
Fract OSC Review (Strategy Informer)

From Strategyinformer.com: "What was the last game you played where you felt the audio was an inextricable segment of its whole? Where the sonic accompaniment wasn’t just a stylistic flourish or a means to create a mood but a crucial part of the game’s logic? To some degree, sound is an oft-overlooked and perhaps under-explored facet of video game design, playing second fiddle to aesthetics and the mechanics of interaction. Fract OSC subverts expectations by making the aural component of its puzzles the primary mechanic, requiring you to hone in on every shift in pitch and change of melody. It’s a conceit that will doubtless divide opinion".

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FRACT OSC Review | Geekenstein

"This world and the time you’ve spent there are a memory that sticks with you. Sure, maybe you wandered a little, not knowing where to go. But there was always something new, something entrancing around the corner. You’ve seen music turned into an experience before, but nothing like this. This was a world born of a genre of music. Its beat rhythmically thumps in the heart of this place. You’ll know this won’t be a trip for everyone. Sometime people want more structure in their experiences. But for those who can enjoy discovery and intuition, you’ll always recommend that they find a way to find the world of FRACT OSC." - David Rhinehart of Geekenstein

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Fract OSC - Review (PC)| CriticalIndieGamer

(CriticalIndieGamer)Musical exploration is a genre that promises vibrancy and stimulation but in the hands of Fract OSC we are treated to little more than a washed out Tron-like world and a dull midi drone.

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Front Towards Gamer -- FRACT OSC Review (PC)

It’s hard not to love FRACT OSC. It’s puzzles are cleverly intertwined with music without requiring any real sense of beat. And on top of being a generally fun and unique time, it also serves as a good introduction into basic music production with its in-game synthesizer. And while the game could benefit from a push in the right direction every once in a while, it stands as one of the best uses of music in games.

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