
Microsoft won't allow Xbox One/PC cross-platform play, says War Thunder dev

Eddie Makuch (GS) writes :

The Xbox One is technically capable of supporting cross-platform play, but Microsoft is not currently allowing it, according to War Thunder developer Gaijin Entertainment CEO Anton Yudintsev.

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pupa3829d ago

I wonder why? Can anybody tell us, I really would luv to know!

DeadRabbits3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

M$ developed the xbone as a closed format to make max profit by cornering off the gaming market. They are kind of like the Scientology of Gaming and Phil Spencer is their Tom Cruise!


SixtyNine3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

And every other console are open formats, just like project Morpheus is also PC compatible.

It seems folks can't detect sarcasm without --> /s

papashango3829d ago

^ That's actually just speculation.

Mikefizzled3829d ago

Why is he even allowed a bubble?

christocolus3829d ago

Phil is great..stop hating.

MetaReapre3829d ago


They haven't come out to say yet that morpheus won't be compatible on computers, at GDC they just said they couldn't comment on it yet. If the DS4 is compatible with PC I don't see why the morpheus won't be.

However, if it is not, then I'm just going to go with the occulus rift instead... well if that doesn't get messed up yet (I don't trust facebook).

Making the morpheus a ps4 only peripheral will just be punishing its sales numbers before its even out if they go that route...

Flamingweazel3829d ago

HAAH yes tryo to control everything.

fr0sty3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )


Which console enabled self publishing out of the gate? Which online service allowed steam to exist within it and cross platform play to happen with Steam? Which online service currently allows cross platform play with War Thunder and Final Fantasy 14? Which platform makes their free to play games ACTUALLY FREE (as in, no online subscription required at all to play it)? Which platform doesn't lock 75% of its features behind a paywall? Which company lets you upgrade the hard drive in the console with any off the shelf part? Which company let you install a completely different open source operating system on it before hackers used it against them? Which company lets you use any off the shelf bluetooth headset, keyboard, or mouse since PS3 launched?

Considering that Morpheus was never confirmed to only work on PS4, and that's the only example you were able to come up with, I think it's fair to say you have no idea what you are talking about.

Sony has been as open of a format with PS3 and PS4 as a console can possibly get without allowing you to take the thing apart and put another GPU or more RAM in it (but they do allow you to upgrade the hard drive, another thing the competitors won't do). They're as open of a format that they can possibly be while still being a closed format console (which has many advantages from a developer's perspective).

Zhipp3829d ago

I don't know what you're going on about. With the exception of something like the Ouya, every single console is closed. It's always been this way.

Finch3829d ago

To be honest I don't care what the reason is. I used to be a PC gamer and left it behind too get away from all the cheaters and hackers. On console for the most part don't have the level of cheating and hacking. If they open it up to be cross play except nothing but cheating going on. If consoles ever go cross play I mind as well give up on console unless it's console exclusive games. Play the rest on PC.

Ghoul3829d ago

You used a strange rethorik and a weird sense of conspiracys paired with a harsh tone.


in the core you are correct. :)

redwin3829d ago

@frosty, and thanks to who do you have this online game revolution ? MS , I remember Sony saying you don't need to play or communicate online. ms is just trying to keep the best quality games so they don't get lost in a sea of mediocresy , it would be hard for a indie company to make a profit when they are pit in a sea of games and unable to afford marketing.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3829d ago
Ratty3829d ago

I'd like to know too. It's completely ridiculous.

nukeitall3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

Balancing issues.

Ever tried playing a PC game using controller against somebody using mouse? It is completely unbalanced, you will get your @ss handed to you so fast, because it is unfair.

Not to mention the risk of cheaters and so on. Aim bots really suck!

So no, I do not want cross platform play. If you want to game on PC, game with other PC gamers.

Now, I would be open to gaming with PS4 users, although that would likely never happen.

The whole idea is that the experience in theory should be equal for everyone.

Ratty3829d ago

I agree with you on some points. It wouldn't work with shooters but it would work with some other games such as MMORPGs.

And yeah playing PS4 vs Xbox One would work well. I don't think we'll see that happening anytime soon though.

Gamer19823829d ago

Its easy say the next COD came out for all platforms and supported cross platform play. Your mate has a pc and you have an xbox you could both play each other. Sound great for the consumer but it means your friend wont need to buy an xbox to play you. Its very anti consumer but they do it to force the market its as simple as that. Sony aren't as bad on this and already have cross platform mmos like FF14 (off the top of my head)

xX-StolenSoul-Xx3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

If cod came out on all platforms it would be pretty cool to do Ps3/Ps4 crossplay and 360/One Unless gameplay features of last gen does not allow.

Anyways PC/Console should be aloud in some circumstances, but I don't believe we should have Mouse Vs Controller as I feel like console gamers in FPS won't have the edge against that. In MMORPG games it seems to make perfect sense, like you mentioned FFXIV A realm Reborn does cross play.

I played Portal 2 cross platform with my friend while he was on Steam on the Ps3 and it worked fine.

Angeljuice3829d ago

It works on WarThunder, it's easier to shoot people with a mouse, but you have a lot more maneuverability with a pad. I much prefer the joypad myself, using the sticks in the simulator settings makes the experience a lot more authentic (even if I score fewer points).

If XB1 we're involved in the cross-play with PC, it would mean all three platforms playing together. That would be really cool (but I can't see Microsoft allowing it.

Geoff9003829d ago

It's due to a number of reasons, they have had crossplatform gaming before, and it wasn't very successful/balanced, PC gamers always have an advantage.

The other reason, is because Xbox Live is a closed platform, which in increases security.

komp3829d ago

My thinking is that in most cases it simply would not be fair. I don't mean M/KB directly. What I mean is graphically.....

An example would be BF4 for instance, now on PC with everything tuned up would show things the console would not see.

So on the PC you could be laying in some grass sniping but on the console version the grass is not there due to limitations.

The PC player would look like he is lying in open space...

That is a PURE GUESS :) Please take it as such.

Stapleface3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

You have a good point, and things like grass not being there on the consoles but it is on the pc would absolutely happen.

Angeljuice3829d ago

PS4 version is identical to the PC version (it looks and plays superbly on PS4).

SuperBlur3829d ago

thing is , some people on pc already do play that way with low end hardware , forced to turn down graphic settings

avengers19783829d ago

I imagine it's more of a server issue, I mean all the platforms( PC and consoles) have server problems with certain games. So think about BF4 running Xbox and PC and playstation gamers all on the same server IMO that would be a nightmare for them considering they all have issues now running independently.

Just a guess really, it could be any of the reasons already listed.

Could also be the controller vs M&KB

True_Samurai3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

1. Pc gamers cheat. You don't wanna play against players who mod to their advantage
2. Keyboard & mouse advantage. Ever seen a pc gamer swing a turret around at lightning speed?
3. You dont wanna end up in a cod situation and end up in an infected lobby

MetaReapre3829d ago

While that is true, certain games like mmorpgs would work fine with that. examples are that (and please do correct me if i'm wrong) FF14ARR does ps3 and pc play and same with DCUO for ps3 and pc (and ps4?).

Stapleface3829d ago

1. That's bullshit, not every pc gamer cheats. You didn't say every, but you said pc gamers, putting them all in the same boat.

2. Well yeah you have a point there.

3. You do know that was ps4 players as well, meaning consoles have that issue too.

AD7053829d ago

I play on pc as much as consoles and I rarely come across cheaters and hackers on the games I play. Yes they exist but not that prevalent. I know plenty of servers where cheaters are banned immediately for hacking and cheating. Besides PSN went down for almost 3 months due to hackers which today is considered the biggest hack in history. consoles have them as well.

Bigpappy3829d ago

I don't like the Idea of competitive gaming between PC and consoles. I think PC have a lot of variables not available on console. Consoles are uniform and closed. PC are varied and open. Some casual type games would be fine though.

Short version: I support M$'s decision to NOT to allow cross platform game play. I think they should remain separate for the good of gaming.

3-4-53829d ago

They are missing out because War Thunder is an awesome game, and would have benefited from Xbox live being a great service.

O well.

PS4 fans are really going to like this game I think.

Tons of content, it will take you FOREVER to unlock all the planes, but they all fly and feel different and you feel accomplished once you unlock one.

* Awesome Maps/areas = beautiful to look at and fun to fly in.

* It's the best flying game I've played since Crimson Skies.

bumnut3829d ago

I found it got boring fast, it's fun for a while but every battle is the same. I prefer world of warplanes.

frostypants3829d ago

There's no technical reason why PS4 and Xbox One players shouldn't be able to interact online. The answer is always the same: $.

CynicalKelly3829d ago

They tried it with that old Shadowrun game and it was a disaster, they don't believe it can work.

SilentNegotiator3829d ago

"Wait, you mean you're playing this game online for FREE??"

brich2333829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

Because of Hackers on PC. Making cross platform titles will bring in more hackers just because they can hack console gamers.

medman3829d ago

Microsoft is for dopes who enjoy being controlled and abused.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3829d ago
MCTJim3829d ago

Well...PC is always full of cheaters.

FlunkinMonkey3829d ago

And XBone players are full of ignorance by the looks of things.

StealthPandemic3829d ago

And Ponystation players are full of stupidity/retardation from looks of them...

And Nintendogs players are full of child-like symptoms.....

And don't get me started on those OH YAA players!

Gamer19823829d ago

Wow you need to play gears of war on xbox 360.. Thats cheater heaven and apart from first game they were exclusive to xbox.. No PC players there...

ClevelandSteamer3829d ago

Titanfall on Xbone Live has more cheaters and hackers VS PC right now. This claim that PC has more cheaters is invalid.

kingduqc3828d ago

Pc is always filled with dedicated servers with great admins. Go play few year old title online like cod on consoles and tell me its an enjoyable experience with hackers

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3828d ago
stragomccloud3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

Obviously. Dual analogs versus Keyboard and mouse? Sorry, but it's not even close.

SixtyNine3829d ago

That, and other potential disadvantages. Since the PC is an open platform it is more susceptible to exploits.

FriedGoat3829d ago

in a game like war thunder Keyboard + mouse < Controller/Joystick

Tempest3173829d ago

The game may be more "authentic" or comfortable with controller/joystick, but kbm is still far superior in every other way. Ive played war thunder on ps4 AND pc, and kbm still shits on controller as far as accuracy and aircraft control. I actually have a kbm connected to my ps4 specifically for WT, so we cant really use the "kbm is better" anymore. As long as devs add in support, they can give consoles the same control advantages/choices as pc.

WeAreLegion3829d ago

You don't play War Thunder, do you?

stragomccloud3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

I don't play all of my games with Keyboard and Mouse, I'm a pragmatist. Games like Alan Wake, Darksiders, Tombraider, etc., I play with an Xbox 360 controller.

Some games are better with Keyboard and Mouse, for others, a gamepad is better. It really depends on the game's gameplay and interface.

Also, PC isn't a den of exploiters and hackers/cheaters like a lot of people seem to believe. I've very rarely encountered such issues in my years and years of gaming on the PC platform.

Hicken3829d ago

So why can't you use kb/m on XB1?

stragomccloud3829d ago

I've always wondered why consoles don't allow the option.

MasterCornholio3828d ago


Well its up to the developers. For example FF14 can be played with a mouse and keyboard. But I do agree with you that developers should allow Mouse and Keyboard to be used with their single player games. Somehow mixing mouse and controller with an FPS doesn't seem right to be.

Hicken3829d ago

Not consoles. The PS4 supports that format, if only for certain games.

This game is one of them.

It was the same last gen. Back then, Microsoft said they didn't allow cross platform play because they couldn't guarantee the quality of the internet on other platforms. Which never made sense to me. It's not like they were using dedicated servers, anyway. And I'm seeing a lot of excuses about previous failed ventures in that arena; so that one game that didn't work out means you never try it again?

Sounds like excuse after excuse to me.

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KonsoruMasuta3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

This is the main reason a lot of MMOs and other games are skipping Microsoft's consoles. I read somewhere that this was the reason Square skipped Xbox with XIV.

Ratty3829d ago

It was two reasons:

First, like you said they wanted Xbox players to play with each other only.

Second, they wanted to put it behind the gold paywall like they did with FFXI and apparently Square was against it this time around.

raWfodog3829d ago

I agree as I believe that you don't need to subscribe to PS+ in order to play FFXIV. But you do still need to subscribe to the MMO after the initial 30-day period.

stragomccloud3829d ago

Good thing FFXI wasn't put behind the gold paywall. For a few months my PC was out of commission, and I picked up FFXI for 360 in the meantime to continue my adventures. I would not have done so had they required Xbox Live Gold.

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War Thunder Devs Apologize for Using Challenger Explosion in Key Art

Gaijin Entertainment, developer of military sim War Thunder, has apologized for using a shot of the Challenger explosion in its promotional artwork.

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87d ago
mastershredder87d ago

The slimiest profit mongers of all time are Gaijin. Surprised? Not at all. The apology is about a sincere are their standard asking price. Do it for the least amount (no regard for quality) and sell it for the most profit = Gaijin.

gold_drake86d ago

atleast review your ai stuff before you put it out ha or dont do it at all


War Thunder Developers Acknowledge Bot Problem And Announce Countermeasure Plans

Gaijin Entertainment conducted a study and are working to introduce better solutions.

vTuro24414d ago

Could it be? Naval where you fight actual players? One can dream.


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