
Dev: Mastering PS4 Compute Yields Massive Gains, Like PS3 CELL

Zombie Studios spoke with us about Compute on PS4, stating that mastering it will lead to massive performance gains, similarly to PS3's CELL.

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TheUltimateGamer3742d ago

Good. I'd like to see 3rd party games reach the peak of quality that only the first parties were able to on the last gen. I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes of this gen of consoles.

awi59513742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

I need a game that will push my pc. There isnt anything out yet that's really pushing the edge in graphics right now. We dont have a crysis type game out at all now. Metro last light is good but its a single player game only and its very doom like.We need a Pc game with far open spaces to explore. BF4 isn't a challenge to run at all at 60 fps on ultra. We need that big game but with new consoles out there isnt and rush from developers to push the PC at this point. I just witcher 3 doesnt suffer for this when it comes out.

I_am_Batman3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Games are getting more expensive and there is almost no point in making PC exclusive AAA games for most big publishers anymore especially when you look at the success of the new gen consoles.

ATi_Elite3742d ago

Crysis 3 with the Realism mod my friend and of course GTAIV with Icenhancer mod.

Cryengine 3 is so Optimized that it can produce awesome graphics very efficiently. The Realism Mod pushes the Engine further and adds even more eye candy.

Icenhancer on GTAIV is flatout a MONSTER to run and it makes GTAIV look better than anything EVER.

Metro LAst Light with Sweetfx or Realsim MOd is pretty tough.

Heck The Witcher 2 on Ultra with Uber Sampling turned on is still a PAIN.

zeuanimals3742d ago

Most multiplats wouldn't exist if they didn't come to consoles, and you should be happy that there's a new generation. Consoles are almost always the main target for 3rd party devs, they have to make their games work well on them because that's where the games are gonna sell the most and make the most money. PC gets upressed ports with some better details and effects.

New console generations don't just mean better looking console games, it also means much better looking console to PC ports. Look at this gen's best looking games and soon to be even better looking games. Now imagine them being ported to PC with better IQ and effects. They could potentially rival a lot of the best looking PC games.

Maybe this gen, we're gonna start seeing more PC to console ports instead, because of the x86 architecture.

randomass1713742d ago

You can expect to see a lot of PS4/XB1/PC games ported across all three platforms since they all have the same architecture. With game prices rising, why wouldn't developers easily port their games over for extra profit?

mysteryraz113742d ago

who gives a crap about the pc, the devs dont, so shutup crying and saying wah what about my pc, unlike pcs devs know know what are in the consoles, so its easier to optimize and improve games on them and thats why games sell best on consoles, cause they are so simple

Magicite3742d ago

No, we dont, very few people can afford super high-end PCs.

ravinash3741d ago

With the consoles being closer to the PC architecture now more than ever, it should be to much of a problem to turn the graphics up with larger textures and effects.

I'm sure with the new consoles, the PC version of the games will benefit from this as well.

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3742d ago Replies(1)
ATi_Elite3742d ago

Taking instructions or actions from the CPU and sending them to the GPU has been going on for a long time on teh PC side so now that Consoles ARE PC's it's good to see console Devs use Compute functions.

This frees up the CPU to do other things like BETTER ENEMY A.I. or larger game worlds.

The PS4 will get stronger as more Devs use Compute and offload some task to the PS4 GPU.

kaiserfranz3742d ago

Indeed, as the developer said, it can add "a lot of life" to a game world. That's very important to me, I feel AI is so far behind graphics and even physics right now in most games.

randomass1713742d ago

Keep in mind, devs on consoles haven't had capabilities like the PS4 before. The platform before it had about 512MB of RAM and the CPU was difficult to work with. Now we have about eight times the RAM and a much more reasonable CPU for which developers other than Sony's first party studios can actually work with.

Xtremist3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Compute parallelism is not possible on traditional pc hardware because it doesn't have the architecture for this kind of tasks.
On pc, when you send actions to the GPU you are actually stealling the processing power from the GPU.
That's not the case with ps4.

odderz3742d ago

Can't wait to see that first next-gen title that'll truly blow me away. I'm primarily a console gamer but I can't say I've seen a game on the new systems that has really truly impressed me yet. It's coming, I'm sure...

randomass1713742d ago

I take it Odderz wants to go above and beyond Second Son. Beautiful as that game is, I think we all know Sony can (and WILL) push that boundary even further. :)

Guwapo773742d ago

@Monkey - Infamous is nice but I wasn't blown away. I'm with Odderz, it's coming friends believe that. We WILL be blown away it just hasn't happened yet.

UltraNova3741d ago

Well be patient my friend U4, GoW 4 and the next two titles form Guerrilla KZ4 and the new IP will more than satisfy your appetite for eye candy.

nypifisel3742d ago

The Order 1886 is pretty much the best looking game I've seen ever, and I've been an exclusive PC gamer for 11 years.

Guwapo773742d ago

@nypifisel - I agree. The order looks great on a subpar Youtube video...it's going to be mind blowing on the system.

cfc783742d ago

No argument from me sounds spot on just hope the mastering comes sooner rather than later.

Alexious3742d ago

For the stated reasons it should hopefully come sooner than PS3, and more substantially across the board with multiplatform games. Can't wait to see the new games at E3

ramiuk13742d ago

or just wait till week before MS releases dx12 lol,screw them again with htere 5% increase it will bring the bone.

great to hear devs happy though ,

ccgr3742d ago

Awesome, look forward to seeing my PS4 flex its muscles

soljah3742d ago

dat power of the cloud oh wait wrong thread LOL

MasterCornholio3742d ago

Funny how Microsoft said that having more compute cores is a bad thing.

Very interesting how these two firms designed their consoles.


Dudebro903742d ago

Do you people gotta bring Xbox into everything?

N4g logic.

MasterCornholio3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )


Would you stop getting butthurt every time someone compares playstation to Xbox?

Seriously I just stated something that Microsoft said and I find it curious that Mark Cerney said that having more compute cores is better while Microsoft said that having more was bad. Nothing wrong with what I said and I wasn't attacking Xbkx (like you were claiming) by saying it.

Look if you dont want me to compare PlayStation to Xbox then just ask Microsoft to stop producing video game systems. Its only natural that I compare similar products to each other. For instance you will never see me compare the PS4 to a calculator.

Dudebro903742d ago Show
RadioActiveTwinky3742d ago

Where's the source that says that. I want to read that cause that is pretty dumb of whomever said that.

MasterCornholio3742d ago


Here you go.


"We actually saw on the launch titles - we looked at a lot of titles in a lot of depth - we found that going to 14 CUs wasn't as effective as the 6.6 per cent clock upgrade that we did. Now everybody knows from the internet that going to 14 CUs should have given us almost 17 per cent more performance but in terms of actual measured games - what actually, ultimately counts - is that it was a better engineering decision to raise the clock. There are various bottlenecks you have in the pipeline that [can] cause you not to get the performance you want [if your design is out of balance]. "


I have nothing against Microsoft having a console on the market. I just hate dudebros that's all.


DigitalRaptor3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

There's no bigger sign of a fanboy is one that is so insecure about the "console war" that the words Xbox and PlayStation cannot be uttered in the same sentence or conversation.

That is sadder than any kind of fanboyism in all honesty, cause not only are you deliberately pushing both brands into their own little boxes, you're completely shutting out any comparisons that can be made, and stunting all possibility of intelligent conversation and analysis.

Do you keep your PlayStation's locked away in one room, forbidden to share the same space as Xbox's or Nintendo gear?

You are the one throwing yourself off the handle by literally crying over a person that decided to discuss both consoles, in a valid observation. Eurogamer DigitalFoundry exists to compare versions of games. Technology websites compare similar products because people are interested in how different products compare. If you've been gaming for the past 20 years, and have been here since the dawn of the Internet, comparing consoles and games has been a normal practice.

"If your precious PS4 is so amazing"

Exposed yourself. Do yourself a favour and leave the Internet if you don't want to have a gaming technology discussion.

Volkama3742d ago

MasterCornholio nothing in your quote says that GPU Compute is a bad thing. All that says is MS found the increase in clockspeed was a better decision for them than adding additional compute cores. That's a far cry from "GPU Compute is bad".

More directly on topic, GPU compute is imo the most exciting piece of the PS4 architecture. People talk about the GDDR and that may indeed be lovely in terms of ease of development, but if I were a betting man I'd have money on GPU Compute as the feature that will really drive new experiences in games. Infamous particle effects are (hopefully) just the very small tip of that iceberg.

kaiserfranz3742d ago

Realy? They said having more compute cores is a bad thing? I don't recall this...Would be quite foolish.

nypifisel3742d ago

The Xbox One is at a huge disadvantage when it comes to GGPU tasks. Next to the RAM configuration of the XBO this is probably where the lack behind the most.

MasterCornholio3741d ago


Whoops your right about the qoute I just read it again and the only thing they said was that they studied increasing the compute cores but they came to the conclusion that increasing the clock speed of the GPU was better since it kept the system balanced.

I think all this talk about balance is BS since multiplats run better on the PS4 due to its simpler more powerful hardware. Which is why I think its bit silly that they said that.

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Flash Sale: PS Store Offers Up Scary Good Deals [US]

Brian writes: "Welcome everyone and behold PlayStation Store’s latest flash sale! This month we’re highlighting select titles that are sure to get your heart racing and have you sleeping with one eye open. No April fools or cute chocolate bunnies here, just pure spine-tingling terror at up to 70 percent off.

Starting now, save big on games like The Evil Within 2, Until Dawn, Outlast 2, and a lot more!"

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PhoenixUp2296d ago

Seems like a strange time to hold a horror themed flash sale but I’m not complaining

godslayer4292296d ago

Friday the 13th is the only reason I can think of

StormSnooper2296d ago (Edited 2296d ago )

I don’t know there are some great games in that list, unless you mean for you because you already have the ones you think are good? Alien Isolation for 8.99 caught my eyes.

thekhurg2295d ago

Until Dawn for $5 is a great deal. So are many other offers in that list.

Sorry you couldn't get Far Cry 5 for $10 on this sale or a free copy of Spider Man or God of War.

campofmusic2295d ago

that's not my point, i still remember better sales from sony, this is kinda the worst.

LgbtWarrior2295d ago

Great sale. FYI leprechaun HD is only 2.99 on amazon. The movie deals are meh. Game deals are better


Amazon June Game Deals Highlight: 6/17: Digital Sales For PS4/PS3/PSV: Battlefield Hardline $5

"PS4, PS3 and PS Vita digital games are on sale at Amazon. Deals include Battlefield Hardline, Omega Quintet, Need For Speed, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Unravel, The Crew, Tearaway and lots more!"

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"It’s the start of autumn; leaves are changing color and falling about, everything is pumpkin spice, and sweater weather is in the air. You know what that means, right? It is time for the Halloween season and the occasion to find each and every outlet for beautiful and twisted scares."--PlayStation Enthusiast

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WeAreLegion3199d ago

Really going all out with the "Enthusiast" bit.

PreAtaric3199d ago

Outlast and Daylight, along with other games, are on sale at the moment on PSN. Just a head's up.

Yui_Suzumiya3199d ago

I wish Soma was. I did grab Everybody's Gone to the Rapture for $8 over the weekend though.

PreAtaric3199d ago

Yeah I wish Soma was on sale too. I may pick it up anyway before Halloween.

alfcrippinjr3199d ago

outlast is one amazing horror game to play.
it a shame it was not longer.

but for sure worth checking out

what daylight like ?

any good i thought it was only like 2hrs long

Omnisonne3199d ago

Daylight certainly has some tense moments, but ends rather abruptly.. its a bit of a small game compared to Outlast and Soma, not such a good story either.

I'd strongly recommend Soma if you haven't tried it yet

PreAtaric3199d ago

I'm not far into Daylight but I'd say Outlast is better. Still, I think Daylight is less than $4 right now for PS+ members so I'm happy with it.

GregMicek3197d ago

How did this not get reported for the excessive caps locks?