
New Infinite Undiscovery screenshots

Famitsu have released eight new direct-feed screenshots of Infinite Undiscovery that appeared in last week's issue.

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Angelitos5963d ago

A Final Fantasy wanna be.........


socomnick5963d ago

:/ well kinda and not really. Nothing to worry about though seems like you wont be playing it , you'll be missing out on this and the other solid jrpgs on the Xbox 360.

Vicophine5963d ago

You mean like Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata? Yeah...

Bladestar5963d ago

mmm... yeah... damn square copying.. square! How dare they trying to make an RPG game instead of making Final Fantasy 4852634534.
It don't matter this game is made by the same people that are making Final Fantasy XIII for the PS3.. the game will be hated because is on the xbox 360...
I am getting Final Fantasy on the PS3 when it comes out.. (unless it comes on the xbox 360)... but that's what I love about the 360... lots of new IPs... Lost Oddesy, Blue-Dragon, Mass Effect, Gears... and a ton of new Ips... while the PS3 is the console to play some of the IPs we love and know.... (well.. not counting those that are not multiplatform)... but hey... I also want something new this Gen... I am not planning to get to final fantasy 50.... I new IP would be nice... and that's what the xbox 360 is doing this gen... and even hired Square to get it done...

turbogeekx5963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

Um. Bladestar. Square-Enix are NOT developing Infinite Undiscovery so why the hell are you trying to spread false garbage like that? tri-Ace are developing it, the creators of Star Ocean. Square-Enix are only publishing it.

And people aren't hating on it just because it's on Xbox 360. The voice acting is horrible and the main characters shout the names of their attacks whenever they're fighting. The whole thing just looks annoying as hell.

ice_prophecy5963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

Dude its made by Square enix. Who cares?

edit: turbogeekx: Oh really? I didn't know, so SE is only publishing it? Still who cares :D

I like SE games. If there comes a point in time when I have spare money lying around, and I want to play some missed rpg games I'll pick up a Xbox.

However I still have a hunch (I know its still speculation) but since the RPGs that I like are predominantly JRPGs and with how the xbox is fairing in japan - I am hoping that the ps3 (actually I am pretty confident) will still be home of jRPG. Considering some of my favorite titles are coming out soon, and that is not including the final fantasy series.

That said, I am still disappointed that this isn't coming to the ps3, and I hope that it will be eventually ported over.

GiantEnemyCrab5963d ago

I thought a joke is supposed to have humor attached to it?

I fail to see any humor in what you said at all.

Seems more like a hater just trying to derail the comments before they even got started.

The game looks gorgeous. Really curious as to how it's going to play.

Dannagar5963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

Did you play them? Can you tell me a little about what you disliked about BD and ES? I thought Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata were fantastic JRPG's. Eternal Sonata has a great story, beautiful graphics and a classic soundtrack and if you enjoyed Chrono Trigger, you'd love Blue Dragon.

turbogeekx5963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

Eternal Sonata was ok but Blue Dragon was absolutely terrible. You obviously haven't played many JRPG's if you thought those were fantastic. Some people are SO desperate for JRPG's lately that they'll play a mediocre JRPG like Lost Odyssey and call it fantastic, because you FORGOT what good JRPG's are like. Kinda sad lol.

Dannagar5963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

Sure I've played and finished a ton of JRPG's. I'll name a few that I've finished:
Phantasy Star
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III
Phantasy Star IV

Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana

Suikoden I
Suikoden II

Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IIV


Sword of Vermillion
Shining Wisdom
Shining the Holy Ark
Shining in the Darkness
Shining Force I
Shining Force II
Shining Force III

Panzer Dragon Saga
Dragon Force

Legend of Dragoon

Lunar the Silver Story
Lunar Eternal Blue

Skies of Arcadia

Grandia II
Grandia Extreme

Those are just a few off the top of my head. There are many I've played and didn't finish because I didn't like them.

GUNS N SWORDS5963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

(@ Dannagar)

i have them all and i can say.....................lost odyssey beats them all , then mass effect,then blue dragon, then eternal sonata.

in terms of graphics eternal sonata's graphics are indeed lesser than blue dragon....hey its going to ps3 so maybe you'll see it first hand.



Marceles5963d ago

Did I see someone comparing Blue Dragon to Chrono Trigger? If you liked Chrono Trigger, Blue Dragon will seem plain as hell...the graphics are great though, but the gameplay and story isn't as entertaining as Chrono...by a long shot. I'm still in the middle of beating Blue Dragon now...

Dannagar5963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

@Guns N Swords

I didn't mention Mass Effect. It was actually my favorite RPG last year. But it's not a JRPG which was the subject. I love the visuals on Eternal Sonata more so that Blue Dragon. Eternal Sonata was simplistic but had a fun battle system. I finished it on Xbox 360 and have no intention of revisiting it when it comes out on Playstation 3.

As I always say, it comes down to preference.

After playing Blue Dragon, I saw a lot of similarities between it and Chrono Trigger; especially its groovy tunes. However, I can agree that Chrono Trigger had a more innovative story.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 5963d ago
End Of war 25963d ago

sony droids have a look at the best rpg this year with no contest and ps tales of vesperia looks liek garabge sony fanboys keep using their tactic of hyping games that they feel was going to fail (you notie they hyped the hell out of ninja gaidwen early build they thought secretly it was going to flop so they hyp-e it but to their failure ng2 willnever flop like haze 4/10 every were then they try and hypwe tales of vasperia which look sliek garabge and try and say infinte discovery looks liek crap9 when the ingame makes tals look crap)this is the sony fanboy tactic they actually hype xbox games they hope t fail you will notice they wont hype banjoo/toohuman/gears 2/alawake/left for dead/fable 2 they will troll this game and try and down play them but will hype games they hope to flopp like ng2 which when was 1st shown look just like digma and was not innovative so they hyped it in hopesame with tales of vesperia dont falll for it again microsfot fans .

zethos565963d ago

looks like you typed that really fast. also why do you call tales of vesperia crap? it's a 360 exclusive (timed I think).

GiantEnemyCrab5963d ago

Tales of Vesperia is a 360 exclusive (could be timed but right now it's an exclusive) and I am actually really looking forward to Tales. I have high hopes for IU and hopefully it will be the staple JRPG the 360 needs after Blue Dragon was a let down for some.

You can't knock the 360 for not having a diverse line-up this gen.

ice_prophecy5963d ago

Seriously. I dont think you even like RPG games. You sound like you just want to rip into someone's throat. RPG gamers should be more level headed than this. If the RPG fan sees a good rpg game, they will probably pick up the console for it.

I saw the ps3 potential and picked up the ps3. I saw Crisis core get released, and picked up a PSP. If the Xbox rpgs start showing promise, I will pick up an xbox.

Just take it easy.

ISA_Scum5963d ago

Does anyone else think that this game looks like garbage or is it just me?

LenHart5963d ago

the ingame footage of WKS is much better than the GAMEPLAY movies of CRAP DRAGON/CRAP ODYSSEY and INFINITE CRAP

this is just a test project for SQUARE. who wastes money on a dead console like XFIX ME

zethos565963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

It looks like a ps2 game

btw, lol "infinite crap"

GiantEnemyCrab5963d ago

If by "you" you mean $ony fishheads then yes of course it looks like garbage.

When in reality it looks gorgeous and I think it's going to be a superb game. Tri-Ace have a good track record.

Don't be mad because it's not on the POS3. You are just here hating like you were in the Ninja Gaiden 2 threads. You seem really concerned about games you don't own the system for or are ever going to play.

ice_prophecy5963d ago

You are wrong. The game looks quite good. It is a unique art direction compare to their other titles.

If this picks up enough steam when it is released, I will get my hands on a 360 and a copy of this game somehow.

and @GiantEnemyCrab. You can be a Pro-360 gamer, but that does not mean you have to be a Ps3 hater.

Just enjoy the games as a gamer.

LenHart5963d ago

the game looks like a PS2 game.

NG2 needs to be hated cuz it is a garbage game bashed up all reviewers


go play GAYLO3 at 640p

GiantEnemyCrab5963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

Just because you make 100 accounts, stop accusing others. I am not POG or Mart but you are Nasim/Tidus/Shmee and I'm sure a lot of other account's.

You need to stop spouting off your opinion as fact! It does not look like a PS2 game, get your freakin eyes checked. NG2 is not a garbage game, but if it's on the 360 it's an automatic fail in your opinion. You have no credibility when it comes to judging 360 games. The game got 7-9's and that is just what is expected of NG2. Worry about your POS3 games like Haze getting 4's across the board, now that is a garbage game based purely on those scores.

You are mentally ill and you need help. To think someone can be so wrapped up in these console wars and you don't even own a 360, PS3 or Wii.

No, I think I'm going to go play GTA IV in 720p.. How's that?

@2.4: remind me about that when you see me in a POS3 thread bashing on a game. Seems like I am in the right spot since this is a 360 article in the 360 section. I am a 360 fanboy and that's the way it is.

LenHart5963d ago

only god knows how many accounts you truely HAVE

Two worlds (x360's Oblivion killer ) got 2/10 from Gamespy

Hour of Victory ( x360's COD killer) got 2/10 from GAmespot

that infinite CRAP look like DOGSHTT

I am gonna play NGS at 1080p at 60 fps. Oh i could also play GT5P at 1080p at 60 fps

Too bad NG2 runs at 720p at 20 fps (what a shame???)

Not to mention that no game on x360 runs at 1080p native vs 32 games on PS3 at that rez

NGS,WARDEVIL,WIPEOUT,RR7,GT5P all runs at 1080p at 60 fps on PS3

go play NG2 at 20 fps

ice_prophecy5963d ago

I understand that you feel justified to do so. If I understand how people post on N4G then you are probably right.

However, that attitude is the vicious cycle that will make things worse. If things are going to change, everyone will have to make first steps towards that in their own right.

On Topic: I wonder what their inspiration for the art directions were?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5963d ago
ice_prophecy5963d ago (Edited 5963d ago )

The art direction surprised me quite a bit. It is very different for a SE title.

That said, it is looking to be a beauty.

If this doesn't get ported to PS3 eventually, I might rent out a 360 and this game.

edit: fixed a typo

name5963d ago

This is looking really good. If it turns out to be as good as I think it is, I'll have to buy a 360 for it.

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Tri-Ace still uses their old game engine from 2008

The gaming community lately makes jokes about companies making games that look like "PS3" or "PS2" games. While this is such a nasty dig, there may be some truth to this in the case of tri-Ace.

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GoodGuy09481d ago

Sad really. I used to love these guys but man...they just aren't what they used to be.

phallusitator480d ago

According to the this they are exactly what they used to be…

Noskypeno480d ago

The Cod games have been using an engine built in the mid 90s. Nothing wrong with using an old engine if they update it. Bioshock used UE2 and looked better than most UE3 games. Arkham knight used UE3 and looked better than most UE4 games.

Chriswynnetbh480d ago

I would give my left nut for an infinite undiscovery pc port

shinoff2183480d ago

Sh it does suck but I enjoyed star ocean 6 the most out of any game last year. I thought it was solid af start to finish. My favorite game that year.

I'd love for Sony to get ahold of them.

shinoff2183480d ago

To late to edit but I just wanted to add not every game that comes out needs to push a consoles boundaries. Star ocean 6 looked fairly good to me.

shammgod480d ago

Yeah. They definitely squeezed every drop out of that engine for SO6. It was a fun game

nitus10480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

I assume you are talking about "Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness" which I do have and am still playing. IMHO it is a good game but for some reason I still prefer "Star Ocean: The Last Hope" that I played on my PS3.

As a side note I have "Star Ocean: Till the End of Time" (PS2 version) which I played on my first gen PS3 but unfortunatly the Australian version of the PS3 did not have full backwards capability like the US version did. I got so far in the game and hit a bug (advancement to a new area between two mountains) that prevented further play.

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Xbox One's Last Batch of Backward Compatible Games & Rare's Enhanced for Xbox One X Shown in Action

During the Inside Xbox live stream today, developers from the backwards compatibility team announced that the program would sadly be coming to a close.

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mkis0071931d ago

Already? No more bc games to be added? This is huge news.

slate911931d ago

What a good run. Assuming every og xbox, 360, and One title will be available on Scarlett. Will make next gen transition easy. Hats off!!

Bigman4k1931d ago (Edited 1931d ago )

I'm not surprise at all I saw this coming

AK911931d ago (Edited 1931d ago )

As long as they continue adding more BC once the Scarlett comes out.

badz1491931d ago

so this partial BC program ended?

FGHFGHFGH1929d ago

well they're actually developing new games now so isn't that better?


We're Still Waiting on these 10 Games to Come to Xbox Game Pass

The current game selection on Game Pass is impressive, but it’s still missing a handful of big games.Here are the 10 most dumbfounding omissions from Game Pass.

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xboxcult1990d ago

I can see most of these coming to gamepass sometime this year. Even some of them could make it GWG.

lxeasy1989d ago

Some of these are exclusives so I def see them coming to gamepass.