MP1st - A trailer for The Last of Us Remastered PS4 version has been released, and here’s a small taste of what you can expect from this upgraded version.
Pre-orders begin March 14 for the iconic new controller inspired by The Last of Us series.
I've liked the recent designs lately but this seems like a bit of a miss I would of expected a more tattered design it's to clean to really sell it as a tlou theme.
Not a big fan of the three white symbols. They fit too neatly on the controller, making the design feel too clean for the game's vibe. I think it would work better with either one large symbol or all three in different sizes, with parts cut off at the edges, like a quick, rough paint job meant to stand out rather than look polished.
Missed opportunity….they could have used the cordysceps virus strands wrapping out it. Spores, vines, anything pertaining to the actual series other than faction symbols.
Pre-orders begin March 14 for the iconic new controller inspired by The Last of Us series.
I find it somewhat ironic that there is little gamer outrage for a never-ending stream of overpriced “limited edition” controller shells that no one is forced to buy, but if there is an optional “Pro” console released for a premium, it’s the complete opposite reaction.
Limited edition controllers are the definition of a cash grab.
The PlayStation 3 is Sony’s most interesting home console ever, but what’s most interesting of all is trying to nail down the very best games on a console with hundreds of incredible games. Let’s give it a shot.
Sly Thieves in Time
Stay the Party
Portal 2
Dj Hero
Demon’s Souls
God of war Ascension
I've noticed a recent nostalgia for the PS3 and I don't get it for me it's been my least favourite generation to date and I've been gaming since the NES I just feel like the ambition of the developers outweighed the capabilities of the consoles so I remember lots of games running in the lower end of 20fps range and I remember for the first time ever actually disliking the duelshock 3 and it's curved triggers
Sure there were some standouts and great games but that's the only gen I switched entirely to PC gaming
Can't wait to get this game.
Man, I wonder how much was added to the rest of the game. I am still surprise with how amazing it looks on the PS3 though, truly a great way to end it's generation (I know still going)
I'm hoping for a June release
they seem to be imporving loads on lighting this gen,taking away that horrible black