
10 Video Games With Utterly Ludicrous Premises You Won’t Believe They Released

Dan Curtis of WhatCulture writes: Deep within the bowels of gaming companies, there’s a group of people who gather around a table amongst cups of coffee, doughnuts and whiteboards and try to thrash out ideas for games. Many times they succeed and deliver the next big thing, but for every Uncharted or Batman, there’s a ludicrous collection of nonsense that should have never got out of the door in the first place. In fact, these probably should have never been spawned forth from the mind of the person who invented them in the first place.

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Even Sega Genesis Games are Getting Expensive Now - These Ones are Rising Fast

It's been relatively easy to collect for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive because game prices have stayed quite low compared to other retro consoles. But the recent retro explosion is even affecting this market now. Here's a list of Genesis/MD games that you may want to grab before they get any more expensive.

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Fntastic1127d ago

Chiki Chiki boys is underrated. good game tbh

jamesclark19911126d ago

Man I adored that game as a kid.

SavageFlamingo1127d ago

Aww man. I forgot about Boogerman. And the McDonald’s game. Me, my sister, and a lot of my cousins put countless hours into that one.

Kurupt1127d ago

Chili chiki boys always reminded me of dragon ball for whatever reason

Relientk771126d ago

I have Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Hyperstone Heist, complete. It's awesome and I've beaten it so many times.


Game Music Spotlight - Michael Jackson's Moonwalker

This week marks the seventh anniversary of Michael's untimely death, and as a fan, I felt it was appropriate to celebrate his legacy by taking a look back at the video game he was probably the most proud of.

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Xb1ps42908d ago

I thought he wasn't proud of the game because the sound quality wasn't to his standards or something like that?

Gaming4Life19812908d ago

I used to love this game back in the day, good times.


7 of the Weirdest, Strangest and Downright Bizarre Games Ever Made

COG writes - Have you ever played a game where you thought to yourself "This is probably the strangest thing I've ever seen"? There's no shortage of bizarre games out there, we know that, but here's a list of 7 of the weirdest ones we've come across.

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MercilessDMercer3076d ago

Hahahaha Shaq fu!!! I forgot that existed!!

COGconnected3076d ago

That is a messed up list of games from Bizarro World.

GrapesOfRaf3076d ago

Oh wow, I was totally unaware MJ had a moonwalking game. I really would have added LSD: Dream Emulator though. Hands down strangest game ever made.

generalwinter3076d ago

I remember Moonwalker! Damn that was bad.

Digital_Anomaly3076d ago

Can I be the first to say that the whole 'wiener sticking out of my head' look of Seaman makes what's already slightly disturbing into something really, REALLY disturbing?

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