
Fox News Implicates Dark Souls in Miranda Barbour Murders

Twinfinite writes, "Oh Fox News. Your ability to baselessly pin tragedy on videogames is unmatched. This time it is implied that Dark Souls, or as the analyst so eloquently refers to it “Dark Soul”, is responsible for ‘Craigslist Killer’ Miranda Barbour’s alleged satanic inspired serial killing rampage across the United States. Right now only the death of electrical engineer Troy LaFerrara is confirmed."

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Neonridr3813d ago

How about she just killed because she has a mental imbalance. That even playing My Little Pony wouldn't have prevented a nut job like that from doing something stupid.

randomass1713813d ago

Fox News and their usual sensationalist crap. I bet they brought up "experts" on video games to talk about it as well. :/

xHeavYx3813d ago

"On Playstation and other kind of... uhm... video type things"... Fox News at its best

randomass1713813d ago

Puh. That's a laugh. Soooo professional. Fox News is a joke.

bloop3813d ago

Namco Bandai or any other developers/publishers that get blamed in these sensationalist news stories should sue for slander!!

Bimkoblerutso3812d ago

Dude's just raging cause he couldn't get past the Asylum Demon.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3812d ago
amazinglover3813d ago

Agree I'm tired of games being blamed instead of the people that commit the crimes.

Ittoryu3813d ago

Laying blame on things is less scary then knowledging people are sometimes just evil and ill.

hellzsupernova3812d ago

She was abused as a child, but oh video games must be the video games! Stupid journalists

Spurg3813d ago

Well done Bandai Namco you manage to advertise your game and as well as playstation name as well...

I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that this game had anything to do with the murders...its just an advertisement for the game.

Salooh3812d ago

Sony paid for this advertisement to destroy MS ! It shows that Dark souls effect you better in playstation console.

Beastforlifenoob3812d ago

isnt dark souls a T rated game :/ its not even really "violent" in the sense of you know other games.

diepdiep3813d ago (Edited 3813d ago )

"It is a very dark video game on Playstation and other kind of...uh....video...uh..type..

My god, how embarrassing.

randomass1713813d ago

What a maroon. It's sad watching people spin things like this when they have no idea what they are talking about.

kneon3812d ago

What's worse is that there will be a lot of idiots that will believe what he says is true.

Eonjay3812d ago


Exactly. This should be a huge warning that someone is lying to your face... and probably on a regular basis.

They think all 'dark' things are evil and you should be afraid of them... especially dark people.

Dirtnapstor3812d ago (Edited 3812d ago )

Old news...
While I am a supporter of FOX news, I hate to see this happen. FOX is not the only network spewing videogame correlations that really don't have anything to do with anything. Scapegoat. Can something repetitive be an influence on behaviors? Absolutely. But not to the extremes that the networks in general have implicated.
Obviously he has never played Dark Souls, and more than likely has not played anything relevant to the accusations across the board for any violent actions presented by teens or the like.
I have never beat them in full, but I enjoyed Dark Souls 1 & 2 and Demon Souls!

SaturdayNightBeaver3812d ago

LOL love it how they keep bashing this game , but they have no idea what video game console is. They know people get to be murderers just cause there is "Dark" and "Souls" in game name, sick and sad.

Axonometri3813d ago

Maybe she watched too much CNN, MSNBC and FOX and as a result has become completely unable to differentiate reality from Dark Souls the video game.

Oh yeah, she also was abused, molested and beaten while being kept locked up inside her home and has a history of mental illness.

I am going with Global Warming. Thats what makes kids kill.

Mega243812d ago

It's just the damn media blaming video games for shit that humans will never stop doing, KILLING.

I guess people we're playing violent video game during the last ten thousand years of recorded history right? I mean during the dark ages people were playing Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct. Am I right!

DCfan3813d ago

Cmon, if Dark Souls made her murder people, i don't wanna know what would happen if she played Nocturne.

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phoenixwing185d ago (Edited 185d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson185d ago (Edited 185d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

116d ago