
LEGO The Hobbit Review | ENE3

ENE3: "The Warner Bros. Entertainment and TT Games return to pick up the works of JRR Tolkien, this time in the books of The Hobbit. "

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Knightofelemia3749d ago (Edited 3749d ago )

It was a good game I rented it. Honestly they should have waited till the third Hobbit movie was out before releasing this title. Some of the voice parts tend to get a little muffled and a little hard of hearing. Worth picking up if you like the Lego games. Sure hope Lego decides to try a Jurassic Park game.

combolock3748d ago (Edited 3748d ago )

I want a LEGO Halo game!

Knightofelemia3748d ago

I don't think that would happen it would be great. But I doubt Microsoft would allow Master Chief to appear on other consoles except for an XBOX.


Humble Bundle packs Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, LEGO Harry Potter, and more

Humble Bundle has a new bundle that packs a bunch of Lord of the Rings, LEGO Harry Potter, and other fantasy games.

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Father__Merrin697d ago

The new humble bundle set up isn't as good as what it used to be

SlothLordPootus697d ago

I cant believe an IGN owned company would allow Harry Potter games to be sold!


LEGO The Hobbit is free at the Humble Store

Humble Bundle is giving away free copies of LEGO The Hobbit for 48 hours (or while supplies last) in the Humble Store. The promotion is available from Thursday, December 13 at 1PM Eastern to Saturday, December 15 at 1PM Eastern.

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SegaGamer2050d ago

Already old news. All of the free keys were gone well before this was approved XD

SlyBoogie19932050d ago

I was lucky enough to nab one before they went as I caught the email that went out, they all ran out a few hours after it was available though I believe as a few friends couldn't get it after I grabbed one.

magiciandude3048d ago

Amazing sales for the Xbox One. Keep up the great work Microsoft!

OldGuyStillGaming3048d ago

BF4 premium edition
Transformers Devastation
Borderlands collection
For me

FallenAngel19843048d ago

I wish Microsoft listed the actual prices instead of just the discount percentages

optimus3048d ago

Guess you didn't look at the article cause it clearly shows the sale price next to the regular price.

Kiwi663048d ago (Edited 3048d ago )

Are you serious geez like @optimus said they were there in fact it goes in this order the name of the game, the date, the original price with the sale price next to that and underneath was the percentage off

Bismarn3048d ago

Not if you're in the US and using the Major Nelson link.

3048d ago
gamer78043048d ago

nothing for me this time, already own most of the titles. was hoping the story expansion for Tombraider would go on sale.

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