
Call of Duty 2014 reveals Modern Warfare 4 connection

The first image of Call of Duty 2014 was released yesterday, and today MWEB GameZone is breaking down why its looking more likely that the next title in the series is going to be Modern Warfare 4.

HanCilliers3803d ago

I aint excited abt COD 2014, because, Ghosts.

nbalive20143803d ago

the preview from the insiders back from the playstation insider presentation or whatever it was called said that it looked really good compared to ghosts and they really improved the graphics, they did get a 3 year development time so they can't have slacked off all in that time, i liked call of duty but stopped playing after MW2 so hopefully they really showcase it compared to that piece of crap ghosts

DesVader3803d ago

Its Sledgehammer's time to shine so they really have to do a good job here. Otherwise people are just going to be buying Treyarch title ever 3 years.

HanCilliers3803d ago

Well said, Sledgehammer could manage something better than Ghost

scotmacb3803d ago

As long as it feels different

joab7773803d ago (Edited 3803d ago )

Honestly, and this is coming from a casual CoD fan, it wouldnt be hard to bring a good CoD back to us. Its quite simple actually.

First, call it CoD:Modern Warfare. No 4 or anything. Bring it back to recent times and bring in a great writing team. Focus on 2014 military elements and real world possibilities. Hire the team from spec ops: the line. Give us something like CoD 4. And dont hold our hands as much. Let us play and figure things out. Reward us.

For multiplayer, give us a beta. Spend time honing the experience. Make it crisp and clean. Talk to professional gamers...see what they want. Keep the fast paced twitch gaming but jack realistic sounds, weapons and visuals up to an all time high.

No need for gimmicks etc. Just get back to what made it great and revolutionary. Take advantage of the new tech like they did all those years ago. It can be done.

H4zZz43803d ago

I just want them to show us something different.

HoldenZA3799d ago

I agree, I really want to see something innovative come 'Modern Warfare 4'.

akraven3803d ago

Call Of Duty is not going anywhere. It will still sell better than it's competition.

troylazlow3803d ago

Is this article saying all black people look the same... In this case I welcome Morgan Freeman, Bill Cosby, Sam Jackson, as well as Bo. To the next Call of Duty!

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Modern Warfare 3 SBMM Questions Ignored by Sledgehammer in Reddit AMA

In a recent AMA, Sledgehammer Games painstakingly ignored every single one of the dozens of Modern Warfare 3 SBMM comments and questions,

thorstein306d ago (Edited 306d ago )

SBMM = Skill Based Match Making for anyone who didn't know.

gigoran8305d ago

So what's the problem? Are streamers being matched with actual competent players and getting destroyed without their cheats?

Sephiroushin305d ago (Edited 305d ago )

No, the problem is a player get matched with all other below average team mates and another team is 1 average player the rest players above average ... its like having a team of pro vs a team of newbies this was all leaked through patents you can play with friends and it get more balanced, but then everyone is just camping and the only way to win is well camping which in turn is well not anything close to fun.


Third-Person Call Of Duty-Meets-Uncharted Vietnam Game Never Got Very Far In Development

Years ago, Sledgehammer Games was working on a third-person Call of Duty game set during the Vietnam War. But it never came to be.

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jznrpg383d ago

That’s too bad. I enjoy TPS games and the idea could work if done well.


Call Of Duty Dev Addresses Activision Lawsuit Amidst Vanguard Reveal

GameByte writes: "Sledgehammer Games, one of the developers of Call of Duty, has issued a statement regarding the harassment lawsuit against Activision Blizzard."

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