
PS4 Uncharted "Gameplay" Is Going to Be Shown at E3 According to Insider

There have been a lot of conspiracy theories about the state of development of Uncharted 4, with many (led by a few media outlets) stressing heavily on changes in staff and roles, the last of which being the voice of the teaser trailer Todd Stashwick, to cast doubt on whether the game is coming along nicely or not.

Industry insider Tidux, that already demonstrated in the past to be well positioned to know what’s happening at Sony by leaking several elements about the PS4 UI and operating system before they were disclosed, took it upon himself to check on whether the game is going to be shown at E3, and came back with good news:

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-Foxtrot3805d ago (Edited 3805d ago )

Well I'm excited to see it...and also a little scared

Theres two outcomes to watching the gameplay and hearing more about the story

1) I find out nothing has changed for the worse, it's still Uncharted and it's still the same franchise I've came to love. Treasure, Drake, Elena, Sully with a warm, light hearted story.


2) I become super p***** off because they've changed the format and it's not Uncharted anymore. Nolan and co aren't involved, it might have a different time period and could end up becoming a very dark, super serious story.

SamPao3805d ago

I seriously hope it doesn't go the dark and super serious way.
But why should it? :)

They will keep it for age 16. Im sure of that :)

UltimateMaster3805d ago

It's Uncharted, not The Last of Us.

minimur123805d ago (Edited 3805d ago )

Well what I've noticed ALL exclusives being like is that they've basically been rebooted and they aren't direct sequels to cater for whoever didn't get to play the ps3 games (like Xbox converts) Killzone is set 30 years in the future to previous titles. Infamous you've got a completely new story and protagonist, so there really is no saying what Uncharted will actually be like. They could keep it as a sequel, or maybe a prequel ( but that's already been done with Golden Abyss), but I doubt it.

Its safe to say that it won't be a direct sequel, and will be reinvented somehow, be it with or without drake.

I've seen a comment saying that they would like a game about sully in his younger years, thatd be cool.

Also, it says Todd Stashwick(?) Has been recast, does that mean he's off the job or been given a new role?

mewhy323804d ago

Well if all they're going to show is a remaster then I'm not really interested because I've already played and beaten UC2 and 3 on the PS3. But what I'd like to see is some next gen PS4 UC. That would be cool.

Kivespussi3804d ago


You might be right... I mean have you noticed how ND has only called it 'uncharted', not uncharted 4. If it's just another sequel it would be already announced its UC4. It could be that it's not a direct sequel but still about the characters we know though...

Syntax-Error3804d ago

Uncharted doesn't need a sequel or prequel just like James Bond doesn't need a movie tie in. Those games and names alone can stand on their own. You can make a James Bond game without a movie release just like you can make uncharted games FOREVER without continuing the story from the last adventure. Drake is a fortune hunter and his adventures rely on the next big discovery

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LOGICWINS3805d ago

I just hope they focus on single player. That should be the star of the show. UC MP has gotten worse with every iteration. Idk why its so damm hard for ND to give us an MP suite with no boosters, perks, weapon upgrades etc.

New clothing/accessories is more than enough to keep me playing.

-Foxtrot3805d ago

It's a shame but I don't think they'll ever go back to what Uncharted 2's multiplayer was like

All that game needed at the time was Situational Awareness removed and the customization features added in Uncharted 3. That's it really.

As you've said clothing/accessories is enough to keep people playing, maybe some weapon skins so everyone's starting weapons, the AK-47 and the pistol all look different.

I mean they said at the time it was to take on the big boys like COD, Halo, Battlefield etc but then after the release they went onto say how Uncharted 3 would never get sales like those games. So it was pointless adding those features in the multiplayer in the first place.

It had a good fanbase, I don't see why they need to make the online like every online game.

The Last of Us online mode though was a step in the right direction but even then the game still had loadouts when it's a game about scavenging and finding supplies.

3805d ago
minimur123805d ago

I find it funny how nearly all of foxtrots comments get loads of disagrees, its like he has his own opinion nobody agrees with lol

-Foxtrot3804d ago


If your going to be an ass try harder

My comments do get a lot of agrees actually, it just depends on the article in question.

This one for example is because people don't like anyone "doubting" NaughtyDog for whatever reason.

The one I've replied to with LogicWins is the same comment I've made before and lots of people have agreeded with. For example


As I've said it's depends on the article and the time.

Kivespussi3804d ago


Minimur12 was merely pointing out that you get a ton of disagrees for some odd reason. He wasn't trying to be an ass.

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GarrusVakarian3805d ago (Edited 3805d ago )

It's win-win for me, i don't mind the light hearted tone of previous Uncharted's...but i would also not mind a *darker* (not completely dark) tone. I admit though that i am not quite as invested in this franchise as others such as yourself, so i can definitely see where your anger would come from if it did indeed end up having a darker tone.

But i gotta ask, isn't Todd Stashwick's re-casting going to affect this games development? Can we even still expect to see gameplay at E3?

-Foxtrot3805d ago

The darker tone wouldn't really bothered me unless it sucked the fun out of it. I mean if Neil followed through with his plans from Uncharted 2 which we voted against and Elena or Sully dies then I would be ticked off.

New characters, a new time setting and the like would bother me more.

Sevir3805d ago

It's pulp fiction I don't think there are many instances in pulp fiction being dark, secondly, Uncharted 3 was ALOT more darker in theme than the previous so if they went a little darker and matured the narrative, I wouldn't mind. There were instances in U2's development where ND had planned to Kill Elena... We can all agree Amy did well with the writing, but after Playing the Last of Us I expect that even for ND they have an insurmountable task of Topping the Narrative of not only Uncharted 2 and 3 but the excellence of The Last of Us. I expect that there Uncharted's core mechanics will remain, but there will be new systems in place that will fully leverage the PS4's memory and underlying technology... There Hasnt been a NaughtyDog game that I haven't loved, so this next game is going to have astronomical expectations.

DeadAccount693805d ago

Some of us want changes to the Uncharted formula. After playing the same game 3 times, I want UC4 to be radically different. There's a reason so many of us were disappointed with UC3. It was the same as the first 2 games. And even though people hype up UC2, its story was the same as the first game's.

UC4 needs to be very different in order to have a relevant story mode. But the multiplayer will still be great fun for sure.

jukins3805d ago

Yea I agree. But sadly as the 4th iteration of a franchise they won't get too far away from the formula. I think what we will get is something like Infamous:Second son, a gorgeous but non innovative game.

-Foxtrot3805d ago

Theres a difference between changes where it's like

"Oh Uncharted has some new features, they look great"

Compared to

"Oh my god those new changes look so out of place in Uncharted, it looks like a totally different IP"

I mean for example lets say the next Uncharted is like AC4 Black Flags. We have Pirates, Naval combat, new characters etc...but the problem is thats not Uncharted is it, it's seems like a new game, not a sequel.

OrangePowerz3805d ago (Edited 3805d ago )

I found UC1 to be very different compared to the sequels. UC1 and Golden Abyss had a different tone and feel to it and was more focused on a smaller story, being set only in one place and not having thr huge setpieces.

I don't think that the disappointment of UC3 came from the game being too much like UC2. I found it to be quite the contrary. The story of UC3 had less of an impact despite them trying to make it darker. I remember only two moments with impact in UC3 when Drake came back from the ship and was lying on the couche and when he wandered through the desert.

I feel that UC3 lacked that focus of the story that thr first two games had, there where too many things going on in the story and that darker tone didn't work that well.

I hope UC4 goes back to a focused story, more lightheartednes and a more focused story.

When I buy a sequel I don't want radical changes I want more of the same executed better and improved. If I want something radically different I buy a different game. I don't know how people always come up with that "it needs to radically change". Nobody buys sequels or watches sequels because they want things radically changed. Did you watch Star Wars Episode 6 or Indy 3 and wanted it to be radically changed? I will most likely skip the new Mirros Edge for exactly that reason, making it open world and more action focused and radically changing what the first game was about and what made me like the game.

Am_Ryder3805d ago

I agree that they need to shake the game's up. UC3 was problematic in several ways.

I think your analysis of the series is pretty off, though.

Uncharted 1 was a pretty bland game. It was good, but like Assassin's Creed 1 it was a little half baked, none of the mechanics or levels tied together quite well enough.

Uncharted 2 was a masterpiece. It was NOT the same game as the first one, and it's story was NOT the same as the first's. It's story was incredibly unique, brilliantly told, and all the gameplay was almost flawless. The open combat/ linear drama nature of it was perfectly formed.

Uncharted 3 DID have the same story as UC2, and it's gameplay formula fell apart (I reckon due to too large a focus on multiplayer).

So while I totally disagree that they are "the same game 3 times"; things were definitely going sour with UC3, so a big change would be great.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3805d ago
TitanUp3805d ago

so you will be happy if uncharted stays the same? that is my problem with a lot of nintendo games is that they never change.

when a character dies it progresses the story, i see no problem making an uncharted game a bit darker with actual character death.

kenshiro1003804d ago

I have no qualms with it either. I would like to see what ND does with a darker storyline.

fei-hung3805d ago

The changes I want to see the most are:

1) longer sp
2) proper thought out story (3felt rushed towards the end)
3) better puzzles. AC2 had the best puzzles and even ISS done a better job of puzzles with the Paper trail

Things I don't want to see are:

1) more focus on mp instead of sp
2) crappy bottle fed puzzles
3) another rush job
4) forced on combat sections. We should be able to choose if we want to gun the goon down or beat him

BlackTar1873804d ago

I lost alot of my uncharted love on #3 . Wasn't the same game felt rushed on every front imo.

lelo3805d ago

"PS4 Uncharted "Gameplay" Is Going to Be Shown at E3 According to Insider"

I didn't need a "insider" to tell me that. Of course Uncharted PS4 is going to be shown in E3.

minimur123805d ago

I think the emphasis is that its gameplay,rather than just a showing of a teaser or whatever.

tuglu_pati3805d ago

Hyped!! This game will set the bar for future games.

QuickdrawMcgraw3805d ago

I hope there is a change to UC4...I am a huge fan of the UC series,but I have to be honest and say I found UC3 a bit clunky game play wise...TR to me was what UC3 should have been...Here is hoping UC4 game play feels fresh...

Mega243805d ago

I want uncharted to look like the remastered TLOU, but make it open, full of life and huge, just a huge world for Drake and Elena to run and discover many places.

Mozef3805d ago

50 / 50 I could agree with you.

but remember its Naughty Dog, you know what they can come up with, Plus it's PS4 they for sure they will add many things that will help the style of the story and the game play.

kenshiro1003804d ago

Not sure why people are scared. This is ND we're talking about. Even if a few people left, it'll be okay.

randomass1713804d ago

"become super p***** off because they've changed the format and it's not Uncharted anymore. Nolan and co aren't involved, it might have a different time period and could end up becoming a very dark, super serious story."

Oh man. Did North confirm he wasn't voicing Drake in 4? That's just the straw that broke the camel's back for me. His voice is perfect for Drake. :(

BlackTar1873804d ago

I prefer Tlou over uncharted by a country mile. I don't want them to accommodate me though. The fans love uncharted for what it is and it should stay the same.

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Iltapalanyymi3805d ago

Oh man i can hardly contain myself.

Eonjay3805d ago

I think this was completely expected.

candy_mafia3804d ago

I concur...

How can they not show UC PS4 @E3....durh!


cfc783805d ago

Wasn't any need for a crystal ball with this 1 can't wait to see the game.

Abriael3805d ago

Eh considering how much some seem to have a vested interest in making us believe that the sky is falling at naughty dog since Amy Hennig's departure, I think it's good to get a refresher that it's not.

cfc783805d ago

Totally with you on that 1 take a lot more to sink naughty dogs ship not that im happy with amys departure she will be missed but these things happen and life moves on.

randomass1713804d ago

Exactly. Whatever they showcase at E3, I reckon Naughty Dog will show that even with new talent they still got it.

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CarlDechance2180d ago


1. God of War
2. Spider-man
3. Persona 5
4. Witcher 3
5. Horizon Zero Dawn
6. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
7. Uncharted 4
8. Bloodborne
9. NieR: Automata
10. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

CarlDechance2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

Wait.....why does the title say "of 2018"?

2179d ago
jedymark2177d ago

I really like to read this blog. It had been perfectly authored and easy to comprehend


There Are Four Ready Player One PlayStation Cameos

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-Foxtrot2376d ago

I can understand Kratos, Nathan Drake and Sackboy but Knack?

Aloy, Ellie, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sweet Tooth, Spike, Cole MacGrath, Sir Daniel Fortesque...just some a little more known and better recieved in my opinion.

I thought Sir Daniel might have been a good one with the first game being remasted this year.

Araragifeels 2375d ago

Well Knack is one of the new children Mascot of PlayStation and PlayStation really push Knack to be a huge thing. They should just give up, Knack can be considered as flop Mascot and should not waist money on this franchise.

Rangerman12082375d ago

I think Aloy would have been a far better option conaidering the huge success of Horizon Zero Dawn.

ClanPsi12374d ago

I love the Knack character. It's a shame that the game kinda sucks... :(

Lexreborn22374d ago

My sons Love Knack they play it more then anything else to my surprise. So, as for it being something that an adult who doesn’t have memories of it choice then you realize it’s irrelevant. Because Knack is making memories for children right now, and seeing how this is a movie that will have children and teenagers in it.

They chose well, Kratos and Nathan for the last two gens of ps2 and 3. Sack boy for ps3 into ps4 and knack for ps4 current.

It fits

NotanotherReboot2374d ago

I would recommend introducing them to Ratchet and Clank (PS4). Loved thsoe games on the PS2 as a kid

Lexreborn22373d ago

Funny think is I did, they have a ps3 in their room that has all the ratchet and clank games. But, they only like the newest one and knack. Not really sure why

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firelogic2375d ago

Which Kratos? GoW1-3 or the upcoming one? I NEED ANSWERS!

Rangerman12082373d ago

I think it's the upcoming one, considering the amount of marketing they are giving to the new GoW game.