
Notch scraps Minecraft plans for Oculus Rift

Minecraft developer Notch has announced that his studio Mojang was in talks about "maybe" bringing the world-builder to Oculus Rift, but following this morning's deal, the idea's been scrapped.

Eonjay3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

Wow. This is moving fast. The next few hours are going to be interesting.

Naga3833d ago

Like wildfire, man.

Why do I feel like it's just the gamers that are going to get burned?

Eonjay3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

Because in Zuckerberg's statement, he said "after games, we will focus on social...". They are a social media giant. After games is like 3 months max.

nicksetzer13833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

@eonjay The fact he said "after" is proof enough, that means he doesn't intend to keep gaming the focus very long.... sucks.
You would say "also" or "as well'?" If the intent were to continue on both fronts.

abzdine3833d ago

PS4 VR confirmed then?
let's wait and see.


Now that Oculus Rift is officially dead, all eyes are turned "IN" (not on lol) PS4 Morpheus.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3833d ago
3-4-53833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

^ I'm glad he made that post. ( Notch)

Mr Pumblechook3833d ago

Some people are vey angry about this. It's almost as if Oculus is the new Xbone.

thejigisup3833d ago

No ,not at all. OR is definitely lower than that.

nicksetzer13833d ago

Notch saying this all but ensures a shaky future for oculus for gaming now ... damn.

Volkama3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

No it doesn't.

Notch is a significant figure in the development community and his words carry some weight, but his skepticism of Facebook doesn't ensure a shaky future for the Rift.

This Facebook acquisition proves that VR is bigger than gaming, the applications go way beyond that. But these other applications don't need to contradict the fact that VR is amazing for gaming.

The challenges of VR for the gamer and VR for the mainstream are not so far apart that we're going to end up with a device we can't use for a good first person shooter. You need great tracking, framerates and fidelity for a good virtual business meeting too right? Those social network butterflies aren't going to use the thing if it makes them feel sick.

VR just got some huge backing. If this ensures anything it is that VR does have a future. We're going to get a device offering the fidelity we need to immerse ourselves in a virtual world. Some of those worlds will have monsters in them.

Zichu3833d ago

I can see it now... Social networking is going turn into Playstation Home, a whole virtual world...

thejigisup3833d ago

I thought NASA being involved with Morpheus was Further evidence VR is bigger than gaming. FB is the wrong direction for VR right now. its bad news when "new", rather budding tech is in the hands of a money/power hungry company. I can only see this ending poorly by this console generations end and itsgonna be nasty. hopefully other devsand upcoming devsrealize what notch has. He invested 10k for this. What a slap in the face. Is that a company youd wantto work with or for? How about invest in?

Volkama3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

@Zichu without any doubt that will exist.

@TheJigIsUp This is absolutely a slap in the face to kickstarter backers, but I think that highlights a problem with Kickstarter. IMO your investment should be protected against this, and returning those investments should have to be part of the deal if the project is bought up.

But there is still a silver lining here. VR had challenges to overcome, and it now has the backing to do so. It was always destined to stretch beyond gaming, and imo gaming is still destined to flourish on VR. Facebook wont/can't stop that.

Talidan3833d ago

You're right, this is a huge positive for VR, just not gaming VR with Oculus Rift. There's no longer any hope for Rift to be the future of gaming, because that is not Facebook's interest, but it will help ensure we will have a future with VR gaming, just found in another tech company.

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thejigisup3833d ago

@volkama It is not the fault of kickstarter. Silver lining my ass , its all brown to me and this deal stinks. instead of needing to protect investments why dont companies be honest and up front. The long term goalsare different , dont trust or like fb. VR would have gotten loose to run wild without fb. It just happens now with a strong push in thewrong direction . Andanother thing aboutreturn investments . We kickstarter dont invest money so the company we put our faith in can use that to sell out. FB wasnt part of the plan, i dont invest infb. But like many i feel i was tricked into doing so. The little guy was stepped on again to make someone else a ton of money. For many kickstarter is a way to share a vision or dream and to make it a reality by contributing time or money. thanks for the "financial backing" fb. You bought something that had a bright future and you turned it to crap. And y'all over at OR hope you like watching your beautiful concept go from hanna montana to miley cyrus faster than you can say zuckerberg. Thanks for fuelling fb.

BattleTorn3833d ago

To quote Kotaku on this topic "And the fallout begins."

rambi803833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

Fallout 4 for OR! WOW!!!

BattleTorn3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

For anyone wondering why this acquisition may be bad for gamers, this is why..

Facebook has tons of revenue. (mostly from advertising) And in attempt to avoid paying boat loads in taxes, they try to hide their profits by acquiring R&D projects, that current don't have revenue, or are revenue negative. Basically like balancing a spread sheet, the way I see it.

So, as far as Facebook is concerned, their "goal" at hand is accomplished the moment Oculus is bought. It's essentially fulfilled it's purpose by merely being on their portfolio.
This does not incentivize FB to further the project. In fact, they likely more prone to delay the development of OR to prolong the balancing of their portfolio as I mentioned.

I could be wrong, cause this is complete conjecture after all.

Either way, OR in the hands of FB won't be nearly as incentivized as say in the hands of the people with negative revenue to account for.

Brazz3833d ago

it's good to see that there is people here that can see the whole picture. Bravo,bubble for you.

Volkama3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

I don't doubt that Facebook will make moves to manipulate the books, but $2billion is a big investment to sit on.

Some of their investments have to be genuine, as a business they have to look at how to establish themselves in our future. VR has so much potential to become prominent in our day to day lives. I think this investment is genuine, I think they just laid claim to the future.

I'm not sure I want Facebook controlling that future, I share the same concerns as everybody else about how they will monetise and exploit it. But I think this deal will establish VR in our lives so it isn't all bad news.

Brazz3833d ago

The announce a purchase of 2 billion is different from paying 2 billion ...

This is just an idea, an evil idea that has no basis or evidence, but it would be a very good thing for Mr.Facebook if the "real value of purchase" was something like 1 billion, but the record books would mark 2 billion...

thejigisup3833d ago

There is truth inyour words, balancing that portfolio, though i feel like thats just one aspect. 1.6bn was stock sooo marky mark didnt lose anything. 400 mill is a flash in the pan for what he stands to earn.

Codewow3833d ago (Edited 3833d ago )

Facebook was blowing up on notch yesterday when this was announced. But I happen to agree with what notch did. I would have done the same. Time to work with a competitor.

_LarZen_3833d ago Show
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Minecraft Ending PSVR Support in March 2025

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darthv723d ago (Edited 3d ago )

so i assume PSVR2 is not going to take its place. That's a shame as I do think it could benefit from the VR2 improved fidelity and controls.

OtterX2d ago

Well, they did just announce a native PS5 version the other day. Maybe there's hope, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Kyizen2d ago

Play No Man Sky for open world experience on PSVR2

2d ago
Abnor_Mal2d ago

Never was a Minecraft fan, so no more support isn’t a big deal for me.

What I would like for Xbox and Bethesda to do is update Skyrim VR to be playable on the PSVR2. That’s the only game I want out of the Xbox catalog.

OtterX2d ago

I wasn't a Minecraft fan until VR. It heightened the experience for me, but I prefer to use texture packs to improve the look a little bit.

I'm slightly bummed about the drop of PSVR support bc I was starting co-op w my daughter w this. Her on the PSVR Minecraft, and myself on the PC version w my Quest 2. :\

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New Minecraft Switch Hardware Revealed

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