
Six MMO Ideas More Interesting than Elder Scrolls Online

Mike from Twinfinite writes, "ESO is kind of an obvious choice for converting into this genre since it takes place in a massive world, is a fantasy game, and largely consists of fetch quests sending you to the far reaches of the map. The real question for me is why didn’t this become an MMO sooner? Anyway, it got me thinking about some other popular games and series’ from years past that I think could successfully make the jump from a single-player game to an MMO. Some of these ideas are admittedly a bit of a stretch, but there’s no harm in speculating, right?"

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herobyclicking3729d ago

Nice! Love the Deus Ex/Mass Effect ideas. A Pokemon MMO is long overdue.

3729d ago
xX-StolenSoul-Xx3729d ago (Edited 3729d ago )

Thing is TESO is actually based off a good rpg with amazing lore so the transition to Mmorpg is great, the only one off this list that would be a success is pokemon.

Mass Effect also could be a bit interesting but it would have to take place before ME3

joab7773729d ago

The universe of Mass Effect would be amazing. This time though Bioware would need a different approach. They were on the right track with a well crafted story. But the end game would need ro be there. Implement something like ME3's co op mode for 4 mans, 8 mans, and more. It could be balanced for PvP. It would b simply amazing!!! They could have real open world battles against huge monsters. Include space battles. It would be perfect.

All the tools are there. Use Swtor template for level capping different races (really Sheppard and his allies setups r already mmo like) Use Dragons Age 3's new open worlds as a template for different planets. Use ME3's co op as the starting point for raids and PvP. Use Swtor's new dlc for the space fighting.

To be honest, I would love an mmo that allowed true single player experience for 50% of level capping and questing. U hear about others but many quests are truely well crafted stories. Then, u can group up for certain content and for instancesv that teach u roles. At level cap, it really opens up as u all meet at the citadel and begin endgame content.

It could absolutely epic and if there was a single player story similar in size to Mass Effect, anyone could play and enjoy. There can be crafting etc. To be honest, the original mass effect was setup perfectly for gear, crafting etc. Even mining planets is there. It could be the 1st genuine single player and mmo combined. They could sell single player dlc that those who dont want to sub can buy to extend the story. Those who sub get it free.

Itn may be hard but I dont think so. Dragons Dogma used this concept very well. It didnt have a great Bioware story butbeasily could have. Its end game wasnt full mmo but could have been. I think this is possible. Damn...I want this now.

MasterD9193729d ago

Fallout MMO would have been far better than Elder Scrolls...

They made Skyrim and then Elder Scrolls online. I'd much rather watch them put the Elder Scrolls series on ice for Fallout at this point.

Eldyraen3729d ago

Fallout MMO was being worked on but set off legal troubles due to different companies fighting over rights (Interplay and Bethesda I think). I never saw anything tangible on it though.

Fallout could make a great setting though but would need to stick with what it is--either a FPS/TPS as 3/NV has made it or back to roots and top down/isometric which would confuse newer but larger fan base. Actually that reminds me I need to check on new Wasteland game...

Anyways it could be awesome either way. Old Stalker team was working on an MMO at some point though which could have promise ;)

ESO is cool though as is but not perfect. If they reduced price/subscription would probably help when it comes to appeasing console crowd (others too but older PC/MMO fans are more likely to see benefit of this model over f2p). I just wish I could had subscribed for a year for cheaper as only had up to 6 months at once when I did it.

ColManischewitz3729d ago

Of this bunch, Mass Effect is the obvious choice for an MMO. Wonder, though, if The Old Republic has burned EA so much that it'll never try an MMO again.

Eldyraen3729d ago

I doubt it but may be more realistic next time around--EA has made several MMO that have faded over the years.

I think many MMOs should follow Guild Wars or even Defiance models. I don't want huge open world, AAA MMOs to disappear but smaller non subscription or f2p experiences are still welcome. Defiance for example was far from a perfect MMO but if a different game/setting got a little more love than it did something that size could still sell and be fun to play for a while at least.

Destiny in a sense is following this kind of model although they don't want to call it an MMO or give it a label of any kind. Just that it is more of a AAA version others should aspire towards but doesn't have to match. The Division is another big one that looks to be going this route so far.

MMOs and even more traditional coop games have room to mix and seems that is a trend that is being taken seriously now. I for one am greatful for it but I can enjoy it all. I think this hybrid is the future for most MMOs though (not all).

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