
New Killer Instinct Devs To Be Revealed After Fulgore’s Release, Lobbies To Include 8 Players

MP1st - This week’s Killer Instinct Play XBLA stream is filled with interesting tidbits of info on the game’s future.

Mister_V3733d ago

No idea who'll take it. Been holding off on picking this one up 'til Fulgore comes out of hiding. Might wait just a little longer 'til the reveal.

Neoninja3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

Wouldn't surprise me if they handed it back over to Rare.
If you do get the game you're going to love it! It's a lot of fun, easy to pick up, very competitive. I've been playing everyday since it came out.

That would be an interesting scenario Santana didn't think about that at all.

Santana3733d ago

Wouldn't be surprised if a new development team is formed with a few key developers from Double Helix in it.

mediate-this3733d ago

Add me. Have sessions,GT:uchendu
PSN: uchendu

jasonc12133732d ago

I hope the game stays on track. I am not even a fighting game guy and this game got me hooked, especially on XBL. Here's hoping the new devs do a great job!

christocolus3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

There is a team at Rare headed by Ken lobb which MS refers to as their internal KI team so im thinking some guys from Double Helix may have stayed back to continue working with the Ki team at MS on the project but i wouldnt be shocked if MS announced capcom as the new dev..lol. they've always had a good business relationship with MS also but i would prefer MS aquire the developer this time and make them part of Rare .

Neoninja3733d ago

You made me lol with the Capcom bit.

I hope whoever gets it remains open to the community like DH was and they're passionate about the game.

christocolus3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )


Yeah i actually found the thought of capcom developing it funny too besides i dont see MS and Capcom making KI vs SF anytime soon ..lmao. i agree with the community bit also and if the new devs are great then i would expect MS to acquire them or something..dont want another Amazon scenario.


Lol...that would definitly kill the franchise.

Santana3733d ago

Lol, if they gave it to Capcom. They'll just make a "new" KI game every year with just minor changes and 4-5 new characters. :(

4logpc3733d ago (Edited 3733d ago )

Man I am really bummed DH is leaving it. They had to deal with so much crap because of the negative image Xbox One had around E3 last year. Even after everyone said the game would suck, it ended up being a very good fighter.

Thanks You DH for making a real successor to Killer Instinct.

Mystogan3733d ago

They had their own bad image as well. And now that they finally found their thing. They're being acquired by amazon -_-, I'm sure it was so much money that they couldn't refuse. Otherwise they would have let Microsoft acquire them.

OwnageDC6503733d ago

Just bought Killer Instinct Ultra Edition for $32. Money well spent. Can't wait for the new content.

yankolo3733d ago

Give it back to rare......or netherealm studios

Santana3733d ago

As much as I love Netherealm Studios, they shouldn't get it. Since they already have their hands full with both the MK franchise and DC universe.

Adding another fighting game title to their studio will just mean their games will take much longer to come out and won't feel as different from one another.

Muadiib3732d ago

Maybe you're right, a Mortal Kombat vs Killer Instinct game would be just perfect though!

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Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition Launches November 28

Exciting news, Combo Breakers: Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition will be available TOMORROW, November 28, at 12PM Pacific!

Obscure_Observer193d ago (Edited 193d ago )


Iron Galaxy wanted to come back


Matt Booty made it happen


This is how you support your first party games! Continued support after 10 years!

The Killer Instinct fans appreciated and the whole FG community celebrates!

Congrats goes to Matt, Mick, Adam and everyone at Iron Galaxy!

Tomorrow we fight together! I can´t wait!

Barlos193d ago

I'll have to get this! Been a big fan of KI since the very first one.

Petebloodyonion193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

I love KI (still play the old arcade version) but feel like the Xbox version is like a big intimidating chessboard with no easy way to instruct you to play chess.
The game is so deep in terms of little things to do that it makes Smash Bros melee look like a casual experience.
Honestly, doing a combo Breaker is punish/reward by itself but hey you can add a counterbreaker.
Here's what you also need to know
Breaking Shadow-linker
Shadow counter
Auto double,
linker, manual


Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition Coming Years After Latest Update with Patch Notes Available Now

Iron Galaxy is celebrating the 10th anniversary of Killer Instinct by launching a new Anniversary Edition for Xbox and PC and an extensive patch several years after the latest update.

Read Full Story >>
Jingsing197d ago

There isn't going to be any chance of this being played at tournaments unless it appears on all platforms like all fighting games.


SF5 didn’t appear on all consoles and was still played at Tournaments. I’ve seen KI tournaments recently so I don’t think your opinion is accurate.


Killer Instinct: Worth Another Look at 10 Years Old

A free-to-play fighting game? This was unheard of at the time, but Killer Instinct has proven it's not only doable, but enjoyable!