
Monster Wars Review: Playfully Evil, Sinfully Broken: Hardcore Droid

Hardcore Droid Writes - There’s nothing I love more than a new twist on an old idea. Like adding bacon to your favorite sandwich, it’s a scenario that combines the comfortingly familiar, with the excitingly original.

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Voyagers Mobile Game Launched

The Voyagers game puts you right in the middle of all the action! Your home away from home is the Cloud Leopard ship, where you'll blast off for adventure on all six Voyagers planets!
Control your own Zrk commander, build and collect custom Zrk robots, test your science knowledge, maintain ship electronics, and complete dangerous Voyagers missions. Read the Voyagers book series for all the recon you'll need to master the game.

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STP: Monster Wars Review

STP: If you've ever wanted to bring the hammer down on the good guys, Monster Wars is for you.

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Pocket Gamer: Monster Wars Review

Pocket Gamer: The very best games aren't afraid to play around with the rules and regulations of genre, experimenting with new gameplay mechanics.

Of course, mash-ups require the deftest of hands to guide them, or they're liable to end up as unplayable, amorphous blobs, devoid of the coherence and familiarity that gamers need.

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