
Rumor: Killer Instinct 3 coming to 360

From jeux-france.com: "new episode of the series Killer Instinct (in the past in arcade, Super Nintendo and on Nintendo 64), this time on Xbox 360. The dires come directly from American magazine EGM: Killer Instinct 3D: Death, Destruction and Doom. Reality or joke of the developers? Confirmation will still have to be awaited."

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highdro5871d ago

now i need a 360.....looks like i am going to by the £150 if this is confirmed,...i only got a ps3 but i cannot afford another console rite now,....killer instinct is my best beat em up game follwed by street fighter,.....this game is going to be sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Jamie Foxx5871d ago (Edited 5871d ago )

killer instinct is a great beat'em up it doesnt need 3D, just spruce up the graphics and combat and your onto a winner,too many GREAT fighting games have been ruined by going 3D

Gam715871d ago

You are absolutely right jamie.

Fighting games don't seem to favour the transition to 3d as well as platformers.

gaffyh5871d ago

It probably is true, I mean Rare make the game. But Tekken is the greatest fighting game, nothing else even compares, and the only people that don't like it are the ones that are crap at it.

Tekken is very fluid, and a very fair fighting game (more than other games). I remember when I played Killer Instinct on N64, I thought it was really really crap.

solidt125871d ago

This just a rumor, and I am sure it will come to the PS3 also if it is true.

HighDefinition5871d ago

cause Banjo was ALOT different, hopefully KI3 isn`t.

Daver5871d ago (Edited 5871d ago )

@1.5 M$ bought Rare so they wont release the game on ps3...

If its true and it looks fun i think i might have to buy an xbox..
Killer instinct is the best fighting game ever made!

Anyway it is just a rumour for now

unbiased5871d ago

They were the first to confirm Bioshock PS3. and now this. I'm really starting to have faith in there rumors.

Bloodwar5871d ago (Edited 5871d ago )

so for those who hope the game isn't in three dimensions, we don't have an idea yet.. it may not be in 3 dimensions and if it doesnt have 3 dimensions, I'm still going to buy it. =)

And I do wonder, there are quite a few of you who do say that you would buy this a 360 for this game. I ask then, is it possible that this is the system seller for the Xbox 360? I wonder. Anyways, yes, this is still a rumor atm, but damn I hope its true.

Fallen_Angel5871d ago

Rare been dropping hints about this for a long time now so I think its a given that the game is in the works. I just dont get why they dont release 1 or 2 on XBLA

Dark_Vendetta5871d ago

Well the pic of Banjo showed pretty obvious that KI3 is coming.
@1.10: Maby they have some legal problems because of the platform or whatever

cmrbe5871d ago

This game is the S*it back in SNES days. Better than MK and SF imo. If it there was a release on PS1 i would have prefered it to Tekken even. KI have the best fighters imo. Cinder is the man. Spinal is kick ass as well.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5871d ago
power of Green 5871d ago (Edited 5871d ago )

If you think this is exciting I know somebody that gets insider info from MSFT. The new Perfect Dark Zero game is going to be a monster(revolutionary multiplayer). He tests MSFT's games and everything he's told me about GoW2 has been on the money.

Ruff/rough translation

"Rumour of the moment: l' nearest arrival d' a new episode of the series Killer Instinct (in the past in arcade and on Super Born/Nintendo 64), this time on Xbox 360. The dires come directly from American magazine EGM with l' next d' announces; Killer Instinct 3D: Death, Destruction and Doom. Reality or joke of the developers? Confirmation will still have to be awaited… "

Its obvious its comming its been hinted at so many times by Rare. Orchid! Killer combo FTW.

PR0NE5871d ago (Edited 5871d ago )

no, no, scr*w you, it's GeoW2 not GoW2 as in God of War 2

update: and scr*w the ones who disagree

Defectiv3_Detectiv35871d ago

As w/ any Rare game I shall remain skeptical. They haven't produced a AAA game since the N64 Banjo. I just hope they don't screw this up cuz I always thought this game was bad ass.

NO_PUDding5871d ago

Yer, wheneveer anyone says GoW I think God of War.

GeoW is Gears....

Pain5871d ago (Edited 5871d ago )

I Have a Friend how is Close with One of the Greek GODs and he tells me that the Chick i'll Marry is HOT!!!

But really dream on . Any Rare game from M$ is NOT a True RARE Game since Most of RARE's Devs (the Good ones) left to work with Free Rad when M$ bought Rare....

Thats Why Perfect Dark 360 SUCKED!!!!!!! And Any RARE Game After.

"He tests MSFT's games and everything he's told me about GoW2 has been on the money. "
will id hope he was right if he works there.....but whats to expect from it more Mediocre? not hard.

and grr its Not GoW thats God of War. Gears is Gears never herd Geow..sounds like a Ewoke name

tatotiburon5871d ago

lol Pain

Free radical, the goog ones? hahahaha the people who maded HAZE?? the biggest Flop of the year?

Xlll5871d ago

"The new Perfect Dark Zero game is going to be a monster(revolutionary multiplayer)." Really now Perfect Dark? Are you xbots really sinking that low?

n00bPwner5871d ago

lmao @ Haze.

and it's true what PoG says. I know this guy as well on Live. we 3 are buddies.

stupid droids.

LenHart5871d ago


flop gaiden 2 --7/10 from most websites

Hour of Victory (x360's COD killer) - 2/10 from Gamespot

Two wworlds (two /10) from Gamespy

garbage BOT

Xlll5871d ago

Actually haze is pretty good. I'm having a blast with it online thanks for asking. So hows them 20fps on NG2? yeah thats some real good Hardware you showcasing lol. 3 buddies? LOL. thats so sad you only have 2 friends and they're as retarded as you.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5871d ago
Mc Fadge5871d ago

I think all rumours should have "Rumour:" in their title, rather than a small piece of text at the bottom of the article that is hard to see. Please add it to the title? <3

Anyways, never played the originals but apparently it's awesome? Good news for 360 owners if true, enjoy!

Mc Fadge5871d ago (Edited 5871d ago )

You're right, this is horrible news for the 360 ^_______^

GutZ315871d ago

Why was this story approved?
Its even in the rules that you cant put "!!!" in a story title, even if the original came with it.

jack325871d ago (Edited 5871d ago )

i never played it

My uncle did and i watced him, fighting some skeleton on a boat. Thats ALL i remember

It just seemed like any other fighting game to me!!!! am i right?

highdro5871d ago

its more than just another fighting game, ...u do some sick as combo and that skelton gy ur uncle is fighting is called spinal, ..he can transformes into who ever he is fighting,..u get combo breakers,..awsmo combo..e.t.c, i cant explain it but it is jus a mash up game were u fight really fast,.. play it ur self and u will see y i love it so much,..if u have some change go and by a n64 and get ki gold.

jack325871d ago

Yeh i checked it now

but its not tactical like Tekken. It wont be fair. People will just learn how to do combos and finish anyone.

This game will probably not be good online

ThaGeNeCySt5871d ago

what do you mean learn how to do combo's and just finish anyone? There are combo breakers

Skizelli5871d ago

It is tactical. Like the above poster said, there are combo breakers. Combo breakers also allow shadow combos. Rather than watching a video, perhaps everyone should research the gameplay mechanics before judging.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5871d ago
power of Green 5871d ago (Edited 5871d ago )

LOL a Dissagree... This rumor doesn't even matter we know its coming Rare is an inhouse company there's sure to be hits in development.

Its not like Rare hasn't put out teasers about KI3.

LOL at the PS3 fanboys trying to block the news then have the nerve to troll in here claiming they never really heard of it or they're not intrested and its just like another fighting game.

Old and current Nintendo fans know exactly what this series is about hence the 360 fans being excited being mostly Nintendo converts.

LenHart5871d ago

as if ps3 owners want this garbage game

this comes from RARE --a garbage developer who makes garbage games like BANJO KAJOOIE, PDZ , VIVA SUCKATA

stupid old man

he thinks we want an x360 game???

GiantEnemyCrab5871d ago

Ever since the Christmas Card teaser with KI stocking in the background I've had a feeling this game is coming.

Can't wait, one of the best fighters ever made!

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Infamous Franchise Deserves Another Chance From PlayStation

Sucker Punch rejuvenated the superhero genre with Infamous, a series that focused on the pure fun of wielding destructive powers.

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shinoff218315h ago

Atleast release a remaster trilogy or something to gage interest. I'd buy it. With that said I'm pretty over superheroes at this point. Infamous is still dope as fk though so it'd be a buy

isarai42m ago

Omfg i would go apesh!t for that 😩

jznrpg14h ago

I agree but games take 4-6 years to make so who knows when they would do it? After Ghost of Tsushima2? They could have something else in the world as well in early production who knows.

mkis00713h ago

It's a shame Sucker Punch finally figured out a good open world formula only while making Ghost of Tsushima. Infamous 1 and 2 were great for their time, but Second son felt too much like a checklist in It's design. I love the hell out of all 3 games (2 and 3 are just so damn good, while 1 shows it's age and the ps3 struggles), but I would love to see how they would do another infamous with all they have learned. Wouldn't hurt to release a remastered collection either.

Demetrius5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

This series, days gone, will continue to get ignored by sony, luckily we still have the horizon series, sly cooper not getting pushed anymore, speaking of that I'm bout to get on my ps2 and play some sly 2 anyways lol, but seriously I never woulda thought back then sony would ever cold shoulder most of their franchises I'm actually surprised they're still letting ratchet&clank be around


Elden Ring's manga paused so the author can play the DLC instead

Elden Ring's manga has been put on hiatus so that the artist can play the DLC.

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phoenixwing2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Well 6 month hiatus it is. If not longer lol


Why Far Cry 3 Was The Best Of The Franchise?

Far Cry 3, an open-world masterpiece that redefined the series. Gameplay and storyline makes it a timeless classic that still inspires today.

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Deeeeznuuuts3d ago

It's gotta be Far Cry 2 for me, the feeling of that game I'm still yet to find again, just everything about it, I'd kill for a remaster, I'd even be happy with just a bump in resolution and frame rate, occasionally go back to it, think I'm gunna have to do just that now 😂

porkChop3d ago

A remaster of Far Cry 2 would be amazing, especially with the mods that fixed the broken stealth system and the dumb checkpoint respawns. Include those fixes and it would be a huge upgrade over the original.

JEECE2d ago

Enemies respawn in Far Cry 2? Terrible! It's a broken system! Make me a one-man army who can inexplicably hold an entire region!

Enemies respawn in Dark Souls and Zelda? Brilliant! So much more hardcore! Glad the devs took risks!

porkChop2d ago

The problem isn't them respawning. It's that they respawned after just 5 minutes. Like you'd still be in the area looking for diamonds, loot, exploring, etc, and the enemies would just respawn with you there.