
Playstation Dev Housemarque Teases What's Next for Resogun

PlayStation 4 launched nearly five months ago, and its best game continues to be a day-one title: Resogun. Developed by acclaimed Finnish studio Housemarque -- the studio behind Super Stardust HD, Dead Nation, and Outland -- Resogun was free for PlayStation Plus subscribers at launch and gained (and still sustains) a significant, hardcore audience. Good news, then, that it seems Housemarque is about ready to reveal what's next for the game.

Palitera3711d ago

I'll gladly pay for more content. Great game!

TitanUp3711d ago

same with me, i think i played this game more than any other ps4 game so far.

hay3711d ago

Yup, best next-gen game so far.

3711d ago
Gazondaily3711d ago

Best PS4 game out at the moment in my opinion. I was genuinely elated when I got the platinum for this (my first one) and I enjoyed it all the way through

LiinoMajire3711d ago

Ditto! I got my platinum not too long ago and I still play the crap out of this game with fiends! It's addicting.

Retroman3711d ago

so, all you guys saying Resogun better than Battlefield,call of duty any other fps game??? wow!! that is shocking good news.

Palitera3711d ago

It seems like a mini game, but it is not. It's very tightly designed and going for that platinum is really really fun.

rainslacker3711d ago

It is by far one of the most addictive and fun games I've played in years.

Derekvinyard133711d ago

This game is seriously addicting

Knushwood Butt3711d ago

Yeah, I'm loving this.

Still learning, but the other day I got 30.7 million, which isn't too sloppy. Better than everyone on my friend list anyway..

rainslacker3711d ago

Agreed. I platted the free version and still play the game at least 4-5 hours a week.

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XtraTrstrL3711d ago

I need to get back to playing it, it's a great game. There's a good chance I'd buy more content for this game, if it adds a significant amount of content and is decently priced.

I saw a Pixeljunk Shooter 2 is coming to PS4, I wish a Monsters 2 was also.

cyber_daemonx3711d ago

Awesome game. Best of the launch titles on both machines imo. One of the few games I got the plat on too. Can't wait for the dlc.

Resogun rocks .

SonyStyled3711d ago

um... housemarque has also made games for nintendo if im not mistaken. the article title makes it sound like housemarque is sony exclusive studio. anyway ive heard good things about resogun but im not big into 80's arcade like games, given its got the power of the ps4 behind it

Sevir3711d ago

No you made it sound that way, they made a list and highlighted house marques multiplatform game outland which came to Xb360... They aren't exclusive and IGN didn't say that they were, but their greatest success is attributed to the platform their most popular games are on... Doesn't take rocket science to figure it's PlayStation!

Sevir3711d ago

Can't wait! :) absolutely still addictive to this very day!

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Returnal Resogun Easter egg brings Housmarque full circle

Here's how to find the Returnal Resogun Easter egg location. Developer Housmarque pays homage to its PS4 launch title in the latest PS5 exclusive.

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victorMaje1131d ago

Haha took a screenshot as soon as I saw it.

Eonjay1131d ago

Same. Just started and saw this. Her ship reminds me of the ships in Resogun. I wondered if both games take place in the same universe.

LucasRuinedChildhood1131d ago (Edited 1131d ago )

It's kind of crazy that they've gone from Resogun to Returnal in just one generation. I would've never thought that they'd end up making a big budget third person shooter published by Sony.

Even crazier is that they temporarily gave up on arcade games altogether due to poor sales https://www.polygon.com/201... and then focused on a battle royale game instead for a while (Stormdivers).

Returnal is a nice way for them to retain their arcade DNA - they got to both course correct back to their old style to some extent and adapt to the market at the same time.

yeahokwhatever1131d ago

I liked resogun infinitely more than returnal. I hope they return to a more classic approach to games. The whole bullet hell shooter but in third person thing kind of didnt work for me with returnal. to each their own, clearly. but meh. i like their earlier work a lot more.

generic-user-name1131d ago

Too bad not enough people are buying those types of games to make it profitable for them.

fei-hung1131d ago

I want a new Deadnation.


Housemarque is becoming yet another face in the crowd - A “Stormdivers” and Housemarque rant

"Just recently Housemarque launched a Gamescom 2018 trailer for their new battle royal game "Stormdivers". Well, I think that Housemarque is becoming yet another face in the crowd, and this is the reason why" - Sharn Daniels, TGG.

Kribwalker2112d ago

The problem is Housemarquee had to adapt in order to survive. There old style of games weren’t selling well, as evidenced by their blog post saying exactly that. They weren’t getting the support they should have been getting so now they have to change things up or face closing down.
I would make the change to survive too

gangsta_red2112d ago

It's a shame but it's a fact for a lot of small, independent developers. The bar is constantly being raised with each gen and smaller devs are being priced out if they don't have a hit or a huge publisher backing them up and even then there's no guarantee they'll survive.

firelogic2112d ago

Adapting to survive makes sense in theory but honestly speaking, if they weren't making money off of awesome twin stick shooters, they certainly aren't going to hit the jackpot with a low-budget battle royale game. They're one of my favourite devs and I'd love it if they were acquired by Sony. They're basically already Sony exclusive devs anyway (I know they have games on other platforms but the majority has been Sony exclusive).

Sony should buy them and up their budget and see what kind of awesome ideas they come up with.

TGG_overlord2112d ago

That would be my point exactly, and that sounds like a much better plan imo.

KickSpinFilter2112d ago

But to a me too game...I don't know.

I_am_Batman2112d ago

Before they stood out, Now they don't. I can't see how this is going to help them be more successful. Targetting a passionate niche audience is still better than offering generic mainstream games in my book. I understand that they weren't very profitable so things had to change but why go from oustanding niche games to the biggest mainstream trend? Surely there must be a compromise between the two. I wouldn't be surprised if their new game bombs to be honest. It's really a shame. I hoper it turns out good but I'm very sceptical.

TGG_overlord2112d ago

You are right, and this is a very risky gamble imo...

TGG_overlord2112d ago

Then it's most likely not hte best of ideas to go for a battle royal game, since the genre is already swamped atm...

gangsta_red2112d ago

The genre is swamped? I think that's a bit of an exaggeration.

porkChop2112d ago

Yeah they didn't have much choice. They couldn't stay the course.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2112d ago
PoopsMcGee2112d ago (Edited 2112d ago )

A sad, sad truth. I hope they go back to the genre that they are immaculate at and is sadly under-represented. Diversity is needed in this industry...

gangsta_red2112d ago

Diversity is needed, unfortunately so are sales and Housemarque already stated that their past games underperformed.

So to stay afloat, they had to get with the trends. Hopefully they can bring something to this style of gameplay and hopefully they'll get the support needed so they can possibly go back to what people loved about them.

TGG_overlord2112d ago

So it's been said, but I hardly doubt that yet another battle royal game is going to solve their problems...Imo, they need to bring in someone that could help them cut their costs, improve sales and so on.

TGG_overlord2112d ago

I don't get why their games didn't sell even though they kick-ass, but this is not good for anyone. I mean, just like you said, diversity is very much needed, or else everything will look and feel the same.

AK912112d ago

I honestly can't blame them for this decision they're previous games whilst awesome didn't sell well they are simply doing what they have to in order to stay afloat.

Evolve2112d ago

Is it too difficult to develop Dead Nation 2 instead of ..... this?

King_Noctis2111d ago

To be honest they are setting themselves up for failure. They should have known that there is no way to penetrate the battle royale’s market right now unless you bring something very unique to the table, and even then there is still no guarantee of success.


Hardest PS3/PS4 Platinum Trophies

Neocrisis - Here are some of the hardest platinum trophies to get on the PS3 and PS4. These are the ones that I was able to get myself.

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IamTylerDurden12259d ago (Edited 2259d ago )

Some of the hardest platinums imo.

Orcs Must Die Uchained

Enter The Gungeon

Max Payne 3

Nuclear Throne

Super Meat Boy

bouzebbal2259d ago (Edited 2259d ago )

Velocity 2X
DJ Hero
WipEout HD
...are among the toughest and 5 plats i am most proud of

jerethdagryphon2259d ago

Kz 2 the online was a stupid requirement

Knushwood Butt2259d ago

Congrats on Velocity 2X

I got the silver for 25 perfects...

joab7772259d ago

For me, in my run, it’s Lost Planet 2 and Killzone 2 before it’s patch. But about 3 yrs ago, I stopped chasing pointless trophies that are just wasted hours.

jazzking20012259d ago

i am not a plat hunter but i will try to get them.....if they do not require a ton of work to do.

jerethdagryphon2259d ago

Out of the 90 i have gt5 and sport are probobly high on the list that and sports champions

2pacalypsenow2259d ago

MGS 5 is not a hard platinum, it's just time consuming.

How is Killzone 2 not on this list?

jazzking20012259d ago

I have never played K2, thus not on the list.

kuraki_dan2259d ago

This list is trash.... infamous took me less than 24 hours to plat and resogun only a few days.... so many much harder/actually time consuming games. Warhawk for example...

Sniperwithacause2259d ago

OMG dude! You beat me to it. As soon as I started scrolling thru comments, and didnt see Warhawk yet I was going to post it.

the worst2259d ago

Warhawk is no joke. I have a championship blade. But flying all that time in the air. I just couldn't do it

franwex2259d ago

Still working on the mgs v one. So far I’m about 130 hours in. All I need to do is collect all the damn animals, beat the target tests on mother base, do the secondary objectives on the campaign. Phew.

Gameseeker_Frampt2259d ago

Killzone 2 is super hard now that the servers shut down yesterday.

joab7772259d ago (Edited 2259d ago )

That’s is my hardest before Radec was patched. I spent 9 straight hrs fighting him on Elite. And finally got him! Lost Planet 2 is also absurd!

And Dead Space 2 was tough, going through with like 3 saves for the whole game.

And is MGS 4 harder? I haven’t played 5, but going through 4 without alerting or dying is tough.

Knushwood Butt2259d ago

Radec was patched?

I admit I gave up.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2259d ago
IamTylerDurden12259d ago

My most enjoyable platinum was 2016 R&C. Most plats get tedious towards the end but R&C was fun the entire time.

dariux322259d ago

I am working on it right now. And game is stil fun to play in challenge mode.

jazzking20012259d ago

i also got it as a plat...trophies were mostly easy...thanks to a bug i was able to get the final racing trophy

jerethdagryphon2259d ago

You dont need a bug just need to practice a bit

SonyWarrior2259d ago

Socom confrontation is the true hardest plat they made that dumb hard to ever get the plat i doubt any one in the world besides the devs got the plat

2pacalypsenow2259d ago

Oh yeah that def was the hardest trophy prob out of all the games released on the Vita,Ps3 and Ps4

DaBudSmoka2259d ago

I got the socom platinum...so yea

AKS2259d ago (Edited 2259d ago )

That's the one that people seem to notice most. Several people have commented about that when they've checked out my trophies. I was more proud of getting the Big Boss Emblem in MGS4 in terms of gaming accomplishments, but alas there were no trophies when I got it.

jazzking20012259d ago

i beat MGS4 but that was before it got trophy support. If it had when i played it, i may have it now

AKS2259d ago (Edited 2259d ago )

The Big Boss Emblem was from a "perfect" run with no kills, health items, or alerts in under 4 hours on the most difficult setting. I feel like I should have a trophy for that.

jerethdagryphon2259d ago

Demons souls was pretty easy only pure bladestone was hard

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