
Dark Souls II so difficult you'll beg for more | N10 Review

Are you looking for a new game that's more than just a challenge? Then look no further than Namco Bandai's Dark Souls II.

joab7773828d ago

I just started, just killedbthe pursuer (solo lol). Anyway, on the forums, everyone is saying that its easier than Dark Souls. I guess we will wait and see. I just love how Dark Souls makes u basically perfect different sections...I play very strategically. In a wierd way, it reminds me of Bioshock 1 and 2 with the camera and no vita chambers.

Maybe thats why they are both my favorite from last gen. And the immersion of course.

Bimkoblerutso3828d ago

I've been reading that too. I've played all three, though, and this has been by far the hardest one for me. Sad to say too, though, I also have found this to be the cheapest of all the games by far as well.

Dannycr3828d ago

Well to me it has been faaar easier than the last 2. I'm 35hrs in the game and have 8 + 2 Estus Flasks and I barely use them. I have tons of healing items that I don't need to use because pratically no enemy can harm me. Plus, the Ring Of Life Protection just makes the use of Human Effigies meaningless.

Hellsvacancy3827d ago (Edited 3827d ago )


You're pretty much the same lvl as me, I'm 35-40 hours in (not completed it yet) Lvl 130 ish, I've got three rings of life protection, loads of effigies, LOADS of healing gems, my estus flask is 8+4 (I think it's +4)

The hardest thing about the game is the navigation, i've got myself lost many times, took me ages to figure out how to get to the Drangleic Castle

I do prefer it to Dark Souls, but I still think Demon's Souls is the better of the three

Bimkoblerutso3827d ago

Yeah, most people are in the same boat as you guys. I dont know why I'm having such a hard time with it.

Aside from my lack of skill, though, I found that there are a LOT more points in the game that are made artificially difficult this time around (spell spammers, unavoidable damage, iffy hitboxes, crazy enemy lock-on tracking, etc). I love the vastness of the world though. It's still an incredible game in an incredible series.

Master-H3827d ago

Most of it is easy. but some parts towards the end are ridiculously difficult. i'm 70 something hours in, only have the last boss to kill, got about 12 estuses, maxed out, i even have a spare shard lol still there's a boss called the Darklurker that i think is the hardest in the whole series, he is optional though and will burn through your effigies because you have to offer them to fight him each time.

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Irishguy953828d ago

In a maths sense yes. However in a review sense, a 3/4 = 3/4. 3/4 in the authors opinion...is a 'good' game. 'Good' games range from 7-8.5(in general, some reviews do lower and higher) on a 10 scale score system.

SolidDuck3828d ago

I've played and loved all of them. I think the middle part of ds2 is maybe a little easier. But some of the stuff at the end, especially the ancient dragon, and the king. Are two of the hardest I think in the whole series. I've platinum both demons and dark and I'm not bragging, I'm just saying I've spent tons of time playing the soul games. And that ancient dragon killed me like 30 times before I finally beat him. So ds2 might ease people into the game more than the other 2, but as a whole I don't think it's easier. I think it's right about the same.

g-nome3827d ago

Yip , difficulty is about the same , it is all about using the right equipment and weapons , which takes some time to figure out. Best game ever though , imo.

jerethdagryphon3827d ago

I'm 135 hours in on ng++ now and I'm finding it pretty easy there's a few challenging bosses but the game is easier the death mechanics are much easier and as stated ring of life protection helps. Still good game

most of that 135 hours was coop for sun broses or pop with bellbros

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anast211d ago

The game isn't good though.

Rols211d ago

DS2 was fine. While there was a bit of recycling assets or ideas for bosses, it was a bigger more open Dark Souls. The Fume knight boss is one of the hardest bosses in the series until Sekiro and Elden Ring were released.

CrimsonWing69211d ago

The problem with Dark Souls 2 was the same problem when a different director takes over for a sequel to an outstanding movie. It typically (there are exceptions) doesn’t have the feel and vision of the previous movie.

I wouldn’t say Dark Souls 2 is terrible. Had Dark Souls 1 never been a thing and we got this, I think it would have been praised more. The problem is it didn’t have the Miyazaki touch to it and felt pretty derivative. The soundtrack is a banger though.

Aussiesummer211d ago

And it will happen in the future when he doesn’t touch them as he is planning on.

MrBaskerville211d ago

I like DS 2, might even be my favorite of the 3. But it's a hard sell, there's so many obscure things you need to do to make it an enjoyable experience. So always find it hard to recommend, but it is worth the trouble.


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Father__Merrin215d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up


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phoenixwing298d ago

I beat them all with my fists and no hits were taken. What do you mean you don't believe me? I used a guitar hero controller!!!

qalpha298d ago

I used the Jungle Beat Bongos from my Gamecube

The_Hooligan298d ago

I just made my character look like Chuck Norris.

qalpha298d ago

All the bosses are only from Dark Souls. No Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, or Demon Souls