
The Last of Us Remastered PS4 VS PS3 Comparison - Shows Improved AA And Added Details

MP1st - A trailer for The Last of Us Remastered PS4 version has been released, and here’s a small taste of what you can expect from this upgraded version.

DoomeDx3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

I cannot believe they used the giraffes part in the trailer..

I mean come on..I know its just giraffes but its a big spoiler in my opinion. After all these hours full of death, sadness, clickers, and bandits and overall very sad atmoshphere..it felt so amazing to find those giraffes. Felt like I finally found something peaceful in that harsh world. It was amazing. Now the suprise is ruined for the people who havent played it on PS3 yet.

The game is one of the best. This is the last game you want spoiled.

Cant wait to buy it though! I sold my PS3 and I really really really miss The last of Us...

DoomeDx3913d ago

Many typos. I am so sorry :x

GarrusVakarian3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

Yeah, i agree completely. If you haven't played this game yet, refrain from watching that trailer. It's a beautiful moment, highlighted by how violent the parts before it are and needs to be experienced first hand by playing the game.

Why the hell would they use that scene?

It doesn't spoil anything about the story or anything like that, it's just a nice moment that needs to be in context to be appreciated.

TitanUp3913d ago

thanks i didnt click the link, i havent gotten to play this game on the ps3 so i potentially missed a carefree spoiler.

randomass1713913d ago

I think they did that because they figured anyone who wanted to experience the story already has and that having this scene would not be too spoilery? I dunno, maybe that was their mindset. I don't really agree with it either though.

OrangePowerz3913d ago

It's like if you would use in the Jurassic Park trailer the scene where first see the dinosaurs.

Nitrowolf23913d ago


Not really? The movie is expected to have Dino's, it's a given. This game, that scene did come to a surrpise as it wasn't really expected considering you just wnet through hours of humans and clickers.

ArchangelMike3913d ago

Hey DoomeDx,

Yeah I think of all the footage they could have used, the Giraffes wasn't the best. It is kind of a spoiler, not s major one though. For me, that shot doesn't make sense for them to use from a marketing perspective. I don't think it really 'sells' the game.

If ND are not shy about using 'spolier' footage for trailers, I would have used the winter shot... Ellie - Bow and Arrow - rabbit. That sequence.


I_am_Batman3913d ago

I agree the giraffes definately were a highlight for me. I just didn't expect it at all. Really beautiful moment.

scott1823913d ago

Damn that's gonna look nice to play in 1080p and improved AA. I hope they get it at 60 fps too, but I will be good with whatever. Can't wait to play it again!

Edsword3913d ago

Uh, you actually just spoiled it by revealing how it impacts the game. I would have never know the significance of the giraffes had you not made that statement.

TheTowelBoy3913d ago

You are so right, that part of the game was the most relaxing thing I've felt in games.. straight up artistry..

Picnic3913d ago

So why risk spoiling in the comments section for those who just like to look at the comments!

Thatlalala3913d ago

And spoilers. If that pic didn't ruin it. You just did. Fuck you.

mickaelmc3913d ago

It doesn't come across as a spoiler though. Hopefully by that point, PS4 players will forget about this teaser trailer. As I almost cried at that point in the game. when that scene is put into context, it's the most beautiful thing I have ever come across in a video game. I love this game enough to buy it again on my PS4. It's a masterpiece.

juggulator3913d ago

There's a reason why I haven't gotten this or GTA5 on ps3. One down, one to go.

Razputin3913d ago

You just spoiled it for me lol.

I've been having trouble with this game and the loading, and since I play on PC primarily I'm in no rush to finish the game.

I have seen a good portion of the game but what you just said really spoiled it for me.

I knew better things were to come but still.

DoomeDx3913d ago

If everybody could just please downmod my post.

It indeed spoils it for some people
Im sorry :/

Papafynn3913d ago

The giraffes in themselves don't really add up to much. It is the journey to the giraffes that matters most. The pay off will still be there for 1st time players. Damn this game stayed with me!

dodgemoose3913d ago

You've just spoilt it as well by putting it into context. Now everyone that reads your comment will know the 'surprise' as you put it comes after 'hours full of death, sadness, clickers, and bandits'.

Bit ironic, eh? ^_^

HurtfulTimez3913d ago

To be fair if I had never played the game before, by watching this trailer I would of never of noticed that it was a spoiler just by them showing a few giraffes. I probably would of just looked and thought wow nice scenery and probably wouldn't of even noticed the giraffes.
Your explanation of the scenario probably had more spoilers in than the video clip! Lol! Oh well good job I've already played it! Still getting it for ps4 again too

Irishguy953913d ago

Lol, the game still looks low res and crappy. The graphics where the worst part of this game. Good lighting though

InTheZoneAC3913d ago

sold your ps3?

did PS+ not give you enough free and discounted games?

elninels3913d ago

I agree, however without context they mean nothing. I think your comment is actually damaging because it provides context. I dont think you meant to do it, but I would recommend editing your comment.

Pogmathoin3913d ago

As much as this game is good, all I want is new games for PS4, this should be coming out much later.....

lipton1013913d ago

As a reply, you definitely spoiled a part of the game as I had 360 only last gen. On a side note, I missed out on last of us last time around. Having not experienced it yet, THIS MAKES ME REALLY F'N HAPPY THAT I SWITCHED TO PS4!!!!

UltraNova3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

@ most posters above

If you haven't gone into so much detail as to why the Giraffe scene should be considered a spoiler then new people playing this game would feel exactly the same as we did the first time they experience it. If you cant see this then I cant help you.

From a marketing perspective using this scene is genius. The trailer was to remind both the consumer and MAINLY the press why this game was so awesome and why it deserves to be re-released with what looks like, a full price.

This reminder was boosted by what most people can agree on, one of the most life inducing and hope giving moments in the game , if not the only one, a moment so rare in games that elevates this game even higher.

In essence, they tried to tie peoples reaction (to the announcement trailer) to that moment in the game with all those awards scrolling down justifying the reason for a remaster.

In other words another 10/10 move from ND and further justification as to why they are in the Top 3 best developers in the world.

N7KIRK3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

Thanks bud, there are people like myself who haven't seen the trailer. Could have simply recommended to us that we shouldn't watch the trailer, but no. Thank you a bunch for practically pointing it out, and spoiling it, in your pointless rant.

AntoineDcoolette3913d ago


Thus, being a budget gamer who waits for price drops, has paid off. I can experience the definitive version for the first time with mah PS4 8-)

SirBradders3913d ago

Dude anyone reading your comment just got it spoiled even more now.

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 3913d ago
Lior3913d ago

looks the same, 60 bucks is highway robbery.

Nitrowolf23913d ago

TBF, if you were expecting something along the line of a full out remake or soemthing like that, we won't. bets we will probably get is the 1080P, higher FPS, better AA, and improved textures here and there. I am already digging the improved AA/Less Flickering. That was my issue with it on PS3, whenever the game w as in motion certain jaggies flickered more than others.

mark3214uk3913d ago Show
Godmars2903913d ago

Isn't it coming with all of its DLC?

Ashunderfire863913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

Tomb Raider : The Definitive Edition was $60 dollars too, and look how much in sells it got now, compared to when it was first release. This is a win win for Naughty Dog to release the best game of 2013 on to PS4!

truefan13913d ago

Wow I expected a much bigger difference, I know people will think I'm hating, but it's the truth.

For new playstation gamers this is a win, but for Sony It's clear this is a money grab.

AstroCyborg3913d ago

PS3 version + Season Pass = $60

The Last of Us Remastered Edition = $60

-Foxtrot3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

You do realise this is mostly aimed at the new audience the PS4 has brought in so they can experience one of the best games of last gen.

Not to mention you get all the DLC with it and hopefully the multiplayer will be improved.

GarrusVakarian3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )


I actually agree with you on this one, i thought we were going to get something similar to Tomb Raider: DE. Although, i guess it's way too premature to make a full judgement from that one scene alone (and from a crappy YT video too), but i was expecting more of a difference to be immediately noticeable.

If the difference is only going to be marginal, then i want 60fps. I was under the assumption they would keep it at 30 but turn the graphics to 11....if that's not the case with the graphics, then i want 60fps.

MeLoveRamen3913d ago

true fan it doesn't need that big of an upgrade because it already looked next gen compared to your precious xbone games. The ps3 version already looked better that dead rising, killer instinct and downgraded forza, so the ps4 versions gonna blow those games out of the water.

No_Limit3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

I wouldn't go as far as highway robbery. Just wait a bit like a month and it will definitely see a slight sale and $30-$40 seems like the sweet spot just like Tom Raider was recently when it went on sale. For those that feel like it is worth the full $60, just get it and enjoy it. How easy is that?

I already beat it 3 times on PS3 so I can afford to wait a bit for it to go on sale.

Drithe3913d ago

People who rebuy this game to play on the ps4 are not very intelligent

ziggurcat3913d ago

@ lukas:

to be fair, there's actually not much of a difference between the original tomb raider, and the remastered/definitive edition. the textures are slightly better, and the frame rate is higher. that's it.

i wouldn't expect anything other than a slightly nicer-looking, possibly smoother (although i think they should just lock the FPS at 30 instead of trying to reach 60fps) frame rate on this one.

3913d ago
Silly gameAr3913d ago

Don't want it don't get it.

scott1823913d ago


It's called re mastered. What were you expecting besides upgraded resolution and AA? Oh that's right, it's Sony so it doesn't meet your standards like usual... I am more than willing to support naughty dog by buying a re mastered product again. It's a crime that more people didn't get to experience what was to me the best game of last gen., and now many of them will, and fans of TLoU can experience it again, in even better visuals and possibly 60 fps.

ginsunuva3913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

This is obviously only for people who havent had a ps3.

I think you've just out-fanboyed all us Sony fanboys. Like even we're cringing at your blind devotion.

scott1823913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

fanboy? Yikes, no need for that. I speak my opinion and will continue to do so.

It takes a TON of work to "re master" a game, and if it is coded for 30 fps they have to RE CODE it so it will play in 60. It takes tons of time an money to do this. You don't have to be a "fanboy" to want to support this. I will take note that you speak for all the Sony fanboys though.

T23913d ago

oh you wouldn't buy star wars remastered in DD for 50 bucks? just prefer it on VHS I suppose? This is common in many formats, not just games. And many didn't play it on ps3, including me. Why would they start it at 20 bucks? It will drop in price eventually but why are you so bothered about something you don't need to buy?

just a troll. next.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3913d ago
THC CELL3913d ago

Amazing I am hyped for this game again. Hope they use ds 4 features and leave it uncensored in eu

tuglu_pati3913d ago

$60 is too much for this game. It should be around $40. If we start supporting this practice we will start getting rob for half games (MGS5:GZ) and ports from older generations that should be priced much lower.

Timesplitter143913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

To be honest, I don't understand all the bad criticism GZ gets. I just got it and I'm at 8 hours of gameplay. I didn't even unlock half of the stuff yet.

And that's for a 20$ game. 8 hours is the time it takes to beat regular 60$ single-player games like DMC, GoW, Uncharted, etc...

And I love the new formula. Approaching a camp any way you want is the best stealth game idea, in my opinion. The replayability is amazing.

I guess people just like to complain

MeLoveRamen3913d ago

The game is only a year old though. You are getting all the dlc which cost what like $30 by itself and 1080p with 60fps, what you call expensive, i call a steal.

BTW you do know that most AAA games that sell well tend not to get a price cut until a year and a half or two.

elninels3913d ago

Timesplitters14 is right, ground zeroes is by no means a rip off. I went ps4 with it so I paid $30 and I still feel it has great value. What it lacks in raw size or content it makes up for with overwhelming quality. After playingg assassin's creed 4, which I enjoyed but not for its stealth, I was bummed because of the lack of stealth tps.

Ground zeroes sated that thirst.

3913d ago
NVIDIAGeek3913d ago

So now, TLoU Remastered is accepted? There should be some equality. If Tomb Raider Definitive Ed. was dissed, this should be dissed too.

scott1823913d ago

how was Tomb Raider Definitive Ed. "dissed"? I never saw anyone on here diss it. I thought people generally liked the re mastered version.

IRetrouk3913d ago

There were deff people shooting it down but it was a minority, most people seemed to like it, this is a good thing for the ps4, the people who didnt have a ps3 but opted for a ps4 will probably buy it, and then you have people like me, I want this game on my ps4, I have the game but my laser is broke so I haven't been able to play it after beating it, I will happily pay for an updated version because the game is that good, as a fan of naughty dog, untill they actually release a turd, which is unlikely, then I will continue to support them.

MeLoveRamen3913d ago

yea i think you are talking about a selective few that "dissed" Tomb Raider because most people like it.

elninels3913d ago

After playing it people were happy. When it was announced the vocal minority was up in arms. I sympathise with what NVIDIAGeek is saying.

N7KIRK3913d ago

Are you guys biased or blind? Tomb Raider got a whole lot of flak.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3913d ago
AgentSmithPS43913d ago

Can we buy armor for our giraffes? /s

ITPython3913d ago

Gonna me nice to have a smooth jaggy-free version on the PS4!

I never realized how jaggy last-gen games were until I started playing the PS4. Now when I go back to play a PS3 game I am astonished how so many objects are plastered with jaggies, especially older games. Then I load up Infamous SS and am blown away at how insanely smooth the game is. I think for me that is one of the biggest jumps from last-gen to current gen, is the lack of jaggies. That plus higher frame-rates makes it a night-and-day experience.

Syntax-Error3913d ago

Please explain to me why a game played 90% in stealth needs to 60 frames per second?

Matt6663913d ago

I rather just wait for a sequel or a new game altogether don't really fancy paying for a game I already got, yes it's an amazing game but I rather wait.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3913d ago
Nitrowolf23913d ago

Man, I wonder how much was added to the rest of the game. I am still surprise with how amazing it looks on the PS3 though, truly a great way to end it's generation (I know still going)

randomass1713913d ago

TLOU was the PS3's last hurrah, and it's not one of the first for the PS4. :)

Austin483913d ago

I'm hoping for a June release

Nitrowolf23913d ago (Edited 3913d ago )

considering it's up for Pre-order on PSN, typically something they do closer to a game's launch, I am sure that's when it's coming or a least before August

Bennibop3913d ago

Zavvi has 25th July listed

Rickgrimes953913d ago

I would guess June that would make it about a year they've been working on it

Syntax-Error3913d ago

You're hoping the game you bought for $60 on PS3 can be re-bought for $60 on PS4? #SAMETIMENEXTYEAR #SHEEP

Austin483912d ago

Well yes I am re buying the game but I'm a huge fan of the last of us and apparently you didint like the game good enough to buy a ps4 version that's your opinion and I think you should keep it to yourself not try to bash me for wanting the ps4 version. Im giving you a trolling bubble!

Syntax-Error3911d ago

The point of this comment section is for opinions and I have right to say what I feel, so on that note mind your own f*ckin business

mark3214uk3913d ago

they seem to be imporving loads on lighting this gen,taking away that horrible black

MidnytRain3913d ago

Looks like they're improving everything. It's only now that people are willing to admit how awful the aliasing was in the original.

angelsx3913d ago ShowReplies(2)
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Save with 30th Anniversary PlayStation Store deals, live Dec 2

Featuring deals on Gran Turismo 7, The Last of Us Part I, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, and more through Dec 20.

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Obscure_Observer24d ago

So this is it?

No rumored Playstation Showcase?

pwnmaster300024d ago

That’s what I was thinking.
Miss call by Sony once again.

Lightning7724d ago

It's more a case of ppl looking at what's there and blowing it out of proportion. It's like ppl never learn Sony's never on gamers time but there own. The VGA's is next week they should reveal some stuff there.

raWfodog24d ago

TGA is a week and a half away. Likely to get some news/updates there.

LoveSpuds23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

That's the issue with rumours squire, people imprint their own desires onto them and are almost always left disappointed.

Still, gives you another opportunity to dunk on Playstation, huh?!


The Last of Us Part 1 and Part 2 on PS5 Pro: the best way to play the Naughty Dog saga

Digital Foundry reviews The Last of Us Part 1 and Part 2 on PS5 Pro - does PSSR upscaling work well? And how fast do the games run on a VRR display?

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RedDevils29d ago

I just wait for it on PC. Already completed it on PS5.

Pedrof29d ago

Both games played just fine on their respective original hardware (PS3 and PS4).

piroh32d ago

There's too many games to choose from

No Metal geat solid 1,2,3,4?
No Resident evil?
No Silent hill?
No Midnight club 3?
No NfS Underground 2?
No Final Fantasy?
No Burnout 3?
No Dragon quest 8?
No Days gone?
No Ace combat?
No Tekken/Soul calibur?......
just from the top of my head

PS1 era was full of great RPGs, PS2 was racing generation i would pick top 200 and even that would be just a fraction.

FinalFantasyFanatic31d ago

30 is way too low over the entire history of Playstation, I just wouldn't be able to narrow it down that much, I would pick 100 at least.

Storm2331d ago

Yeah...really odd list. I get that it is personal preference and I love most of the games listed, but my list would definitely be different. I agree though, it would be incredibly difficult to come up with just 30.

lockedongamer131d ago (Edited 31d ago )

I only picked first-party titles. Otherwise, I agree!

EDIT: Except for Days Gone, I don't get the love for it but you do you!

Chocoburger22d ago

I didn't like Days Gone either, it doesn't deserve to be on any best of list.

32d ago
30d ago