
Sony Suddenly Makes Almost Every PlayStation Classic and PSP Game Downloadable/Playable on PS Vita

In a rather sudden turn of events, almost every PlayStation classic and PSP game, including those that previously weren’t available on PS vita, are now downloadable on Sony’s portable console. Reports from NeoGAF confirm that classics like Crash Bandicoot or Spyro the Dragon or PSP games that never made it over to the newer portable like Phantasy Star Portable 2 are now available for download and playable.

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majiebeast3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

Shawn Layden does what Tretton didnt do ;)

Year of the Vita!

*goes back to Destiny of Spirits*

Abriael3697d ago

It's worth mentioning that it could be a mistake or a bug. It's strange that they didn't give something like this any fanfare.

majiebeast3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

If they take this away it will turn into a bloodbath. It would be a pretty big PR disaster.
If this is a bug its a huge one.

Who knows stealth releases like this can get a lot of hype without a blog post.

Abriael3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

@majiebeast: yeah, especially now that we know that the games actually work.

I'm downloading my Valkyria 2... oh yeah...

3697d ago
Bigpappy3697d ago

So Vita is at about life #6 now while wii-u is already on #9. Hope they both make it and this should say something about the power/lack of, for retro games.

zeuanimals3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

It's working for me, CTR is anyway. Still downloading the others Spyro/Crash games.

Edit: I'm thinking they all work because Spyro The Dragon works too, but they're all also letterboxed on all sides which really erks me. It's like playing with a Gameboy. Performance isn't too great either with stuttering happening at random intervals.

Godmars2903697d ago

Poor advertising, a short attention span in regards, is a weakness of Sony's.

Likewise what this could be is a PS Now test where someone flipped too many switches.

Prime1573697d ago

it could also be a glitch with psnow <shrug>

vergilxx33697d ago

emmm it's probably not a bug this games have been on UK psn like for ages so why not for NA as well

badz1493697d ago

Umm...how should I put this? MEGATON?!

N2NOther3697d ago

I'm playing Blood Omen: The Legacy of Kain on my Vita. If it's a mistake, then it's the best one ever made.

guitarded773697d ago

Sony has done soft launches of system features before (It's too early here for me to think of any, but I remember some things with my old brain). Maybe they do quiet launches of network features to avoid overload, or kinda beta test in a way. The Vita does have PS One and PSP catalogs as banner items in the store, which isn't always the case... so they're not hiding them either. Noticed this yesterday.

da1writer3697d ago


Hold down the PS button on your Vita after launching the game. A new menu should show up, press the Settings button next to the game icon. Here you can adjust touch screen controls, disc speed fixes (Spyro), and Fullscreen video resolution. Let me know how'd it go :)

SaffronCurse3697d ago

Not a bug. Yoshida even tweeted about it.

Kidmyst3697d ago

I downloaded like 5 games this weekend for $1.00 each for my Son to play, was hoping Sly Cooper was in the sale but Crash games, Gex and Spyro which he really likes. Now I'll have to get a bigger memory card in the Vita for summer road trips.

3697d ago
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pwnsause_returns3697d ago

now to bring those PSP games that never made it to the PS Store, to make them available now on the Vita, like Crisis Core, get square enix to react sony!

Snookies123697d ago

Apparently, the only reason Crisis Core isn't on the PS Store is because of legal reasons with the ending song... :\

Outside_ofthe_Box3697d ago

Would pick up Birth By Sleep and Crisis Core right now if they were on the store. Now I'm wishing every single PSP game was on the store so that I can pick them up and play it on the Vita.

abstractel3697d ago

Reason I would get a Vita (again) would be for Crisis Core, Birth By Sleep and the title formerly known as Agito. Bonus would be remote play, Tearaway and Muramasa Rebirth. Shame those titles aren't looking likely to appear on the store anytime soon.

TitanUp3697d ago

this has me wanting to buy a vita again, playing all those old games on the go would be fun.

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Kingthrash3603697d ago

oh snap, my vita bought some new panties!

Hold_It3697d ago

Good thing they are starting to pay more attention to the Vita.

showtimefolks3697d ago

awesome hopefully some of the old psp games will be made available soon too

Pixel_Enemy3697d ago

OMG is Final Fantasy Crisis Core on there?!?! It was never on the store only UMD and I want it badly on my Vita.

Fishermenofwar3697d ago

Crisis Core Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

randomass1713697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

THAT'S IT. Vita's getting priority. Gotta get that over Wii U as of right now.

edit: Actually, I may be able to forgo the PS4 for both a Wii U and Vita... not sure. Anyone want to offer some advice on that?

Hozi3697d ago

PSVITA Goes hand in hand with PS4. Not Wii U. Buy A PS4, then get your Vita or vice versa.

p.s. if you get a wii u instead, you'll end up selling it anyways.

GeofferyPeterson3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

Vita is definately worth it with a PS Plus subscription and with all these games now. Not sure about the Wii U because I'm still very undecided about it because of the lack of good games. I bought a PS4 at launch and it's just ok so far. I wouldn't buy one until more games come out or you find one used for a even better price. One plus of having a Vita and PS4 is that you can play your PS4 games anywhere in your house or on the go with good wifi, and a 4g hotspot on your phone. Hope that helped ya!

Inception3697d ago

If you want to buy WiiU, i'll suggest wait for Bayonetta 2, X, new Metroid, Zelda HD, and maybe new Fatal Frame comes out.

But if you want to buy it right now, WiiU had some pretty good list with Wonderfull 101, Wind Waker HD, and a couple of Mario games.

So it's your choice mate :)

McScroggz3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

With the Wii U you know more or less what you're going to get - a lot of the same Nintendo games we've been getting for a few console cycles. And there is nothing wrong with that if that is enough to satisfy you. They will likely announce a 3D Zelda for the Wii U at E3. Aside from that, as much as I LOVE the Metroid series, it doesn't make a lot of money and Nintendo tends not to dump 1st party resources on something that isn't profitable often (I hope I'm wrong). So between the poor Wii U sales and the not so great Metroid sales I doubt they will announce a new game in the series for the Wii U. In fact, I'd wait for E3 because while I don't think Nintendo is going to be announcing a lot of surprising games I would definitely say if the Wii U's released and announced games by then aren't enough to make you want a Wii U in lieu of a PS4/Xbox One then it likely never will until you just have the extra funds lying around anyway.

As for the Vita - I love my Vita. It has some great games. The thing is, in terms of exclusives (I.E. not on PS3 or PS4) while there are some incredible games (Persona 4 Golden/Tearaway), a large chunk of it's library of compelling software are games also found on the PS3 or PS4. I don't know what your situation is, but in terms of new games on the Vita I'd research what is available and coming out this year (looks to be a very good year BTW). Feel free to ask me about the Vita though if you're curious.

As for the PS4 - it's an investment in the future. Sure, there are good games now. But there aren't many must have games yet, and we don't know a lot of what will release within the next year yet. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy my PS4 and have every confidence in the world it will get fantastic games; but it would be understandable if you wanted to wait until it had more games you just had to play. Again, I don't know your situation and tastes so I don't know how true this is for you.

All and all, absolutely wait until this E3 unless you see some super deal and don't wanna miss the chance.

Scatpants3697d ago

I feel like WiiU is only going to have like 6 must have games in it's lifetime. I might pick one up whenever Zelda comes out and smash brothers is looking good, but I can play that on my 3DS.

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MazzingerZ3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

Please, leave uncle Jack alone, don't forget he endured the hard times in the beginning of PS3... others would had run.

He was great, let's just look forward :-)

kb8mvp813697d ago

OMG Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake Works!!!!! this is so awesome!!!!!

Magicite3697d ago

This is largest Vita promotion ever, but its weird they didnt promote it, it would be a bomb.

Matt6663696d ago

I looked on my Vita and they didn't have half the games that I remember on Ps1 or some of the games that where n the screen shots where not on the store (UK Store) unless I looked in the wrong place, there not there.

little-witch3695d ago

Does anybody know how Resident Evil 2 looks and plays on the Vita?

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nope1113697d ago

Valkyria Chronicles 2 and Phantasy Star Portable 2 please.

Abriael3697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )

Both are available and playable. I just downloaded Valkyria 2 myself.

nope1113697d ago (Edited 3697d ago )


I literally wasn't expecting that :D

Edit: I should've just read the article lol....

NovusTerminus3697d ago

For download or purchase? Cause I can't find PSP2 for purchase.

Abriael3697d ago

Download. Unfortunately you can't purchase PSP2 anymore because of licensing.

YOu can purchase Valkyria 2, but at the moment only via the SEN web marketplace

Fixay3697d ago

Hope this has something to do with the store update taking place

Foraoise3697d ago

Oh, you know. Only AFTER the freaking sale. I purposely avoided buying the Crash games simply because they weren't available on the Vita. Way to add insult to injury, Sony. UGH.

(By the way... Are they only available via the transfer method? Because they're not showing up on my Vita's store.)

Fixay3697d ago

You download them on your ps3 or online store.

Then on the vita go to your download list and download the games from there onto the Vita

Foraoise3697d ago

Thanks man. I only have FOUR dollars in my wallet. I could've gotten the games... but of course they release it 'after' the sale's over. God dammit.

3697d ago Replies(3)
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Kenka Bancho is such a hidden gem.

Chevalier17d ago

I think I got half the list. Including Junpeis hat

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ooo i still have my persona 1 and p3p


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