
PS4/PC Sandbox Game H1Z1:Zombie AI & Crafting Detailed, Orders of Magnitude Bigger Than PlanetSide 2

John Smedley reveals a bit more about the upcoming post-apocalyptic zombie MMO.

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Ron_Danger3815d ago

Are we still talking about games??

UnbiasedOpinions3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Looks good, i'm afraid of all those DayZ comparisons though, it might damper the series success as a "DayZ ripoff" like Saints Row was dubbed a
"GTA ripoff" we'll see

@Belwo: i know its a different game, but this game does look like Sony's answer to DayZ which is NOT a bad thing but they do look like similar games within the same Zombie survival genre

Seafort3815d ago

How can H1Z1 rip off DayZ? For one DayZ has limited crafting and no base building whatsoever.

For a zombie apocalypse game it has very few zombies as well atm.

Only simalarities is both games are in alpha :)

Orange Juice3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

@ unbiased

"Here is something that you can do here [in H1Z1] that you can’t do in other games, light things on fire. You will be able to burn down trees, burn down stuff and that is going to be a lot of fun,” he said in an interview with GamerTalkLive.Unlike other zombie games, H1Z1 will feature dynamic zombie AI resulting into different experience every time the player plays the game. “H1Z1 is the first game that we will be putting out that will have emergent AI. The zombie themselves have their own individual AI, they are not on some pre-programmed script script and they actually think of themselves.,”

As long as they keep innovating like this rather than cutting and pasting into low budget crap like saints row does, I think H1Z1 will be able to stand on its own as a major ip. I think this genre is going to be huge.

UnbiasedOpinions3815d ago

@MyReplys: Yes i agree, the game looks great, i was just pointing out that it has already been compared to DayZ, and the similarities are there, DayZ screwed up lately though and we need something better, this may be it and i'm excited

randomass1713815d ago

Just as long as I can play with friends, I think I'm cool with that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3815d ago
Eonjay3815d ago

thats what she said...

Good Morning everyone!

randomass1713815d ago

Dang, all of you guys beat me to it! XD

ATi_Elite3815d ago

"refill the cell in batteries"

this is not crafting this is tedious MICRO-Management.

1. find battery
2. refill cell
3. find battery acid
4. find special battery acid carrying container
5. be trained on carrying battery acid
6. be trained on proper battery safety
7. be trained to read
8. learn to walk
9 etc etc.

frostypants3815d ago

The idea is that something like a car should be seen as a hard-to-acquire luxury. They have to make it difficult. It should be a major achievement.

trenso13815d ago

i get you point but and do feel the whole re fill the cell is a bit tedious but Day-Z getting a car isn't the easiest task especially if it totaled

frostypants3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

Uh...this article is just regurgitating everything we've already heard about this game over the last couple of days. In fact it's based on the same interview that was already posted and discussed ad nauseam on N4G. Typical GamingBolt. How did this get through?

3-4-53814d ago

Planetside 2 is HUGE so this world is going to be Gigantic.

Ragthorn3814d ago

Yea the PlanetSide 2 maps are pretty big, and Arma 3's Altis map is REALLY BIG (270 km squared, correct me if I am wrong, forgot exact lol). I am still hoping this game will be great because I tried the DayZ Standalone, but it is of course in alpha and has way less content than the mod. H1Z1 is shaping up to be pretty good nonetheless!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3814d ago
Lawboy23815d ago

when was the ps4 version confirmed

Rickgrimes953815d ago

That was my question too I think the answer is that it is all but confined by smedley in an interview when asked about a ps4 version he said "well we are sony and it's been decided" that's not the exact quote but u get the picture

MasterCornholio3815d ago (Edited 3815d ago )

He also nodded his head as to say yes.

Dont know if thats enough to take it as a confirmation though,

But I will say this, the PS4 is the best console for MMOs and FTP games due to Sonys policies with their online network. I would not be surprised at all if this game gets announced for it.

P.S Also this game is being made by Sony.

P.S.S I find funny how many claim that PSN is terrible for multiplayer when its the service (on console) with the most multiplayer games. Everything from Call of Duty, DC Universe and Everquest Next can be played on it.

gameseveryday3815d ago

It's obviously coming on the PS4. Smedley confirmed it in closed words.

Delsin_Rowe3815d ago

I cannot wait for this Sony exclusive games, I also wish Sony computer entertainment third party could ask Garry mod creator to bring Garry Mod on PS4.

Father__Merrin3815d ago

no doubt ps4 is the best console this gen

o-Sunny-o3815d ago

I like the size of its magnitude. ^~^

randomass1713815d ago

Planetside 2 is already pretty massive. I'd like to see just how big we're talking here.

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chris2352146d ago

it doesn‘t actually speak for human intelligence when such products can be a thing. if everybody used their brain such products would have never made their way to the mainstream. people get what they begged for. and i can‘t for the life of it get such mindsets.