet you've never actually played it.

AceBlazer133794d ago (Edited 3794d ago )

Pacman is awesome, GTFO Chile.

Geobros3794d ago

Pacman in the worst games? What is he smoking??

mafiahajeri3794d ago

Im sure Chile is listed in the top 10 worst names for a country somewhere...

mrbojingles3793d ago

No need to get nationalistic here and take it out on an entire nation mafiahajeri. Besides, the name Chile makes it sound like the country will have great food so it isn't all that bad.

mafiahajeri3793d ago

A joke mrbojingles, calm your self.

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Older Games That Can Still Blow Your Mind In 2024

Shadow of the Colossus, Okami, and Silent Hill 2 are some examples of games that still offer a mighty good time in 2024 if you pick them up today.

Zenzuu38d ago

Saved you a click.

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Shadow Of The Colossus
Chrono Trigger
Silent Hill 2

Bathyj38d ago

I'd love to play Brothers in Arms and Full Spectrum Warrior again

Hofstaderman37d ago

Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil 2
Threads of Fate
Suikoden 2

My entire list and more is from the ps1

Demetrius37d ago

Hulk ultimate destruction, scarface, sly 2


Grim Fandango Gets A Double LP

This should make fans happy. Grim Fandango has been resurrected to hit the turntable once again for the game's 25th anniversary! In partnership with Double Fine Productions and Disney, iam8bit is repressing the fan-favorite Grim Fandango 2xLP Vinyl Soundtrack.


The Brilliance of Psychonauts Holds Up 18 Years Later

Double Fine's seminal platforming adventure game still holds up after all this time.