
Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster Review | Video Game Writers

Despite some technical issues and inevitable aging, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster is a great value at $40. You can easily sink 100+ hours into FF X alone and playing through X-2 will only double that time. For newcomers, this a great introduction to the series and for veterans, there has never been a better time to jump back into the world of Spira.

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cluckey073830d ago

Im like 60 hrs in already. Still haven't beaten all the regular aeons. Not to mention the dark aeons, sin, extra bosses.


Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Joins Game Pass Tomorrow

The official Xbox Game Pass Twitter account announced that starting tomorrow Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster will be available on game pass.

Gaming4Life19811232d ago

I literally have this game on everything lol.

Abnor_Mal1232d ago

The game that got me into the Final Fantasy series, I actually stopped playing FF7 halfway through disc one back in 1997.

Teflon021232d ago

Personally the battle in this one legit make me fall asleep because they're so "do it the right way or no way". As a kid I loved it but as I'm older and play so much JRPGs. Definitely needed to be the ATB and not this one. But the story was something I loved

Kavorklestein1232d ago (Edited 1232d ago )

The game is actually live now.
I already unlocked an achievement on it and can I say: The grainy ass PS2 graphics still ended up looking great in HD. Of course, not leaps and bounds better, with old textures in some spots and old game design etc but it holds up beautifully and I'm excited for my 2nd ever playthrough. It has not lost it's charm for me personally.
And the Music! So good.

I wanna get better at blitz ball this time around tho

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Humble Store is running an RPG Sale

Right now, you can get a number of high-profile RPG games on PC for steep discounts. The deals include The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game of the Year Edition, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster, and Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom!

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Final Fantasy X Voted Best Final Fantasy by Japanese Fans in Massive Survey; Cloud Is Best Character

Japanese state TV NHK collaborated with Square Enix to hold a massive survey among nearly 500,000 fans, and the results are very interesting.

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MadLad1670d ago

Eh. Never could get into it for long.
12 is my personal favorite. Followed by 6, 9, and 7.

gold_drake1670d ago

not surprising, ff fans who like 6 and 12, usually dont like the rest i feel.

Spenok1670d ago

I grew up on the series (played every single one of them when they were new).

6 is easily my favorite, followed by 14, then 11, then 12 and so on down the list.

There isn't a single one I haven't loved in some way. But 8, and then 2 are at the bottom of my list.

AK911670d ago

What’s wrong with 6?

Sirk7x1670d ago

Love 6, hate 12 lol. 9 my favorite by far.

bouzebbal1670d ago (Edited 1670d ago )

I really don't inputs which one is my personal favorite because there are so many, but I know for a fact it's not 10,13 and 15..
Ff12, despite cheesy characters, was a great game and the freedom of movement really helped. The ps1 episodes come first, including the ff5 ff6 remasters.
I later on played ff1 remaster on psp and I loved it!! Så yeah, hard top pick one.

bangoskank1669d ago

Not true. XII, IX, and VI are my favorites as well but I still love some of the others, just not as much.

Army_of_Darkness1669d ago

FF7 is by far my favorite FF game, great times and great memories.. then comes
FF8, FF6, FFX, FF12 and finally FF9.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1669d ago
SegaSaturn6691670d ago

12 doesn't feel like a FF game to me, but it's definitely a favourite rpg of mine.

1669d ago
babadivad1670d ago

I put a metric ton of time in on 12 but I couldn't tell you what the story was about. I spent most of my time hunting bounties. By the time I finished the game I had no clue what was going on.

1669d ago
RedDevils1670d ago (Edited 1670d ago )

12 is one of the worst. But 13 and 15 take the cake.

gold_drake1670d ago (Edited 1670d ago )

haha see, thats what i mean. theres, usually but not all the time, a pattern to final fantasy fans xD
i for one loath 12. i have no idea what the story was about, dont know any name for any city and only find Fran and Balthier great.
i love love love 7. dont like 2 at all. 6 and 9 are good but id rather play anything else tbh. 14 is good also but im no MMO person so i never got beyond the 3rd quest lol.

no hate, but ff fans are somewat predictable, based off on what they like xD in most cases.

ShinRon1669d ago

those are my top FF games but i have 6 at the top still.

SugarSoSweet1669d ago

12!!!?? is your favourite why? The characters are story was terrible..

DerfDerf1669d ago

I personally give the nod to 8 then 9, 7, 5

-Foxtrot1669d ago (Edited 1669d ago )

Final Fantasy V and XIV got better than FFVIII

Lightning, Orshvan Greystone and Noctis got a better ranking than Squall

Liberi Fatali didn't even make the music list...

Damn, I didn't think people still hated FFVIII...how sad.

Muzikguy1669d ago (Edited 1669d ago )

3 and 9 are my favorite. 12, 10, 8, 7, and 5 aren't bad either

I don't think I've played 6. I probably should sometime. I know I'd rather play an original not any of the remake versions.

VincentCastle1654d ago (Edited 1654d ago )

I love Final Fantasy 12. My favorite as well. Then followed by 9, 6, 7,14 and the others I like, but I can't quite put in a list.

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darkwalker1670d ago

I agree. It is the best of the Final Fantasy games because it had the perfect balance of game play and exploration, coupled with excellent graphics for its time, an amazing story and phenomenal music. The sphere grid was simple, innovative and engaging and the side quests were fun and challenging. Its definitely my favorite.

specialguest1670d ago

My top FF:
It's difficult to decide between FF7 and FF6, but I'm leaning more towards FF7. Then FF6 is a very close 2nd, followed by FF4. FF4 got me hooked on the RPG genre. The story, character development, and music got me hooked. Before FF4, I never cared for video game characters and their fate in a game.

littletad1669d ago

Have you tried 9? It hearkens back to the earlier games, including 6. That's my favorite. Then 10.

specialguest1669d ago

Haven't played 9 yet. I need to

Shiken1670d ago

Auron is the best character in Final Fantasy IMO.

Sirk7x1670d ago

FFX could have had a fantastic prequel following their initial journey.

Shiken1670d ago

Instead we got a Sailor Moon style sequel to revive Tidus, and a canon comic that shits all over him in the worst way possible taking place immediately after that.

But yes, following Braska, Auron, and Jecht in a prequel would have been awesome!

gold_drake1670d ago

my faves are 5, 7, 8, 10, 13-2.

MWH1669d ago

Looks like a puzzle combination.

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