
Halo: Fall of Haze

Deemed "child's play" by the developers of Haze back in May of '07, another contender had risen from the ashes to become the next…well…first, Halo Killer.

Some thought this immature of Free Radical, as developers ripping into games that are not their own can definitely be perceived as child's play.

The following set of quotes are from Haze Scriptwriter Rob Yescombe:

"While Halo is brilliant, you're a teenager - the next-gen is about becoming more mature, in Haze you become an adult."

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Condoleezza Rice5875d ago

"Let’s look at immediate games that may or may not overcome the mighty Halo: "

"Let’s stay away from direct comparisons in the future"

Kinda ironic don'tcha think?

donator5875d ago

Who does this guy think he is?

5875d ago
Breakfast5875d ago (Edited 5875d ago )

@ Comment 1.0

No...this is ironic:

"While Halo is brilliant, you’re a teenager - the next-gen is about becoming more mature, in Haze you become an adult."

IGN 4.5/10
Meta Average 56/100

@ Comment 1.2

Tell me how, -->in this article<---, is he being a fanboy...?

Id really like to know.

5875d ago
samfk5875d ago

comparing haze and halo 3 (to be honest any halo is better than haze)is laughable. i know the dude wants to big it up but cmon its probably the worst shooter ive played in a long time!! resistance is better and thats old now wat an idiot.O n im no teen the blokes never played halo3 online in his life!man sorry to rant but i was looking forward to haze and its cack!!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5875d ago
BIoodmask5875d ago (Edited 5875d ago )

Haven't you learned Breakfast? If you say anything good about Microsoft or their games on N4G you are automatically a troll or a fanboy. Same goes if you criticize Sony, in any way, shape, or form on N4G. The funniest thing of all is that ToughNAME is actually a good writer.

And I agree with him. The statements that Free Radical made was arrogant: "While Halo is brilliant, you’re a teenager - the next-gen is about becoming more mature, in Haze you become an adult."

It's one thing to compare a game to Halo 3 that is actually 'above average.' But Haze has received lackluster reviews from various publications. Some all the way in the 4s region.

Just another case of people hyping a game bc it is console exclusive.

And the funniest thing is that you do a little research. I would bet that all the people whining about ToughNAME being a fanboy bc of this story are "THE SAME PEOPLE" praising him for this one...LOL


..Imagine that, a hardcore 360 fanboy like ToughNAME posting a an article like that.

5875d ago
5875d ago
5875d ago
5875d ago
prunchess5875d ago Show
Homicide5875d ago Show
reaferfore205875d ago

As far as I'm concerned Halo is average and Haze is poop. I might rent it, but I doubt it.

kewlkat0075875d ago (Edited 5875d ago )


I never forgot what was mentioned.

I said it, this new IP of theirs better be right, if not you got no business talking about Halo.

Well I still think the reviews were a little too harsh on Free radical , as they are not neewbies but had to work with the PS3's architecture for the first time, which I'm sure is no easy feat for 3rd-party devs.

But I remembered that comment..Look at where we are now.

Hopefully their next game will fair better. I have no reason to bash them as Devs, given the circumstances, but still devs should shut up and let their games do the talking. Never downplay a BIG game unless your gonna outdo it with big leaps.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5875d ago
Maximus5875d ago

ouch, Free Radical eating a big ol' plate of Humble Pie.

samfk5875d ago

no excuse call a spade a spade its a rotter!!

Peekay5875d ago

professional about the way they do business. Honestly if said developer brags that their game is the second coming and then they're wrong, chances are it'll come back and bite them in the ass big time. The consequences are dire, with not only developer looking like a fool, but also the loss of respect by the industry and it's customers in the future. I say under promise and over deliver ever single time. If it was me, I’d only release a couple of screen shots here and there, and then come out with a kick ass game. If it flops it flops....at least I wouldn’t have to read articles like this.

samfk5875d ago

they shudda just cut there losses but you no sum noobs are gonna buy it no matter wat

trancefreak5875d ago

Halo is great in all respects and thats why there are these comparisons. If you want to be like the champ or better you better bring your a game title with some backing. I don't think you can beat halo per say but a game sure could reach its plateau if its executed properly. halo has a huge following to xbox as much as Mario does to Nintendo the clones could never dethrone the originals thats why its important to make something new, original and appealing. Haze used gimmicks and hype to assert itself but it failed short in the final product.

Big Jim5875d ago

"Halo is great in all respects"--seriously dude? Halo 3's graphics suck, straight up, they suck. The single player campaign is a joke and has constant backtracking. The grunts have little kid voices. There is pink and purple draped everywhere in that game. Some of the weapons are pink for C*****'s sake. I think the story was written by a twelve year old. Halo 3 deserves a 5 or 6 at best. Halo is hype and nothing more.

ukilnme5875d ago

@ Big Jim

You must work for Free Radical.

ukilnme5875d ago

Ok. That is your opinion, just like your opinion of Halo. I can't agree or disagree with you on Haze because I have not played it, therefore I will not trash it. I don't believe in commenting on something I have no intention of buying or playing.

As for Halo I have to disagree. I absolutely love it and still play all 3 of them.

OOG5875d ago (Edited 5875d ago )

I duno I havnt played halo 3 since the first week it was out....but what are you talking about backtracking all the time????? there is barely any backtracking in the game as far as I remember except for one part which really isnt backtracking because everything is changed at that point..........

Halo 3 didnt have as good of graphics as people thought.....but it did look like a halo game and does have some of the best lighting in video games so far....with most games like GTA using almost the same type lighting effects for their sun...

Halo is also the smoothest and most natural FPS game you may ever play on a console and is why it became so big so fast......But yea know what theres no need to Hate the reigning king and one of the best FPS series of all time.......but on this site it is kind of like a religion to do so...everyone loves to hate the big dogs....which is shown by the hate articles on GTA, Halo, Gears etc etc and other games that have proven themselves over the past few years

Presentist5875d ago

I don't know whats with all the Halo 3 hate, but everything is garbage in comparison to COD4.

Straight up.

Trekster_Gamer5875d ago

yah Big Jim the great reviews across the board, sales records and huge ass following is wrong the game sucks and you are right....

It's funny to read moronic, ignorant, trollish posts, gives me a good chuckle...

Big Jim prolly loves Mario in a bad way to have said that crapola....

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Ranking Every Halo Game From Worst To Best

Not every Halo game has been a banger, but the franchise still has a raft of the greatest games of all time.

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HellspawnPR1981165d ago

Infinite is a dumpster fire and as much as I like ODST, in no universe it ranks above Halo 2. This list is trash.

Kaii165d ago

Just exclude Infinite>5>4

ChasterMies165d ago

Best to worst: Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 4, Halo ODST, Halo Infinite, Halo 5.


The 7 Best Xbox 360 Games - Console Exclusives Win the Day

The Xbox 360 was a fantastic console in its day with some truly classic titles, but what are the seven best games for the console?

DrDoomer202d ago

I'm pretty used to these lists being bad, but this one is particularly s#ite.

raWfodog202d ago

I think Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon should have been added to the list.

BrainSyphoned202d ago

I'll go with,
Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, Shadow Complex, Ace Combat 6 with the flight stick,A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings.
Bonus Kinect Games: Happy Action Theater and Sesame Street.
*Skyrim was so bad on PS3 that it almost deserves to be #1*

Husker42c202d ago

I really loved Shadow Complex.

P_Bomb202d ago

Ah yes, Shadow Complex! Good indies back in the day. Summer of Arcade. I enjoyed Trials Evolution as well.

ChasterMies202d ago (Edited 202d ago )

Was this made by a.i.? No human being would put Shadowrun, Fable III, and Splinter Cell: Conviction into a list of the 7 best Xbox 360 games.

Abnor_Mal202d ago (Edited 202d ago )

Would love to play Ace Combat6 on PlayStation, but Xbox decided to buy exclusivity and keep it off a competing platform.

The only mainline game I never played except for one level at a friends place. Game sold less than any other in the series if I remember correctly.

darthv72202d ago

360 had Namco hitters AC6 and RR6... both quality titles. You should at least bust out the 360 for AC6 if you can score the flight stick. Its great.

Hofstaderman202d ago

When the current gen XBOX offering is so lacking people need to refer to games released two generations back....

Profchaos201d ago (Edited 201d ago )

It's a nostalgia peice same reason we get thousands of YouTube videos on sega genisis. Something people have fond memories for but the era is long gone.

It's xboxs golden year imo it was their genisis years the time where they stuck it to the market leaders Sony.

BehindTheRows201d ago

They stuck nothing. Sony screwed themselves giving Xbox an opening. They would have gotten the usual smack down if the PS3 had launched at $399 and was easier to develop for.

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Xbox 360 Turns 18: Three Cheers to Live, Halo, and Red Rings

The Xbox 360 launched in North America 18 years ago, and is now officially old enough to buy you a drink in Europe.

darthv72213d ago

Great platform, and many of its games (not bc) still hold up well to this day. Like the PS3, I keep a 360 hooked up for those games you can't play any other way.

isarai213d ago

The last gasp of greatness from XBox, you are missed, except the RROD that was lame, but amazing exclusives until the Kinect dropped.

TheBrainZ213d ago

So many brilliant games. I still have one stored somewhere.

LG_Fox_Brazil213d ago

I really enjoyed my X360, some great exclusives on it. Used to play the shit out ot Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, two masterpieces