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Major Nelson On March NPD: "This Is a Marathon Not a Sprint," We Know What "We Need To Do"

GearNuke: "As NPD results for March 2014 were released, Microsoft’s Larry Hryb, also known as Major Nelson on reddit and Twitter, shared his thoughts on the PS4 lead in March."

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Community3815d ago
yewles13815d ago

"This Is a Marathon Not a Sprint,"

Deja Vu?

Alan_Shore3815d ago

This e3 should be a good one MS are gonna go full blast cause really all they can rely on now is games. Sony are gonna expect MS to go full out so there gonna be going hard arghhhh E3 run at me.

georgeenoob3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

This could only mean one thing. More Titanfalls to come.

This is what I love about MS, they're in this to win, no matter what the cost. PS4 outselling X1 will only make MS stronger. Show us what you got MS!

Sony will probably get lazy and take no risks since they don't need to and are financially unstable. Maybe that's why they're focusing so much on indies right now.

3815d ago
-Foxtrot3815d ago

I think they'll go all out with games this year to impress gamers, try to win our trust then if they've got what they've wanted then that's it. If they've gained enough sales which pleases them this year they'll go back to their original vision as people would of already bought their system.

It's like the 360, first few years were great, then Kinect came out and it went to crap in my opinion.

ShinMaster3815d ago

A $400 Xbox 360 couldn't beat a $600 PS3 in the end.

What makes people think Xbox One is going to beat the PS4?

Pogmathoin3815d ago Show
-Foxtrot3815d ago Show
Anarki3815d ago

They say that when they decided to release their previous generation console ahead of their competition to secure console sales.

christocolus3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )


“We know what we need to do”..goose bumps. Sounds like a mafia boss all out for blood. Lol.

MS will amaze here on out..starting from E3 its going to be huge announcements and surprises. Phil spencer and Nadella came just at the right time.

MS knows the NPD numbers weren't in their favor, they know a lot of gamers are still doubting their commitment and they definitly need to change all this..that said E3 will be bloody and if Nadella is as interested in the division as he claims to be then Im guessing a lot more will be invested to make things right. More studios, new games and bigger and better third party deals..

That aside congrats to the xbox team. They doing a great job so far...sonys npd was great too. Hats off to them.


Stop living in the keep making the same old statement in every xbox article , don't you get tired of it? People learn to move on.If you&certain others don't like the xbox one then fine,dnt get it but pls move on and stop sounding like a broken record in every xbox article i.e “ you just watch and see Ms will go back to their old ways" , “there won't be games“, “Phil is all PR he doesn't mean what he says" need to stop.

Sony/PS was once run by Howard stringer and Ken kutaragi, they left and in came Kaz&Shu(a new era)..MS/xbox was once run by Ballmer and Don Mattrick but its now Nadella and Spencer..Dude things change..and just like most gamers I'm excited about the great things the new team will do for the brand..

ShwankyShpanky3815d ago

"More Titanfalls to come..."

...on PS4.

Joey_Leone3815d ago

This E3 is going to be interesting.

majiebeast3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Lol ye and what console still have exclusives coming to it. Its certainly not the 360. Good luck trying to win a marathon against Sony something that both Sega and Nintendo couldnt do.

No_Limit3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

A win for everyone, except rapid single console owning fanboys that want to see other consoles fail so they can feed their egos. Move, counter move due to competition can only mean good things. Glad I own both consoles at my disposal and not have to worry about" console "sold-through" more than yours".

qu1ckset3815d ago


Actually the $400 xbox 360 was crushing the $600 PS3 which is why sony reduced the price to $299 and then sony start catching up and finally beating the 360

TheDarpaChief3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

@georgenoob you're serious right now? Jesus h Christ I think dsp is more intelligent than you.

-Foxtrot3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

@ christocolus


You call me out for saying the same things yet you say the same crap defending them. I mean what a hyprocrite you are, no one calls you out as a user yet you feel the need to be an ass and do it to them...does it bother you that much. Oh and here we go...the "EVERY article" exaggerated bullcrap....YAWN

How can I as a gamer just forget what Microsoft tried to do, they tried to screw us all over and change the industry which would of sent a ripple effect out to other companies if we all sat there and took it. Hell you were probably one of the ones defending them at the time.

Honestly man what is wrong with you guys, you hate peoples opinions that you feel the need to attack the user. I may not like Microsofts slimy ways but I dont call you out and attack you for your opinions. So please don't tell someone to stop, obviously you care too much about peoples opinions if your acting like that trying to silence them.

Oh by the way Howard and Ken we're not as bad as the people at Microsoft last year.

UltraNova3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )


Man seriously they bitch you bitch and the shit keeps rolling meanwhile on planet Earth you're all missing the point. Enough with the bitching dude, let it go!

You said that MS will come hard on us with games games games at E3, effectively getting the gamers on their side.

Ok but..

Dont you think the only thing Sony needs to do is the same and stop MS in their tracks? If Sony cant do it with all those 1st party studios and major indie support how the hell will MS do it?

ShinMaster3814d ago

@ qu1ckset

They didn't just drop the PS3 from $600 to $299 over night. It went down to $500, then $400 over the years. But guess what, the Xbox 360 also dropped in price a few times. So what's your point?

360 had more sales initially because the PS3 launched a whole year later and when the PS3 launched, the 360 had sold almost 9 million units by then, but the PS3 SOLD FASTER than the 360, which is why that 9 mil gap was closed.

Kayant3814d ago


"Sony will probably get lazy and take no risks since they don't need to and are financially unstable." - Loooool sure they will get lazy. People all signs point to that /s. You really think Sony is going to be lazy becoming lazy with their PS division - "Sony Computer Entertainment isn’t allowed to fail anymore with PS4, because the game business for Sony is a “Core” (business) that embodies a fusion of both hardware and software."

"Maybe that's why they're focusing so much on indies right now." - Hmmmm maybe because indies are coming to them and they are providing a front for them and putting their games out there. You doing it like MS has any major exclusives coming out in 3+ months. When the time comes like MS they will reveal their hand.

badz1493814d ago

@Major Nelson

Can't you flip the switch with this one? Enlighten us please...LoL!

And yeah, could you please use your own original sentence next time? plus this sentence is used if you're steadily gaining on the leader but your Xbone is still falling behind further!

gaffyh3814d ago

@gerogeenoob - Comments like that make me think that the story about MS paying people to post good things about them is true. I mean seriously, nobody can be that delusional.

On topic - They're even saying the same stuff Sony was saying early on in PS3 cycle.

assdan3814d ago

Didn't they say this before? Because to me, it looks like PS4 can run a marathon at a higher speed than the xbox one can sprint.

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OrangePowerz3815d ago

Don't know what you mean. MS only releases that statement every month since November :D

PudgeySan3815d ago Show
GuruMeditation3814d ago

It is a bit surreal though. I mean, it's a valid statement, but maybe not repeat it quite so often. More "Occasional Motivator" than "Alzheimers Parrot".

stuna13815d ago

"This is a Marathon not a Sprint"! Wha..what I'm not in a Playstation article????

The fact that there's spinning going on leads one to believe they are not at all confident they can win that Marathon! I can't imagine how the investors are taking this!? Most knew TitanFall was going to sell pretty well, but not at the pace some of the commenters were predicting. I've heard some go as far as saying that TitanFall was going to move as many as 1.5 to 2 million consoles, and this was even before it released.

The fact that TitanFall didn't move a large amount of Xbox1 as some projected should be room for some to take pause and view things objectively.

TheoreticalParticle3815d ago

"This is a marathon, not a sprint."

Then why in God's name did you sprint to get the damn thing out the door?

I don't know any successful marathon runners that haul ass for the first mile, and then crawl for the next 12, before resuming a normal pace.

Put your console out when you're ready to support it, and let it coast at a SOLID level instead of a shitty one.

Tony-A3814d ago

Funny how I saw the link to this article as "Major Nelson on March NPD: "Th..."

Before even clicking the article, I said out loud "Bet it says 'This is a Marathon, Not a sprint."

BAM, nailed it lol. So predictable.

GTgamer3815d ago

I like your style Major Nelson Say what Sony says and everything is gonna be alright (•ิ_•ิ)

Bathyj3815d ago

A marathon they're losing.

The deference between now and when Sony first said those lines was Ps3 was always selling quicker than X360, thus, the gap started shrinking the day it launched.

This time Sony is still selling quicker but without starting late.

I predicted before launch ps4 would get an early lead and if it did, Xbone would be starring at it's dust all gen. Without a drastic turn if events I don't see my prediction not happening.

MysticStrummer3815d ago

PS4 simply has too much going for it.

otherZinc3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

@Major Nelson,

Just make sure Halo Next is released November 2014!

Also, don't listen to these dumb@ss podcasters talking about a...
Campaign isn't needed:
Campaign Co-op isn't needed:
Horde Mode isn't needed:!
It's Needed!
Tell Respawn don't make this mistake for part 2!

The world doesn't revolve around friggin Online!

FarEastOrient3815d ago

Rumors are:

H5 is 2015
H2 anniversary is 2014

AngelicIceDiamond3815d ago

"If you watch the interview I did with Phil – he was pretty clear on what we need to do and that focus on games."

But last summer, and the last part of last generation it was all about the entertainment with apps and TV.

I know he works for MS and he's just going with the strides (and checks) I know he can't help it but come on that particular PR is insulting considering what he was saying last summer.

But I do believe this is a a marathon not a sprint, realistically.

Magicite3814d ago

Marathon means, that PS4 will gain more and more lead and eventually X720 will fall behind too much to ever catch up.

Gamer19823814d ago

Its gonna be interesting as MS never been behind Sony in the last generation until right at the end when Sony beat them past the finish line and then it didn't really matter as MS made a crap load of money and allies (and probably enemies). But now lets see if there as good as Sony at coming back. Sony was able to thanks to amazing first party studios and the PS brand name that people knew and loved for 2 generations before them something MS doesn't have as much (the xbox brand name is big but not as big as PS worldwide)

TitanUp3814d ago

ms can turn things around but will be a hard long painful road, sony and nintendo know that and they both made comebacks. ms should be able to make a comeback with the x1. maybe no on the same scale as the ps3 but a comeback

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merciless3815d ago

Nelson's tag line was "have you seen titanfall?" And to be honest yes, yes I did. But then I saw Infamous!

yankolo3815d ago

Chill guys just play TF...KI..enjoy

SegaGamer3815d ago

This guy is just a yes man to Microsoft. He doesn't tell you anything significant, he just says what Microsoft want him to say. He's pointless.

Zombro3815d ago

Well I agree if microsoft starts pumping out must have games it's definitly not over especially with those deep deep pockets. I'm enjoying titanfall very Much keep them coming btw it's already a success

Ra30303815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Any must have games that they could pump out would be at the soonest a year away. Maybe they could do a Halo 2 anniversary game but I'm not really sure that would be a must have. Anyway TitanFall was that must have game. Microsoft told us all TitanFall was going to change everything, TitanFall is the Call of Duty Killer and on and on and for 9 months we heard nothing else. The X1 Cable Box is in trouble and I'm not sure they have an out other than to sell. Even if the removed the kinect and dropped the price to as low as $350 would make a difference? If they did that Sony would respond with a similar move and it being the more powerful console things wound not change. Add to that Microsoft can only win in the USA and UK the rest of the planet is belongs to Sony. Maybe it's time to lower the sales bar and shoot for that instead of selling more consoles than Sony. Phil Spencer and the Major both say " we know what we need to do" . Well so far what they've done has not worked. Game giveaway and price drop bundles didn't work so what's next?

OrangePowerz3815d ago

Well they had a one year lead over the PS3 and Sony screwing up the PR and many othes and they couldn't outsell the PS4. The mist hyped game in years couldn't push them past the PS4 so I'm not sure what they could deliver that makes a lot of people think the need an X1.

They have deep pockets, but the more Sony pulls away the harder it will get for MS to get exclusives. If you have a new IP you want to sell it to as many people as possible because you will make other games in the future. You don't want to risk the future of a franchise by going with the smaller install base. I don't think it was smart by EA to make TF exclusive and butchering sales hugely. Even if they make future TF games for the Playstation there is a good chance that it would be less popular there because of the first one not coming out. So they potentially sacrificed long term sales and success of the franchise.

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Xbox Podcast 753: Battlefield Portal, Death's Door and more

This week's episode of Xbox Podcast talks Battlefield 2042 Portal, Death's Door, and more!

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Mixer Won't Just Become Facebook Gaming on Console, Xbox Executive

In a Reddit post, Xbox's Larry Major Nelson Hyrb said that mixer won't just change to Facebook Gaming on Console.

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Mr Pumblechook1554d ago

If I was Facebook I would drop the branding as it is now associated with a failed streaming service.

exputers1554d ago

What do you think, why would Facebook partner up? They must be failing badly too lol

Stanjara1554d ago

While Mixer failed and didn't see any growth (or better, their traffic was going down), Facebook's gaming division (or whatever) was going up due to Oculus or chat or mobile gaming. More traffic on service, more ad revenue.
Increasing traffic also means that you have to go where there is traffic or where people are.
Since Facebook has money, and Mixer has money they went together to see potential growth.
Facebook goes for gaming because they have billions of people, who some of them are gamers, but they game on other platforms.
At this stage what ever they do they will se growth, but not from hc gamers or gamers in general, but from every day Joes who heard that fifa, gta and cod exists.

In other words, who cares :p

SpaceRanger1554d ago

Two companies that have been scrutinized for data collection practices, Facebook being the worst of the two. This is a partnership MS should have stayed away from.

Ausbo1554d ago

That was really the only option. Couldn’t have gone to YouTube because stadia would conflict with xcloud plans. Couldn’t go with twitch because amazon will be releasing their own answer to the streaming Wars.

The only other option was to not partner with anyone. If they did that, they’d be leaving their streamers high and dry. At least with Facebook they are offering partner status to those who had it in mixer and sign on bonuses

SpaceRanger1554d ago

It would have been way cheaper to just buy out people with sign on bonuses. The partnership with Facebook was probably expensive and will further tarnish their branding in the streaming space. Especially with so many companies boycotting Facebook right now.

And the likelihood of Facebook being integrated into the XSX at some point is super high now. Not sure anyone would want that.

MS can’t catch a break this gen when it comes to partnerships.

Ausbo1554d ago

The partnership is more about a gateway to xcloud. They want to push that to as many people as possible. They wanted mixer to be that, but it failed to gain traction.

This was more about xcloud than anything

Sunny_D1554d ago

I don’t know. His wording was cleverly typed. It feels like he’s saying it won’t be integrated for now.... Or get built into the OS someway or another.

1554d ago Replies(1)
RazzerRedux1554d ago

Sounds like this was all just a way to kill off Mixer and endorse an alternative that isn't Twitch or Youtube.

ColdSin1554d ago (Edited 1554d ago )

I think you are right. Amazon seems to have a game streaming service up their sleave and want it to go along with Twitch (click-and-play stuff). The same is true for Google with their Stadia streaming service.

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647: What You Can Expect From the Next Generation of Gaming

Larry Hryb talks with Jason Ronald about Xbox Series X.

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