
Rambo: The Video Game Review | Good Game

This is such a big, dumb game. It's just mindless. It's not even fun in that over-the-top, 80s action film kind of way.

Clown_Syndr0me3737d ago

I rented this despite bad reviews. Sent it back after the first mission, it really is that bad.

Pozzle3737d ago (Edited 3737d ago )

Don't worry, I did the same thing for that AMY game that came out a few years ago. I thought "surely the reviews are just exaggerating? The game can't be THAT bad??"

It was. Oh god, it was! D:

BelkingOfSony3737d ago

Easily the worst game of the year so far. Why can't anyone make a great rambo game?

ShowGun9013737d ago

yea, you'd think this would be tailor made for a video game adaptation... oh well, sometimes the easiest looking things are the most challenging.

Der_Kommandant3737d ago

The best Rambo game i've ever played it's called Metal Gear Solid 3

LKHGFDSA3737d ago

it's not THAT bad. I'm sure GG only gave it that rating because Angry Joe did.
I've seen the show and they just copy other reviews. (They didn't used to)

Honestly I'd say there's poorly done games, then there's offensively poorly done games, then there's uninspired poorly done games, then completely broken games.
Rambo would rank as poorly done, but not offensively bad or uninspired. (By uninspired I mean like cheap clone games where you can tell everyone making it doesn't care)

Not only did I enjoy the lightgun action with my Move controller (It was a step above other rail shooters I've played, you get to see the gun, you can use multiple guns, grenades, etc.)
but I really liked seeing the movie again but in game format.

This was a game no one asked for aswell.
It shouldn't have the same expectations as regularly appearing titles.

CorndogBurglar3737d ago

So what score would you give this game?

Because its getting pretty awful reviews all around.

It sounds like you actually enjoy it, and if that is the case, then you are the one in the minority.

Sketchy_Galore3737d ago (Edited 3737d ago )

I actually considered picking this up today after finding a second hand copy but passed when I discovered that the number on the little sticker was the money they were asking me to give them for it and not what they were offering me to take it.


3 Great and Terrible Movie-Game Tie-Ins

Movie tie-ins were a staple of the video game industry not too long ago. Only within the last few years, movie studios figured out that unless you can commit the finances and time to make a good game, a movie tie in could do more harm for the brand than good. Game Guider Oscar Giggins takes a look at the top 3 best and worst movie tie-in games and looks at what made them either a memorable part of gaming history or a notorious mistake destined for the trash.

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Famitsu Review Scores: Issue 1430

This week’s Famitsu review scores are in.

Enter the Gungeon (PS4) – 7/7/8/8 [30/40]
The Genius of Sappheiros V (PSV) – 7/7/7/6 [29/40]
Rambo: The Video Game (PS3) – 6/7/6/7 [26/40]
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (PS4) – 8/7/8/8 [31/40]
Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (PSV) – 8/7/8/8 [31/40]

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That Naff Rambo Game for PS3 is Getting Some Free DLC – Baker Team Incoming

PP: A while back there was a Rambo game released for PS3 that used the PS Move. It didn’t go down too well with most who played it, so we’re actually quite surprised to be sat here writing that it’s getting a free DLC update tomorrow in the form of Baker Team.

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NarooN2983d ago

That's incredibly bizarre but okay... I guess that's great for the three masochists who still play it!

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