PS3 owners won't pay for online services, says Kutaragi

Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi has stated that while the company expects to earn healthy revenues from the sale of downloadable content for the PS3, there will be no charge for basic online services.

In an interview with Japanese site PC Impress Watch, Kutaragi said: "You can't charge money for network matching and other basic services. These things are just taken for granted on the PC."

"On the PS3, basic services will be taken for granted while content will be the bread and butter of our business."

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TheMART6619d ago

Right. And there would be:

2 x HDMI connections --> 1 x HDMI or not at all

Killzone in game material E3 2005? Yeah right Motorstorm CGI last years E3, nowhere to be seen in the last PS2 kind of demo...

Remember PS2 Toy Story debacle? The so called emotion Engine which had emotion yeah it made me cry because it wasn't there. With Cell they are promising movie kind of graphics. Yeah right Emotion Engine 2? I will cry only harder for sure

PS3 cases on E3 2006 where empty cases. Nothing ran on real final hardware

Launch Spring 2006? Summer 2006? Christmas 2006... Up till the last moment just keep the lie going and then have to delay

PS2 would also have never experienced online gameplay. Right. I never experienced something online that bad!

All lies, lies lies

PS3 online services will be free. Does that include games? Well yeah uh right. Yes they say finally. Do I believe them? NO. Maybe only free stupid arcade games are free, the rest of the big games need servers, by Sony or by game producers. Either way, they need money to support the servers. Money they are going to charge the users for sure

andy capps6619d ago

I am done arguing with you, every single post that I see of yours is "Sony lies, Sony lies". I wish there was an ignore posts by this user button on the site.

achira6619d ago

you are an ignorant fool. sure a ms employer.

TheMART6619d ago

I'm giving just facts. If they're not true, please tell it. If you can only say blabla and do not discuss, don't go whining like this.

You can't because you know all I just wrote above are facts and is true

andy capps6619d ago

You don't repeat facts, you repeat rumors from pro-MS blogs with no proof, and then say that if anyone has proof, that they have to present it and prove you wrong. Or you pounce on each and every story on this site, that has no credibility, and in the absence of proof, start saying how they're right and the "delaystation" is broken, low CPU yields, the RSX I2 TEH SUXORZ!, etc.

I've already told you that the Toy Story thing was NOT Sony, that was a MS exec who said that. The Killzone and HDMI ones I'll give you, but the others are still just rumors. The "delaystation" is not nearly as bad as the numerous Windows products that are always delayed, as with the current delay for Vista. That is the same type of delay as with the Playstation 3, and is just as inexcusable as the Sony delay (or you could just realize like most rational people that delays do happen in the technology industry and that it's to be expected).

The low CPU yields is a rumor. The online can easily be done for free. I play Half Life 2 on my PC often and have never paid for that. There's Counter Strike, Fear, Battlefield 2, etc, etc, etc. Don't be mad that you're paying for something that PC users still get for free, with the exception of most MMO's like World of Warcraft and Everquest series (which you would still have to pay additional for on Xbox live if it ever came there, in all probability). Have fun paying over $250 ($50 x 5 years = $250) to play games online, plus having to pay for "premium content" like an extra level in Oblivion, or a suit of horse armor. I'll be playing for free, with the option of paying for the extra level or the extra things that are optional.

Bill Gates6619d ago

I think people are taking the words out of context. Sony is not labeling their services basic and not basic. They are saying that having a gaming network brings basic functionality to gaming this would be things like downloading demos and playing and that they will not charge for such things as MS does. "You can't charge money for network matching and other basic services. These things are just taken for granted on the PC" - Kutaragi

In other words. He is saying Live Gold offers basic services which we will give for free. Stop taking the word basic out of it's original context.

Also about the bad news. Most if not all of the bad "news" is FUD created by anonymous authors and MS execs implied views. Anyone can write a blog entry saying "PS3 controller melts and burns your hands", would you label that ridiculous piece of untrue information, news? Well many at webblogs and would. Be cautious reading articles like this. Blog Posters are less incline to do research and be professional before posting a bit of information. Rumors are what rule in blogs and anyone can start one of those:

"did you hear that Miyamoto sent his resume to Sony after the introduction to the Wii, Does this mean we'll see Mario on the PS3?"

Of course if you're a young gullible boy/girl you will use this rumor as a fact in an argument that Sony will destroy Nintendo as the Xbox fanboys have done everytime a RUMOR starts about the PS3. Think critically or else you just sound like a ignorant fanboy.

Shadow Flare6619d ago (Edited 6619d ago )

this is all i got to say

if you read my profile, you'll notice i try to be unbiased unless i see an injustice in a comment, and so many comments are posted onto here with peoples opinions fed through it as if thats whats factually makes their console great

Im a playstation gamer, but i own an xbox. There are things about xbox i really like. I think xbox live is great, and i love halo. But as far as the xbox 360 goes, i have no respect it for numerous reasons. Mainly because to me, the xbox 360 has offered me nothing new to my gaming experience, nothing new over the ps3 or even the old xbox. You can mention xbox live. But that's not new. The old xbox did it. This is my opinion of course, but i think of the xbox 360 this way:

-a system that has made no technolical leaps and has not tried to make any great strides in advancement, just so they could get on the market first, because thats how microsoft thought they would win. Microsoft played it 'safe' on how they designed their new console because they wanted to create a cheapish machine that will be on the market before the ps3. And the rashness of design is evident when the machine is not completely backwards compatible and there were people saying their machines overheated (i dont care if yours didnt). And thats why i dont respect microsoft

But as gamer, i fail to see why you have NOTHING positive to say about sony. Of course they've made their mistakes, but they've also taken the risk to endeavor to create a fantastic console that is packed with great features, software and hardware. But you never have ANYTHING good to say about sony. I've always held a few good points for microsoft, like live because i know its good. But you are the epitomy of a fanboy, who is just too blind to see a company that tries to make advancements in the industry. Open your eyes

Microsoft to me is just a conglomerate with tons of money, and what do they make? A weak upgrade of the old xbox, and that's truth. It's no where near as creative and new as the ps3 or wii

Sony have always made quality products, products that i and millions of others love. Sony tries to push the boundaries, even when it might destroy their company. Microsoft just sits there with tons of money and produces a really inferior console in terms of advancement and creativity to ps3 and wii.

That's why im a playstation gamer

Jay da 2KBalla6619d ago (Edited 6619d ago )

""""" """""& quot;""if you read my profile, you'll notice i try to be unbiased unless i see an injustice in a comment, and so many comments are posted onto here with peoples opinions fed through it as if thats whats factually makes their console great""""& quot;""""&q uot;""

BS- you have said so much biased sh*t it isnt even funny.

""""" ;""""" Im a playstation gamer, but i own an xbox. There are things about xbox i really like. I think xbox live is great, and i love halo. But as far as the xbox 360 goes, i have no respect it for numerous reasons. Mainly because to me, the xbox 360 has offered me nothing new to my gaming experience, nothing new over the ps3 or even the old xbox. You can mention xbox live. But that's not new. The old xbox did it. This is my opinion of course, but i think of the xbox 360 this way:

-a system that has made no technolical leaps and has not tried to make any great strides in advancement, just so they could get on the market first, because thats how microsoft thought they would win. Microsoft played it 'safe' on how they designed their new console because they wanted to create a cheapish machine that will be on the market before the ps3. And the rashness of design is evident when the machine is not completely backwards compatible and there were people saying their machines overheated (i dont care if yours didnt). And thats why i dont respect microsoft"""&qu ot;""""&quo t;""""" ;"""

First of all you are a dumbass and you have no clue about what you are saying. Yes that is your opinio but as you would call it that was a complete "unjustice". Xbox titles arent fully back compat because the xbox used an intel cpu and the 360 uses an ibm processor. IBM is a competitor with intel. THIS and this alone is the reason why. So get you r facts straight fanboy. The only reason microsoft changed companies is because they lost too much money with intel who would not allow them to own the ip to the technology thus the increases loss of money on ever console sold dumbass.

""""" """""& quot;"But as gamer, i fail to see why you have NOTHING positive to say about sony. Of course they've made their mistakes, but they've also taken the risk to endeavor to create a fantastic console that is packed with great features, software and hardware. But you never have ANYTHING good to say about sony. I've always held a few good points for microsoft, like live because i know its good. But you are the epitomy of a fanboy, who is just too blind to see a company that tries to make advancements in the industry. Open your eyes """"" """""& quot;""""&q uot;""""&qu ot;"

Live is completely improved and you are just a sony fanboy because anyone that has played live on 360 will tell u. I dont have anything good to say about sony because they lie to consumers, fake video game footage, they are arrogant, they force unproven hardware on consumers, and they copy sh*t from their competitors after they say bs about it.

""""" ;""""" """"Microso ft to me is just a conglomerate with tons of money, and what do they make? A weak upgrade of the old xbox, and that's truth. It's no where near as creative and new as the ps3 or wii""""&qu ot;""""&quo t;""

No thats not the truth that is your sony fanboy BS and ps3 isnt creative at all. Copying isnt creative. An inferior console, dont make me laugh. Why do games look better on 360 then hmmmmmmm. And if i recall ps2 was the weakest console of the last gen so STFU fanboy. If 360 was launching this year with last yers launch titles then all the launch games on 360 would blow ps3 away and thats the truth.

""""" """""& quot;""""&q uot;Sony have always made quality products, products that i and millions of others love. Sony tries to push the boundaries, even when it might destroy their company. Microsoft just sits there with tons of money and produces a really inferior console in terms of advancement and creativity to ps3 and wii. """"" """""& quot;""""&q uot;""""

That is your opinion and considering 360 games loook better than ps3 ones I will pass. And you want to talk about a quality product that millions love lets talk about the 300 million plus peolpe around the world with windows.

""""" ;""""" "That's why im a playstation gamer """"" """

Lol. A sony fanboy is what you are. A gamer of any kind is open minded about all consoles unlike u.

PS- please name some of this so called creativity from ps3.

Shadow Flare6618d ago (Edited 6618d ago )

You said: "please name some of this so called creativity from ps3"

I say: Dont ask questions you cant answer yourself. But i'll name you a few anyway.

-Pre-installed blu-ray drive. I know you will have some bad points to bring up about the blu-ray drive, but its tecnologically better than a dvd drive and a HD-DVD drive in every way, shape and form.

The ps3 has a blu-ray player
The Xbox 360 has a dvd player
End of story

-Development of the cell chip. Again, i know you are eeking to put the cell down, but it was designed by sony and others on the design architecture of supercomputers, soley to be a freakin powerful chip. And sony are using it in the ps3. What...does...the...360...have

-Seamlessly intergrating the psp with the ps3. That's cool. There's alot of potential with that, and if you dis this point, then u truely are an absolute moron. I cant see anything thats bad about this idea.

-Free online gameplay. PC's do it. Why cant PS3? Why do you have to pay online for the xbox? Why is microsoft taking more of your money when they don't need it?

Granted sony have taken a few ideas from other companies, but if its in aid of making the ps3 better, then im not complaining

Now im going to try to not be anti-microsoft here but, please name some of this so called creativity from 360.

-Xbox live...NO. The old xbox did xbox live and although the 360 has improvements to Live, the old xbox could have done the improvements aswell. Its not new, its not creative, and i wish you'd stop bringing it up, as if it was the only good thing about xbox...oh wait

-The console has an improved look. Yeah i like the new look of the console. Trying to think of more creative things...

-DVD-player, uh no wait

-Controller which does the same old thing...nope not that either

-Xbox live, oh wait i explained that one.

Well im all out
I love your comment here: "And you want to talk about a quality product that millions love lets talk about the 300 million plus peolpe around the world with windows"

Let me rephrase that correctly for you...

"And you want to talk about a quality product that millions love lets talk about the 300 million plus peolpe around the world THAT WERE FORCED INTO BUYING windows. I am an idiot"

Thirdly, you're point that i have made completely biased comments myself.

Did you read my profile? I said i try to be unbiased UNLESS i see an injustice in a comment. So many of you make such seriously anti-sony comments that i just turn completely pro-sony and defend the console i prefer. Being unbiased to some of you guys doesn't help anyway, because you will NEVER see anything good that sony does. Would you be using CD's if it wasn't for sony? mmm...

About you saying: "And if i recall ps2 was the weakest console of the last gen so STFU fanboy"

The ps2 was the weakest console MARGINALLY. If the cell is as powerful as it was designed to be, in a few years time, the power of it will blow the 360 away. And i know you dont believe that. I dont care :)
Boxy, i love the way you kept quoting my comment, but if you're gonna reply to it, make it a good reply, not just you ranting on about, "Uh Sony lies, Xbox 360 has better graphics uh im a freakin idiot duh"

I think i'll use this oppertunity to quote your fantastic comment:

"First of all" "I dont have anything good to say" "and you have no clue" "How much" "of" "a dumbass" "i am" ",and that's truth"

Box i love the way you're the NO.1 comment guy on this site. Way to go! Get a life! You so prove the point i made in comment 16.3 in the following article:

And in another article, you said to me, "you always come back on my comments. Watch how i take you down on everything you say"

Try me

Shadow Flare6618d ago (Edited 6618d ago )


The following reply may contain scenes of fanboyism, stupidity and reliance on rumours.

Readers discretion is advised as xbox ballers fanboyism may be contagious.

-Remember to view and make comments with a fair and logical mind, and dont try to become the top comment guy, which im sure xbox baller is VERY proud of-

-Thank you for your attention-

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 6618d ago
jiggajayp6619d ago

Please, notice how he hasn`t said free online gameplay, multiplayer services!! Fony sucks!

MoonDust6619d ago

If it's free it won't be good. Hopefully it is. :(

Schmitty076619d ago

Well if you go back to the E3 press conference they show the free "basic services" on a slide, and multiplayer is no where to be found.

I won't believe it till I see it.

Krimson6619d ago

"According to Kutaragi, the PS3 will make use of network services "from launch day", and consumers will embrace the idea of digitally delivered content within one to two years."

Also, the online-multiplayer will be "free" because Sony is not providing gameplay servers, and leaving this up to the game producers.

TheMART6619d ago

So it's the same old sh*t that we've got with the PS2 which killed my online dream

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Mortal Kombat 9 Is Still NetherRealm's Best Game 13 Years Later

Salman from Tech4Gamers writes "Mortal Kombat 9 revived the series from a low point after bringing it back to 2D combat. It marked a new high-point for the franchise due to its incredible roster, exciting cinematic story mode, and high-octane combat."

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Sonyslave322h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6026h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro245h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro245h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


Playback: Outland

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The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

The Simpsons: Hit and Run, The Legend of Dragoon, and Chrono Trigger would benefit substantially from a modern remake.

Knightofelemia1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.