
GRID: Autosport - PC Is Lead Platform, Will Feature 4K Textures, Comments On "Next-Gen" GRID

DSOGaming writes: "Codemasters has just revealed the next installment in the GRID series, and we have some new information regarding its PC version, as well as the next 'next-gen' GRID title."

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TitanUp3661d ago ShowReplies(2)
InTheZoneAC3661d ago

4k on tiny monitors, sounds pointless considering the price...

kenmid3661d ago

4k monitors are really not that expensive you can get a 28" samsung for $750,

Christopher3661d ago

That's a bit pricey for me right now. Especially for a _good_ 4k monitor and not some 8+ms resonse 4k with crappy colors.

ShinMaster3661d ago

Haha I'm not spending almost $800 for a 28" screen. Listen to yourselves. That's TWICE the price of a PS4 already.

Muffins12233661d ago (Edited 3661d ago )

Okay even then...your gonna need a rig and honestly you can get a 500 gpu and it still wont run well at 4k! Hopefully by fall we will have 4k ready gpu.

InTheZoneAC3660d ago


28" for only $750....

1080p is about pointless for that size, let alone 4k....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3660d ago
solar3661d ago

the lamest argument ever. "but the price!" /rolleyes

john23661d ago

Not pointless at all. You can downsample and the end result will be amazing even on your 1080p monitor ;)

Are_The_MaDNess3661d ago

wow you guys..... they said 4k TEXTURES.
4k textures isnt even that great by todays standards. most of my textures in my Skyrim game is 4k heck some is even 8k.
this is texture res not screen space. there is a huge diffrence.
if they said they had gigapixel sized textures like in the graphine demo or whatever it was called then it would impress.
i hope they dont use just one 4k texture for one car for that would be kinda low in the close up quality.

TWB3661d ago

Completely agreeing with this man ! There are toi many comments that take the 4k res as a screen resolution and dont realize its actually the texture resolution.

If numbers impress, look up "IDtech 5 megatextures"

Are_The_MaDNess3660d ago

The Granite SDK does it at a much much larger scale than IDtech tho. http://graphinesoftware.com...

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mysteryraz113661d ago

who cares? barely anyone has pcs that can even run 4k shit decently, thats over 1000 bucks

Christopher3661d ago

For a racing game, I can run 4k. But, I have 1080p monitors. So... pointless. But, it doesn't cost that much to run 4k for racing games.

mysteryraz113661d ago

4k aint cheap first you need a 4k monitor or monitors then you need the hardware in the computer to make it powerful enough to run it decently plus you have to water cool it to to keep it from overheating

kingduqc3660d ago

The beauty of pc is that 4k will be easy to drive in 3 years.

It's not because you where stuck at 720p for 7 years that everyone has.

Software_Lover3661d ago

Who cares about 4k textures. If the textures are crap, a higher resolution will not help.
these guys/gals are good devs but they are falling into the RESOLUTION headline war. I want devs to focus on great textures. Better lighting. Great A.I. Etc, etc, etc.

Its sad when the first info of a game deals with resolution. This goes for all platforms.

traumadisaster3661d ago

I've been 4k gaming for over a year and you have not. You are wrong. The worst textures from 10 year old games look so much better. Resolution is key to making old games look great. New games make you say I will never look at 1080p again, just like you won't play at 800x600 anymore.

Software_Lover3661d ago

I don't play at 1080p on my pc. I haven't played 1080p in years. 1440p or better.

To put an emphasis on Resolution and not the actual textures used is just wrong. Yes, Resolution will make games look "crispier", but with the power we have today, we could and should be doing a whole lot more.

Dasteru3661d ago (Edited 3661d ago )

You seem to be confusing screen res for texture res. Texture res is detail and you do not need a 4k monitor to benefit from it. Most games these days use 512x512 textures. 4k for textures is 4096x4096 which is 8x the detail. Even at a 1080p screen res, it is a very clearly visible difference.

Here is a gif of Oblivion switching between the default 512x512 textures and 2048x2048 (2k) textures. You can imagine the difference at 4k.


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CaptainHenry9161301d ago

The only one I played on my phone was Titan Quest

CorndogBurglar1300d ago

I've been playing Battlechasers: Nightwar on my phone and its a really good port. I'm really enjoying it.