
Sony Promises to Listen to Fans on H1Z1′s Monetization; Will Use Same Anti-Cheat Tech As PS2

Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley provided more information on the upcoming Zombie Survival Sandbox MMO H1Z1.

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WeAreLegion3819d ago

So excited for this! I enjoy Rust and Day Z, but this looks like the next evolution of this genre. I can't wait to see more about building structures. Looks fantastic!

Dumb_username3819d ago (Edited 3819d ago )

Calling it the next evolution of this genre is over selling it.

Why am I getting Downvoted? You Sony fans put too much faith in all of your games but you never buy them in the end.

WeAreLegion3819d ago

It's free. I'm not sure how much I need to sell it. ;)

Xdone3819d ago

Oh I love dem salty tears...yummy!

Bathyj3819d ago

"Why am I getting Downvoted?"

Was that rhetorical?

I was giving your original comment the benefit of the doubt but your edit made me click on your profile.

I didnt have to look back through your comment history very far to see what youre all about.

MasterCornholio3819d ago

"you never buy them in the end."

Its a FTP game you dont buy those.

pyramidshead3819d ago

1 bubble? Marked for trolling. What a pointless last sentence to type. Whining about downvotes too is the bottom of the barrel complaint for a n4g. Learn to enjoy them and don't take it personally.

sic_chops3819d ago

Way to use your one bubble. And you seem to be a troll that has no idea what you are taking about.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3819d ago
Edward753819d ago

This game could turn out to be pretty good.

I like the fact that the pay parts will be helped out by the community (to some point of course).

Looking forward to giving this game a try, especially if it's like Day-z

ltachiUchiha3819d ago

Im a huge fan of zombies so im really looking forward more to this game then PS2. I hope u will be able to have your own crew like in DC Universe Online so u can go out together & look for things to craft or build your own town. Sounds like tons of fun. Cant wait, this should be really fun.

MasterCornholio3819d ago

This is a proper MMO.

So yes it's going to be better than that MOD.

DoctorJones3819d ago

How do you know it's going to be better than 'that MOD'?

I'll give you the answer - You don't.

Grave3819d ago (Edited 3819d ago )

^ Cuz it has vehicles day one.

Agent_hitman3819d ago (Edited 3819d ago )

Good thing this game will be release on PC..

Xdone3819d ago

....And ps4.....why did you edit your previous statement btw?? ;-)

jimbobbeers3819d ago

PS4 is the least of their problems, you'll be waiting for quite some time, trust me. PC only for several months at least.

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chris2352145d ago

it doesn‘t actually speak for human intelligence when such products can be a thing. if everybody used their brain such products would have never made their way to the mainstream. people get what they begged for. and i can‘t for the life of it get such mindsets.