
Shu: Oculus Devs Are Almost Prototyping For Morpheus

Sony's Shuhei Yoshida argues that Oculus & Morpheus aren't only competitors; in fact, devs of the former are basically prototyping for the latter.

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Alexious3741d ago

I'm still not fully sold on VR (and yes, I have tried the new Oculus devkit). It won't be easy to top 4K clarity if VR still produces dizziness and graphics artifacts.

ArbitorChief3741d ago

I reckon it'll be a fad for gaming, but I do believe VR will have far more functions and usefulness outside of gaming (e.g. education, medicine, simulators, etc)

Volkama3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

But at the point that VR is good enough for education and business meetings etc then the fidelity will be there. Businessman and such don't want to be dizzy or sick in their meetings and simulations.

It would be a natural evolution of the tech to make the virtual environments more fantastical than real life. At that point it will essentially become gaming.

Whether Morpheus can herald an age of VR gaming or not, we'll reach that destination anyway.

kaiserfranz3740d ago

Well, in order to become useful outside of gaming they will have to solve those issues nonetheless. And at that point, it will absolutely be great for gaming

Rhythmattic3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

The moment I first had access and played a VR game circa 91 (W Industries) , I was sold..........

In comparison to todays 2D tech it had Low res graphics and laggy az, but I tell you, an experience I've never forgot to this day. Absolute emersion...

Gazondaily3741d ago

I believe VR is the future. I just think it depends on the execution.

kaiserfranz3740d ago

Yeah, that's the fondamental thing. I believe Project Morpheus won't launch until they have ironed out most of the longstanding issues with VR, because they know it could never truly explode otherwise.

UltraNova3740d ago

It will be very difficult to enter the market with such new tech. VR will demand a lot of getting used to by the consumer usually a not very good place to be in but Sony's been in a bad spot before and they came through by offering what the consumers really valued.

"All" they need to do is add some of that ps4 secret sauce in the mix and they'll have a winner. Plus a lot of full on VR games of course.

Rhythmattic3740d ago

I think when you use words like "execution" it relates to ideas that have an unfamiliar scope.... Like motion gaming...... Wii, Kinect , Move.... The implementation has many variants/inputs...

However... VR is exactly what I expect it to be....

A peripheral vision 3D experience.

That, I believe, is what is.

elhebbo163740d ago

Obviously since Oculus allows developers and people interested in the rift to try it out and work with it unlike the morpheus which is all locked up and top secret.

mkis0073740d ago

Top secret? Devs have access to it already! Just not the common devs. Even some special indies have access.

elhebbo163740d ago

Exactly, only big developers and SOME indies. unlike Oculus with its open policy.

mkis0073740d ago

ok...but it wasn't a crowd-funded product. Public has a right seeing as how they funded it. Meanwhile all that work on Oculus will be compatible for Morpheus, which is what Shue is saying.

mkis0073740d ago

Shu is a smart man. His logic is sound and it doesn't come off as a slight to Oculus. If Morpheus was announced as pc compatible...then they would have a serious issue.

Somebody3740d ago

They have effectively blocked OR's chance of gaining a foothold on the PS4 with Morpheus but I don't think Sony be releasing it for the PC anytime soon.

Sony released the PS4 controller for the PC without an official driver. Kinect dev kit was released for the PC with just some wild ideas from experimenters(not many were even game devs) but no official products even with Kinect 2.0.

I guess consoles do need the PC, after all. Next gen consoles wouldn't have existed without PC hardware and some of the hotly anticipated console games are based on genres the PC kept alive all these years(MMOs, F2Ps, indie and survival horror). Now we are literally watching console makers just waiting, circling around, for the next big thing PC is offering and ready to claim as their own.

AndrewLB3740d ago

So basically Sony is bragging about how much they're going to benefit from all the hard work put in by Oculus.

WeAreLegion3740d ago

Not at all. Shu is saying that having at least two major VR headsets on the market will give developers more security, leading to a larger VR market.

aliengmr3740d ago

No, they are competing for the same space. That "space" doesn't exist yet. Not only that, they are on different platforms. And given how expensive VR will be over the next few years the markets in the beginning will much more defined.

That's what they both want at the start. Sony builds a foundation for a market on consoles and OVR builds one on the PC. Once an overall market becomes a reality, then they can start pushing for the same "spaces", whatever they may be.

Sony has they right ideas here. They are being very serious about VR. They know that trying to be the "winner" will only be bad for VR. Its going to take slowly building a market where one doesn't exist.

VR is going to be a tough sell, and while I have no interest in the Morpheus, I am thankful it exists. Without it VR has no chance. Same is true for the Rift. With both, VR has a fighting chance.


Sony Music Entertainment Japan, Aniplex, and Pocketpair jointly establish Palworld Entertainment

Sony Music Entertainment Japan, subsidiary Aniplex, and Palworld developer Pocketpair have announced the establishment of Palworld Entertainment, a joint venture that will be responsible for developing the reach of the intellectual property and for expanding commercial business endeavors, including the global licensing and merchandising activities associated with Palworld, outside of the game.

16d ago Replies(1)
Eonjay16d ago

Does this mean that Palworld is getting an anime?

Abnor_Mal16d ago

Crazy that they’ve formed a partnership of sorts, but the game itself still haven’t been released on PlayStation

badz14916d ago

It's still in Early Access. If it ever goes gold, there will definitely be a PS5 version, might even be a PS4 version too

Abnor_Mal16d ago

I still have no clue what this game is all about, to be honest.

badz14916d ago


If games like ARK is not to your liking, then Palworld wouldn't be your cup of tea either...I think.

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10 Best PSP RPGs Of All Time

The PS1 and PS2 both had strong RPG libraries, so it’s not a huge surprise that the PSP saw numerous excellent RPG releases, covering original releases, ports, and spinoffs/sequels to major franchises.

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jznrpg27d ago

Great list but needs to be 12 you don’t have Star Ocean First Departure and Second Story!


New Sony Controller May Let You Draw Your Own Buttons Using Conductive Ink

Sony has published a new patent about a controller that can be completely personalized by a user, including its shape and layout.

TFJWM31d ago

It is just a patent if it is new tech you file it

S2Killinit30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Dont get me wrong, I love that Sony does these research into new tech and all, after all it led to something as fun as the Dualsense, but im just asking why this particular tech would be useful in any way.

Profchaos30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Interesting idea likely something that will never actually be produced but Sony's simply securing the paten

Profchaos30d ago

Common practice really so many companies pattern troll because they either intend to make a product or just want to hold onto the rights of the idea there's some insane ones out there especially at the dawn of the internet.

You can have no intent to use it but this is just saying you thought of it first

kylegeorge8830d ago

yeah no, the controllers need the hall effect before investing more time and money into quirks.

BlackDoomAx30d ago

But how will they sell as many controllers if they do that?

fsfsxii30d ago

Maybe consider your personal hygiene before blaming someone else for your controller defecting

DustMan30d ago

I doubt @FSFSXII even knows what hall effect is. What a turd.

y2mate30d ago

great idea, but will it fully distributed to other continent ?