
No Nintendo hardware reveal at E3, company confirms

Nintendo will not be revealing new hardware at E3, the company has confirmed to CVG.

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Neonridr3801d ago

I still think it could be a new gamepad. I don't know if a controller classifies as hardware, more an accessory.

fonger083801d ago

I think that would be a good idea, they need to figure out ways to make the system have a lower cost, to them and the consumers, to get the systems to fly off the shelves this year. That gamepad is expensive for them to produce...

MurDocINC3801d ago

They don't need to lower their cost, they need up their loss. If they did losses like sony and ms, Wii U would cost under $100.

videgamenext13801d ago

A new console with 2 free good games ( one you get to pick yourself) and 2 controllers all for 329.99 when mk8 drops. That's a crazy good deal.

Mr Pumblechook3801d ago

Ban the websites that posted lies.

randomass1713801d ago

Apparently the rumors originated from IGN.

gaffyh3801d ago

It was pretty obvious that there would be no hardware reveal as soon as they announced that there was not going to be a conference at E3. That's the type of thing you shout about on a live stage, not announce on a youtube video.

SilentNegotiator3800d ago (Edited 3800d ago )

"Ban the websites that posted lies"

I don't remember the article precisely, but I believe that they showed that the code on an E3-related Nintendo article said "New hardware" in it or something like that. I don't think they posted a "lie"

Chrischi19883800d ago

Actually Nintendo did sell the Wii U at a loss. Ok, I bet now the hardware is a bit cheaper, but at the very beginning, they did lose money on it and the price cut probably took away, what couldve been a win, after the parts became cheaper.

DOMination-3800d ago

Get rid of the gamepad altogether. Sell it with a normal controller at a much cheaper price and I'll get one

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torchic3800d ago

the only two categories that exist in gaming are hardware & software. pretty sure "a controller" is not considered software....

Neonridr3800d ago

so a screen protector is hardware? could have fooled me.

BattleN3800d ago

No Nintendo, I guess there dropping Wii in favor of No?

NEW! No Nintendo Entertainment System NNES, sweet news!

fonger083801d ago

Any one expecting a new console reveal is kidding themselves. Could it be a remodel, sure, could it be newer look to the 3DS, possibly... but a brand new system is extremely far fetched.

admiralvic3801d ago

I don't recall anyone thinking it was a new console (besides the quality of life thing that is). Most people seemed to believe it was another 3DS, which isn't that farfetched when you look at Nintendo's handheld history.

fonger083801d ago

Check out some of the comments here: http://n4g.com/news/1501453...

Whether some of these people commented in jest or truth, maybe some don't "believe" Nintendo would reveal a new console, but I think a lot were/are "hopefully" they would.

lilbroRx3801d ago

You apparently weren't on that post article about it then. So many people came in specifically looking for a Wii U replaces people who said otherwise were hammered with disagrees.

I was one of the one who said it wasn't new hardware and probably just a new controller.

admiralvic3800d ago

@ Nifonge

I see. I read a few of the others (like the metatag ones), but specifically avoided that one because I knew it would result in the typical hate / troll comments that it got.

Concertoine3801d ago

Guess those jokers at IGN can shut up now.
Theres this huge over reliance on undisclosed insiders and baseless rumors this gen. Makes me wonder how gaming sites stayed open all those years ago when they werent so seedy and click thirsty.

serratos273800d ago

I've found myself reading articles on N4G labeled as 'Rumor' when really the articles lead back to nothing but opinion or speculation. Ridiculous! That's why I don't bother, rather wait to hear actual reveals.

gamedebater3801d ago

1.WiiU controller is horrible
2.They need to bundle REAL controller into WiiU Box
3. Announce Smash Bundle

TripC503801d ago (Edited 3801d ago )

I like the Wii U gamepad. I like the bundle idea. Bundle a custom controller with next smash.

aimforthehead3801d ago

A lot of people like it, but not enough. Most find it to be gimmicky. Its the number one reason I'm not buying a Wii u, that and games. I don't want 10 controllers sitting around for my wii u because they can't come out with a standard simple controller. I don't care for the tablet experience, and if that's their main selling point no thanks.

-Foxtrot3801d ago

" Bundle a custom controller with next smash "

Gamecube styled controller FTW :)


gamedebater3800d ago

So many Disagrees allow me to rephrase.

The WiiU gamepad by itself is bad bc most games are MULTIPLAYER hence we need more controllers per bundle.

Those little stick (wii) controllers are horrible.

WiiU with gamepad + Smash + 2 spare controllers = win.

Concertoine3800d ago

What? The ps4 and xbone only come with one controller, why would you expect them to give you a 50 dollar controller for free?

gamedebater3800d ago

Because the WiiU by itself is too expensive. You need to buy more controllers. For the main reason why you are buying it. MULTIPLAYER. PS4 and Xbone are ONLINE games and most games dont have couch co-op.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3800d ago

ever heard of Wii U pro controller

GordonKnight3800d ago

You may not have to buy a new controller for your PS4 & X1, but you do have to pay $50-$60 to play online though.

weekev153800d ago

FYI WiiU pro controller FTW. Dont know what im talking about? Google it.

gamedebater3799d ago

Again for those with brains made of jello.

WiiU gamepad by itself is pointless when most games are to be played MULTIPLAYER. BUNDLE THE WiiU pro controller INTO THE CONSOLE AND KEEP THE PRICE DOWN.

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Miyamoto: Nintendo Won't Be Opening Museums In Other Locations

"We have no intention of expanding" - Miyamoto

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Chocoburger19h ago

Feels like a missed opportunity, since Nintendo is loved all around the world, a museum in USA / CAN / UK / AUS / etc. would always be packed with fans.

Yi-Long1h ago

Kyoto is already overrun by tourists as it is. It would probably make sense if Japan finds a way to spread tourism out over more locations instead of just the Kansai region (Osaka, Kyoto) and Tokyo, to both alleviate the burden of tourism on those two area, while bringing more interest and thus tourism money to other areas.

Of course, that’s not something Nintendo needs to concern itself with right now, and it makes sense that they stick with 1 museum for the time-being, and in their home-city of Kyoto.

I’m also not sure how big the appeal for a Nintendo museum would be elsewhere in the world. Many tourists flock to Japan BECAUSE of the (pop-) culture, so they are interested in anime, videogames, etc. So Pokemon Centers and Nintendo Stores are very popular, always bustling with tourists who spend a lot of money there, and obviously a Nintendo museum in Kyoto then makes perfect sense.

But generally speaking, folks don’t visit a Paris or New York for it’s pop-culture, so a Nintendo museum would make less sense. Not saying a video-games museum wouldn’t/couldn’t work, I believe it could, but I think in the west it would make more sense to open a museum with a broader spectrum of videogame-exhibits, so not ‘just’ a Nintendo museum, but something much wider in terms of scope …


Nintendo Is Reportedly Targeting AI-Generated Mario Pictures

Tracer used AI to serve takedowns "on behalf of Nintendo".

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Valkyrye2d ago

Nintendo using "AI" company to take down "AI" created images is a bad sign.

Pyrofire9513h ago

I hope there's a huge flood of Mario Ai pics now.


If Nintendo's new "wireless device" is for tracking movement, let's hope it's for VR

Nintendo's new 'wireless device' patent suggests it tracks movement. Could it be a precursor for VR?

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OtterX1d 2h ago

The prospect of having a proper Nintendo VR is exciting.

I'd die for another Astrobot on PSVR2, as the Rescue Mission on PSVR1 was incredible. Sony showed how amazing platformers can be in VR, and I have no doubt Nintendo could do some equally amazing things IF they were to embrace the platform.