
Dynasty Warriors 8 May Be One Of The Best On The PS4

Richard Drummond of Richie D Rants writes:

"Sometimes a game creeps up on you and you’re pleasantly surprised by what it has to offer. This is exactly the case when looking at Xtreme Legends Dynasty Warriors 8 Complete Edition. I went into this game looking for a title that would provide some mindless entertainment and what I’ve got out of it is a game that offers hours upon hours of fun and enough content to fill even the most entitled gamer’s needs.

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nosferatuzodd3795d ago (Edited 3795d ago )

Bbbut I thought ps4 has no games lol ok I kid I kid ,on a serious note im going to of to try this game out im a big fan of dynasty warrior

SoapShoes3795d ago

Love this game, haven't played one since DW3 on PS2 but was very happy with this game! So much better on PS4 than last gen fro the vids I've seen.

DVAcme3795d ago

I agree. Dynasty Warriors 8 is one of the best of the franchise, and the Complete Edition on PS4 has such a ridiculous amount of content for its price that, if you don't have it already on PS3, it's a no-brainer.

HarryMasonHerpderp3795d ago

Well I was interested until I found it was £55 on the store, that's roughly $93 in american money.
Really wanted to give this game a go, but at that price you would have to be insane.

GamingChip793795d ago

Wow. $93? Man that's insane. I give you gamers who live overseas props. Paying that much money for some games is wild.

Scrivlar3795d ago

I do like the look of it but wish it was a bit more challenging it looks like you could hit X constantly and kill every guy on the map. Am I wrong? If so I'll buy it.

Sly-Lupin3795d ago

Yes, you're wrong.

It's not difficult, at all, but you will need to learn basic combos at least.

The POE of the game isn't about challenge, it's about empowerment.

blackblades3795d ago

It's challenging when you put it on the highest difficulty that's for sure that's on any game. Don't see why people always say only one button but then there's the blocking button, special button, and other button that you use.

DVAcme3795d ago

Spamming the attack button will only get you killed. This game has a rock-paper-scissors system of elemental affinities in weapons, and not taking advantage of it means bosses will wreck you HARD. Not only that, missions have objectives and branching paths, and those can get pretty damn tough. Plus, any difficulty higher than Normal gets pretty hairy quickly.

And just spamming the attack button means you'll only use one boring combo instead of the many different combinations a character has available, and many combos end with special moves that can range from a wide-area attack to speed/defense/attack boosts to even grapples. And that's not even mentioning that the game has EIGHTY TWO different characters plus their individual weapon sets, and that you can equip every character with two different weapon sets from any of the other characters as you please.

Seriously, this game is so much better than people give it credit for.

NinjaRichParty3795d ago

Yeah I agree. When you first look at thee game it may seem simple, but once you get your hands on it and try it out, the combat really opens up and becomes much more robust.

Scrivlar3795d ago

Cool, I'll order it off Amazon right now then I think. Thanks for letting me know. And to Sly-Lupin and blackblades if you're reading this cheers.

GamersHeaven3795d ago

Nice been hearing nothing but good things about this game plan on picking it up tomorrow.

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blackblades3238d ago

Was waiting for a koei temco sale but I'll pass. Can actually get SW4 and DW8CE cheap on disc.

Lonnie183238d ago

Nice sale, will pick up Deception 4 me thinks :)

StanleyRoper3237d ago

I have it on the Vita. Beware. It has a very unforgiving save system. I moved on to other games rather quickly because of it.

TM3333238d ago

If you have a Vita and like JRPGs, that's a good deal on Ar Nosurge Plus. I think I got it for somewhere under $30 and I've been digging it. Love the art style.

DivineAssault 3238d ago

This isnt even a sale if you buy physical copies.. My local stores have games cheaper than this

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